"Elder brother Changsheng, you have offended the elders and vice presidents to death." After the elders and vice presidents leave, Xue Mei comes to Xiao Changsheng and says with a worried look.

"If you offend, you offend."

Xiao Changsheng shrugs and says it doesn't matter. When people around hear Xiao Changsheng's words, they are full of disdain for him. How can a man make a beautiful woman so worried?

"Sister Xue."

What else does Xue Mei want to say? Lin Miao suddenly comes between Xiao Changsheng and Xue Mei and shouts to Xue Mei.

"I've met elder martial sister Lin."

Xue Meilian said busily.

"Elder martial sister Lin, we meet again." Xiao Changsheng also said.

Lin MiaoBai glanced at Xiao Changsheng and said, "I dare not recognize you as a younger martial brother and elder sister. You dare to call the elder commander and vice president casually. I'm here to find younger martial sister Xue."

Xiao Changsheng shrugged his shoulders. Naturally, he knew that Lin Miao was half joking with him.

"Elder martial sister Lin, what can I do for you?"

Xue Mei has some doubts.

Lin Miao said: "Vice President Qi asked me to take you to tongyunfeng to find a cave. In the future, you can be regarded as a person of one place in Qingyuan. You know, only vice president, elders, some teachers and some zhenzhuan disciples have their own cave in the whole Qingyuan."

Of the four vice presidents of the Academy, Ling Xiao is naturally the first. The second is vice president Qi Yuan, whose name is Qi Yuan. The third is vice president he, whose name is he daoren, who is also the master of Xu Wei. The last is star Qiao, whose name is Qiao Zhi, who is also the most disciple of Zhenchuan among the four vice presidents, with a total of eight. The other three vice presidents are just one.

Xue Mei was surprised and said: "I just entered the Qingyuan, and the master prepared a cave for me. Don't the other senior brothers and sisters have any opinions?"

Lin Miao said: "if you think too much, they don't dare to have any opinions on you. It's too late to flatter you. It's perfectly normal for president Qi to sit down on tongyunfeng and give his disciples a cave. There are 12 main peaks in our Qingyuan. Besides these 12 main peaks, there are 72 other outer peaks. The area of our Qingyuan is 100 Li, not to mention It's a cave. Even if everyone arranges a cave, it's more than enough. "

At this point, Lin Miao can't help but be proud of himself. The area of Qingyuan is a hundred Li area. It can be seen that the area of Qingyuan is no less than that of a royal city.

How many people are there in the whole Qingyuan? It's less than 10000 people. Maybe there are a lot of these people together, but it's just a drop in the ocean in this vast Qingyuan. That's why they seldom see the senior of Qingyuan after they came to Qingyuan.

"So it is." Xue Mei nodded thoughtfully, then looked at Lin Miao and said, "elder martial sister Lin, can I say goodbye to elder brother Changsheng?"

Now she has become a true disciple and also a disciple of the inner court. I'm afraid it's not sure how long it will take for the two of them to see each other again. All of this is because of Xiao Changsheng.

"Well, elder martial sister, I'll take you away after you two say goodbye." Lin Miao makes fun of Xue Mei for a while, and laughs secretly. He turns around and goes to another place, turns his back to them, and waits for Xue Mei. However, Lin Miao's words make Xue Mei blush.

Xue Mei looked at Xiao Changsheng, her eyes full of sadness.

"Well, little girl, you'd better shut up and practice. Don't think too much. In this world, I always bully others. The person who can bully me hasn't been born yet." Xiao Changsheng said with a smile.

Xue Mei pursed her pink lips. She had a thousand words in her heart, but in the end she just said a word.

"In addition, remember that you can't take the rosefinch fruit for the time being. There are ten million spirit stones here, which are enough for you to practice to the spiritual realm of heaven." Xiao Changsheng said and gave Xue Mei a storage bag.

"Brother Changsheng, I can't take these spirit stones." Xue Mei immediately refused.

But Xiao Changsheng forced it into Xue Mei's hands and said, "can I still lack the spirit stone? You just need to remember, don't take rosefinch. It's not good for you


"I'll tell you about it later. In addition, this skill is called" Phoenix Nirvana Jue ". You have the fire property of Linggen. This skill is most suitable for you. Remember that you can't teach it to anyone, let alone anyone. You can only practice it in secret, otherwise it will cause endless trouble. At this time, what you teach you is only the first one. There are nine levels of this skill waiting for you When will this first practice be completed, I will teach you the second one. "

Xiao Changsheng said, with a little finger, a complex and mysterious message suddenly rushed into Xue Mei's sea of knowledge. A phoenix flying in the sea of knowledge kept rolling, and countless mysterious and complex breath constantly appeared in her mind.

Xue Mei's whole body was shocked. With a little finger, a skill appeared in her brain. What kind of magic power is this? Doesn't that mean that if Xiao Changsheng wants to teach other people's spiritual skills, he doesn't need to teach them at all. Just point his finger.She had never heard of such means.

It suddenly occurred to him that Xiao Changsheng had sent a message to him when he was in the Green King City. Even the strong in the king kingdom could not make such a message. She felt more and more unable to see the man in front of her.

I tried to feel the message that Xiao Changsheng gave her, but as soon as she came into contact with her divine sense, it was immediately repulsed. I only saw a name, but I didn't see a word in the content.

Is this the prefecture level skill?

Xue Mei was shocked. This was just the power of the first skill. How powerful was the complete Phoenix Nirvana formula?

"Well, it's not so easy to learn advanced skills. When the cave is closed, you can feel it slowly. In the future, whether you are in or out of the Academy, you only need to learn this skill."

Xiao Changsheng said to Xue Mei seriously.

Naturally, what he taught Xue Mei was not a prefecture level skill. How could the prefecture level skill have such power? This is the top imperial skill in legend. It was also the skill learned by the crazy woman in the first nine days.

Xue Mei and that crazy woman are both born to be charming and have the same spiritual root of fire. This skill is the most suitable for Xue Mei. But now, as long as you practice the Phoenix Nirvana formula to the third level, with Xue Mei's qualifications, even if you don't practice it deliberately, you will reach the later stage of the imperial realm

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