"Get your master out of here!"

Xiao Changsheng's voice was icy and cheered. When he stepped on his right foot, a terrible force immediately shook up countless stones on the ground, and the corpse that was trampled into the ground by Xiao Changsheng was also shaken up for several meters. Then he kicked his right foot directly on the corpse of the emperor's strongman, kicking the corpse of the emperor's strongman out for tens of meters .

"Bang bang!"

"Ah, ah

The corpse flew out and directly hit several powerful people in the distance. These powerful people in the spirit suddenly screamed and were also seriously injured by this huge force.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

Xiao Changsheng cheered coldly that he didn't pay attention to these ordinary spiritual realms. What he cared about was the strong emperor of the Li family. Now only the strong emperor of the Li family can cause some threats to him.

There are four strong people in the Li family's imperial realm, and now only three are left. One is the guest Qing in the Early Imperial realm, one is the owner of the Li family in the late imperial realm, and the other is the ancestor of the Li family in the Early Imperial realm.

Although they are only four strong people in the imperial territory, they are not big or small forces in this weak water city. You know, even in the imperial city of Wuhe state, the strength of the seven forces is nothing more than that.

Although the Li family is a bully in this weak water city, they are not named. The real big forces in the weak water city are all based on transcendent forces, such as the three major chambers of Commerce and red lane.

Although the strength of these places is not as strong as that of the weak water city, because of the background of transcendent forces, few people dare to provoke these forces.

In addition to these forces, there are also many underground forces hidden in the underground. These forces are not to be underestimated, but they can not be underestimated. In addition to these accidents, most of them are mercenaries.

Every mercenary regiment with a small reputation in the weak water city has at least one or even several strong people in the imperial territory. Among them, the strongest mercenary regiment has more than ten strong people in the imperial territory. The leader of the mercenary regiment is even a strong person in the imperial territory.

But these forces are not rooted, so the Li family and other forces are able to do mischief in this weak water city, and they have become one of the best in this weak water city.

"Run away..."

"Run, run!"

"This boy is really abnormal. The company commander is no match for him. We are looking for death if we stay here!"


Hearing Xiao Changsheng's rebuke, a group of strong people in heaven's spiritual realm suddenly seized a life-saving straw and struggled in their hearts. Just in case Xiao Changsheng was not the opponent of the Li family, they would not have any good fruit to eat if they left the Li family.

If only one person left and wavered, there would be a second person and a third person. In just a moment, hundreds of Li family and ten of them had already escaped, at least half of them. Only a few Li family bodyguards remained here, hesitating.

"Boy, who are you? You are so brave that you dare to come to my Li family to have a wild life. Do you know where this is?" Just then, in the distance, two men in splendid clothes flew from the distance and landed in front of Xiao Changsheng's and Li Yue's bodies.


Xiao Changsheng looks at the two people who are flying in. The corners of his mouth suddenly rise slightly, showing a degree of playfulness. The other guards of the Li family who haven't left see this. Their souls are almost scared, and they quickly surround them.

"Young master, second young master, get out of here, you are not the opponent of this boy!" A bodyguard cried to the two young masters in horror. You know, even the strong in the imperial realm are not the opponents of the boy. The two second goods are running out now, and they don't even have the territory of the earth and the king. Isn't they coming out to seek death? Don't you see so many strong people in the Earth Kingdom and Heaven Kingdom around you, who dare not even move their fingers?

"Get out of the way!"

The second young master of the Li family, standing on the left, frowned and pushed the Li family guard away. He frowned and said angrily, "a group of rubbish can't solve even a hairy boy. It's like losing my face to the Li family!"

"Second young master..."

"Go away!"

Seeing this, the Li family guard also wanted to explain to the second young master of the Li family. The second young master of the Li family frowned and slapped his palm directly on the chest of the strong man in the heaven spirit realm. The body of the strong man in the heaven spirit realm was directly blasted out for tens of meters, and a mouthful of blood gushed directly from his mouth.


The bodyguard of tianlingjing smashed into the distance fiercely, and the whole person was seriously injured in an instant. In his eyes, the second young master of the Li family suddenly became resentful. Originally, he was kind enough to tell the second young master of the Li family, but he still hurt himself.


Thinking of this, the strong man in the heaven spirit realm spat out a mouthful of blood and ran away directly towards the door with his whole body. But before he took a few steps, his body had already been planted on the ground.

He's just in the realm of heaven. It's not bad that he can accept the move of a strong man in the realm of Wang, who can hold on for so long."Hiss..."

Seeing the death of the bodyguard of the Li family, the other bodyguards who were still hesitant suddenly felt cold and extremely cold. They stayed in the Li family and took their life to be loyal. Instead of dying in the hands of Xiao Changsheng, they died in the hands of their own young master.

"Go! I'll quit! "

"What the hell with the Li family

"What a dog thing!"


All the guards of Li's family felt extremely resentful in their hearts. They were in the spirit of heaven. They could feel the sadness in the heart of the strong man who had just died in the spirit of heaven. At one time, only a few dozen strong men in the spirit of heaven left behind. They also left behind in anger, leaving only a dozen strong men in the king's Kingdom and a few strong men in the earth's Kingdom and the spirit of heaven.

At the moment, they are still in a wait-and-see state, not leaving, but they have no intention of starting.

"A bunch of trash!"

Seeing all the powerful people leave, the second young master of the Li family can't help but scold. The young master of the Li family also frowns slightly, but he doesn't pay attention to it.

These bodyguards in the spirit of heaven, the Li family in this weak water city, even if they hook their fingers, can attract a large number of people. They don't care about these strong bodyguards in the spirit of heaven at all.

"Boy, who are you? Get down on your knees and kowtow to apologize. I can consider leaving you a whole body!"

Seeing the guards of the Li family leave, the second young master of the Li family puts his eyes on Xiao Changsheng. His voice shouts angrily. The corners of Xiao Changsheng's mouth are slightly raised. He looks at the second young master of the Li family like an idiot

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