By the time Xiao Changsheng opened his eyes again, his body had appeared in a huge palace. The whole palace was huge enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. At the moment, there were only about a thousand people in this huge palace.

In the whole palace, there is a rich aura. Even in the sky, Xiao Changsheng found that the aura has become liquid, like a river of aura suspended above the heads of people.

Everyone is all eyes closed, for the arrival of Xiao Changsheng, no one turned his head, even no one opened his eyes to see Xiao Changsheng, all began to close their eyes, crazy practice.

"This is the real fengyao building!"

Feeling the horror aura contained in the hall, Xiao Changsheng's eyes suddenly opened, and he could not help praising that the world he had been in contact with before was just the fantasy world of fengyao building, which can also be understood as the second test of entering fengyao building.

Only after passing the outside pressure of fengyao building and the test of the second fantasy world of fengyao building, can we be qualified to enter the real fengyao building.

Although the opportunities and rewards in this demon building are far less than those in the fantasy world, for example, all the Shenjing pills and the top-quality spirit tools in the heaven ladder that Xiao Changsheng has got are enough to make countless people crazy when they appear in the outside world.

In particular, the purple breath of the three headed dog demon general he killed, if he didn't feel wrong, should be the original breath of thunder attribute. Although it's only a ray, it's enough to make any ordinary person reach a terrible state, even beyond the divine realm.

And this is not the most important. The most important thing is that if you get this ray of original breath, the person's constitution will change dramatically. Maybe at the beginning, the person is just a waste of a spiritual root, but after swallowing this ray of original breath, his constitution may reach ten spiritual roots, or even become a ray of spiritual body with eleven spiritual roots.

That's the most important thing!

However, for Xiao Changsheng, such a reward is still not tempting enough for him. The reason why Jiandi was able to become the great emperor at the beginning is that he also entered the demon building, which made him find the opportunity in the demon building, and finally ascend to the sky step by step and become a strong one in the realm of the great emperor.

However, even the great emperor will fall one day. He may be attacked or killed, or he may not be able to bear loneliness directly, and eventually his mind will collapse and die, or he will die in the endless void in order to find opportunities. He knows too much about such cases.

Only by stepping into that realm can we truly achieve immortality. Even if the body dies and the soul dies, as long as there is a chance, there is still a chance to be reborn.

In addition, although the opportunity of mirage world can make people ascend to the sky, they can only ascend to a certain height. Once they get the chance, they will be sent out of fengyao building immediately. However, in this real fengyao building, although the opportunity is small, there is no need to worry about it.

And the reward for the first floor of the demon building is indeed rare, but the more it goes to the back, the more abundant the reward will be. Maybe in the end, the reward in the demon building may not be much worse than the chance in the fantasy world.


"I'm the spirit of fengyao building. This is the first floor of fengyao building. Those who enter here can practice for seven days now. After seven days, those who have the ability can enter the second floor of fengyao building!"

At the same time, a deep voice is heard in Xiao Changsheng's mind. It is the sound of the spirit, which reaches to the source of the soul. Only I can hear it, and other people can't feel it. However, when Xiao Changsheng hears the voice of the spirit, his eyes suddenly change.

The strength of this spirit is beyond the divine realm, and it seems to be in a weak state just like him. If he doesn't feel wrong, the original strength of this spirit is at least at the level of the great emperor. It's a great skill for a great emperor to become a spirit!

This kind of means, even Xiao Changsheng is unimaginable.

The great emperor, anyone, is extremely powerful, and it is impossible to obey anyone's orders. Even if he is as powerful as the emperor of heaven, his subordinates are only the strong in the realm of the emperor, but there is no strong in the realm of the emperor, because the strong in the realm of the emperor has the arrogance of the emperor.

As a great emperor, it is impossible to obey anyone. More relations are subordinate relations. It is impossible for a great emperor to obey the orders of others.

However, the owner of the demon building directly refined the soul of a great emperor into the spirit of the demon building. Even he felt numb, and it was incredible. But the more he did, the more he confirmed his guess.

Those who can make the great emperor willingly obey and become the spirit of the instrument must be far beyond the realm of the great emperor. And although the spirit is just a state of soul, but the ability is still not weak, and even with the help of the power of this demon building, it can play a power beyond imagination.

Moreover, it is only an idea for the spirit to reach the level of the great emperor to unite the body. There is no need to give up rebirth at all.

The main reason why he was forced to give up his rebirth is that his soul is not complete at all, which is even less than one in a billion times of his peak period. Moreover, he has been suppressed for thousands of years, and what he escaped from is just a wisp of ghost.His main soul is still suppressed under the Ninth Heaven, enjoying the torment day and night.

"Blood god formula, suck it for me!"

Hearing this letter, Xiao Changsheng didn't hesitate. He immediately searched for a blank area. He sat cross knee and practiced the blood formula directly. Through the blood formula, he devoured the aura in this space.

In this area, there is no one within 100 meters. After all, the palace is still huge, so it is not difficult to find a space for cultivation. Seeing that Xiao Changsheng also began to practice, several disciples of the world around him opened their eyes and looked at Xiao Changsheng. They frowned a little, but didn't say anything.

Because Xiao Changsheng's cultivation here is equivalent to reducing their cultivation space. Fortunately, the aura in the palace has been completely liquid, which is the accumulation of thousands of years in fengyao building. The aura contained in it is naturally terrifying. Therefore, although they are not satisfied, they don't say anything.

It's just that their faces suddenly changed less than ten breath. At the moment of Xiao Changsheng's cultivation, a huge spiritual vortex formed on his head , the fastest update of the webnovel!