"The Holy Spirit is the world."

Although he was puzzled by Xiao Tian's words, Xiao Changsheng was soon relieved. No matter what, at least he knew something useful.

As for going to the holy spirit world, he doesn't mind going to the holy spirit world after he breaks through the Empire.

What's more, he got much more than he expected from all these secret places, especially the lotus of emperor's heart, which is priceless.

"Where is this?"

Xiao Changsheng's eyes swept all around him. There was a mountain forest all around him. There was no vitality. All of them were shrouded in a dead silence.

"The place where the gods are buried!"

After looking at the surrounding environment, Xiao Changsheng can be sure that this place still belongs to the God burial place, but he doesn't know whether he is in the outside or inside of the God burial place.

If it is outside, he can go directly back to Xiao's house when he goes out of the burial place. And if it's internal, then he's still trapped in the maze.

The place of burying gods is extremely dangerous. Even the strong emperor can't cross the huge natural barrier of the place of burying gods.

This is a huge protection net for the strong of the city, but it is also equivalent to a huge cage, which makes them trapped and unable to get out of the city.

And so far, he doesn't know how long it's been.

Although he came out of the space channel, it seems that he only blinked of an eye, but in fact, what he crossed is not only space, but also time.

The power of space and the power of time have always been the two oldest mysterious forces in the world.

Even if there are strong people who understand the power of space and can exert the power of space, few people can understand the power of time, because time is the most mysterious.


Just as Xiao Changsheng was thinking, suddenly, a huge and incomparable striped tiger darted out from behind Xiao Changsheng and rushed directly to Xiao Changsheng, sending out a huge and incomparable roar.

"To die!"

Xiao Changsheng's eyebrows picked, and his right hand directly patted the tiger.


The power of terror bombarded the tiger's canopy, which made the tiger howl and smash into the distance, breaking countless towering giant trees.


The tiger's corpse fell on the ground and made a dull sound, which made the whole earth tremble and shake, and it could not die any more.

"A tiger of ten rank fierce beast."

Seeing the body of the Striped tiger, Xiao Changsheng's eyes were a little bright, and his belly also made a slight sound, which was obviously a perfect meal.

After directly decomposing the body of the Striped tiger, cutting off some of the most perfect pieces of the tiger's flesh, we found a bonfire to barbecue on the spot.

But for a moment, a faint fragrance overflowed from it, which greatly increased people's appetite.



At this time, a clear voice from the distance came out constantly, which made Xiao Changsheng suddenly slightly surprised, and a wisp of spiritual consciousness couldn't help exploring toward the rear.

On a stone step not far away, a golden mouse about the size of a fist suddenly appeared on the stone. From time to time, it made a clear sound, and a pair of small eyes were staring at Xiao Changsheng's barbecue.

"It turns out to be the seventh level spirit animal, the golden spirit rat!"

Xiao Changsheng was slightly surprised in his eyes, and even showed a trace of ecstasy on his face.

Although the golden spirit rat is the king of the seventh level, but there is no threat, very timid, any tiny action will frighten the little guy.

This is why the golden spirit rat is called a spirit beast rather than a fierce beast.

Ferocious animals are extremely cruel. Even those who have been tamed and recognized as the master will bite the master sometimes. On the contrary, most of the spirit animals are rather timid.

However, compared with other spirit animals, the biggest feature of golden spirit rat is that wherever golden spirit rat appears, there will be aura gathering place.

All these places are blessed places.

However, few people in the world can find the golden spirit rat, and even if they do, the timid golden spirit rat will immediately hide, and it is difficult to find it.

Seeing this golden spirit rat, the corner of Xiao Changsheng's mouth suddenly stirred up slightly, pretending not to find it, and still roasting tiger meat slowly.

The golden spirit mouse was obviously attracted by the tiger's flesh, so it came here, but now it didn't dare to move because of Xiao Changsheng.

After baking the tiger meat, Xiao Changsheng got up and left, and disappeared in the woods.

Sure enough, just after Xiao Changsheng left for a little time, the golden spirit mouse finally began to walk cautiously towards the piece of tiger meat that Xiao Changsheng put on the ground.The small nose sniffed on this piece of tiger meat. The whole piece of tiger meat was several times bigger than the golden spirit rat's body. But it was such a huge piece of tiger meat. After sniffing for a little time, the golden spirit rat opened its mouth and swallowed it directly.



After swallowing the tiger meat, the golden spirit mouse immediately gave a few satisfied calls, wagged its tail and was ready to leave here.


At the moment when the golden spirit mouse was ready to leave, a cold hum rang behind the golden spirit mouse at this moment, which scared the golden spirit mouse not to look at it immediately, and immediately spread its legs and rushed to the distance.

It's not a pity that he is the seventh order beast emperor. Although he is only a small body, his real strength is the real strength of the seventh order beast emperor in the early days, which is equivalent to the strength of the strong people in the early days of Human Empire.

However, its real speed, compared with the speed of the general beginning of the spirit of the strong, are as good as let.

In the moment when the golden spirit mouse escaped, Xiao Changsheng's figure was like a ghost, chasing the golden spirit mouse, and finally stopped after crossing dozens of miles.

It seems to be certain that the terrible human boy has been thrown away. The golden spirit mouse immediately goes quietly along a direction, and a faint aura wave comes from the distance.

Xiao Changsheng immediately chased him. Sure enough, in front of him, a spirit spring as big as a pond appeared in his eyes, and the golden spirit mouse was drinking at the edge of the spirit spring.

"Yuling liquid, it's Yuling liquid!"

Xiao Changsheng's eyes were filled with ecstasy, and the whole person became excited. As a result, he answered the old saying, "if you want to plant flowers, you don't want to plant willows."

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