"Brother Xiao, no!"

Hearing what the black armour man said, Nie Hu suddenly jumps in his heart. He mistakenly thinks that the black armour man is going to let Xiao Changsheng do it. He says to Xiao Changsheng around him in a flustered voice.

"Take them on the road."

However, Xiao Changsheng shook his head gently, and said in a flat voice to Zhao relegation immortal behind him that Zhao relegation immortal, a hitter at the level of emperor Kingdom, was not worthy of his hand.


Hearing Xiao Changsheng's words, Zhao Zhanxian also stood up at this time, nodded to Xiao Changsheng, his voice was extremely respectful, stepped forward gently, and the whole person had already appeared in front of Xiao Changsheng and others.

This scene made the black armor man in front of him eyebrow suddenly. Even the strong men in the early divine realm and the divine king realm on the floating warships in the middle of the sky noticed the existence of Zhao relegation immortal.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The black armour man was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. Looking at Zhao relegation fairy, he said, "you really have some ability. Only in this way can you be interesting. Otherwise, this trip will not come in vain."

Black armour man laughs a way.

From the beginning, he found that Zhao Zhuxian should be a strong opponent. However, because he could not find out Zhao Zhuxian's realm, he could not be sure until now.

"Lao Dong..."


When the black armour man finished, his eyes fell on Zhao's body. He just spat out two words. Suddenly, his pupils suddenly shrank. Zhao's left hand, which was as boring as a branch, was lifted up and pinched at will. His voice suddenly stopped and his eyes were shocked.

"What's the matter?"

"Why doesn't he move?"

"What happened?"


The other disciples of the Nie family were also puzzled. They looked at the man with black armour curiously. You should know that the man with black armour was extremely arrogant. How could he suddenly stop talking?


However, the next breath, without waiting for the public to respond, the black armor man's body in front of him suddenly made a dull sound, and the whole body, together with the amazing black armor, turned into a blood mist.

The strong smell of blood suddenly floated in the air, forming a picture full of blood, which made every Nie's disciples on the scene couldn't help but jump and hold their breath.

Even in midair, the strong men on the huge floating warships were all staring at this moment, one by one, they just felt creepy and couldn't believe watching this scene.


Innumerable people are one after another took a breath of cool air, heart like flooding in general, with endless waves.

"Death Dead? "

One of the nies' disciples looked at the blood mist in shock and asked in disbelief. His voice was intermittent.

"That's it?"

The other disciples of the Nie family were also wide eyed. The whole Nie family, except Xiao Changsheng, was shocked.

"Too strong!"

"Is this really one of Xiao's servants?"

"What's the status of Xiao Gong? Even an ordinary servant has such strong strength!"


Nie Hu is also shocked to see this scene, turns his head to look at Xiao Changsheng, and finds that there is no expression on Xiao Changsheng's face. Obviously, from the beginning, Xiao Changsheng did not put the black man in his eyes at all.

At this point, Nie Hu can't help but turn his eyes to Nie ling'er behind him. However, he finds that Nie ling'er's eyes toward Xiao Changsheng become lost and red at this moment.


Nie Hu suddenly sighed softly. He knew that his daughter, I'm afraid, would fall to the young man in front of him all her life, but she and Xiao Changsheng were obviously not the same people in the world.

One is just an ordinary sparrow, but the other is a real dragon over nine days, which is destined to be a fruitless emotion, but at the moment there is no qualification to say anything.

Did Xiao Changsheng take his own daughter?

"Dare to kill the people of my song family, seek death!"

After a short silence in the air, suddenly, there was another roar in the air. An old man with white hair in a gray robe flew down from a floating warship. He yelled angrily and took a picture of Zhao relegation fairy with one hand.


The terrible pressure came down from the sky, and the whole shaking ground was constantly shaking. It was so powerful that all the Nie family's strong people changed their faces and looked at the white haired old man in shock.

"The strong one in the kingdom of God!"

"The Song family actually sent out a strong man from the kingdom of God. It's too high to see my Nie family!""It's over. There's no hope at all!"


Seeing the white haired old man's hand, all the Nie Jiaqiang who had just lit up a glimmer of hope felt as if they had been put into the ice cellar again, and there was no light in their eyes.

A black armour man has already left the Nie family helpless. Now there is a strong man in the divine realm. How can the Nie family resist it?


The white haired old man's body shape is constantly declining, and his momentum is also more and more amazing. Just his momentum has shocked the air around him, like the wind blowing, blowing countless people's clothes.


Zhao Zhuxian looked up at the strong man in the kingdom of God of the Song family. His eyes were cold and he hummed coldly. He was a little angry. He was just in the kingdom of God and dared to fight him!


Zhao Zixian raised his hand again, and his right hand was directed at the strong man in the kingdom of God of the Song family.

However, with such a casual hand, it tore the void in front of Zhao's body to pieces, and a terrible spiritual power was released directly from Zhao's right hand.


The terrible spirit power blasted on the old man of the divine kingdom in the mid air, directly smashed the attack of the powerful man of the divine kingdom in an instant.

"No way!"

A power that made the strong man feel palpitation immediately came into his mind. He could not help but shout, and immediately used all his spiritual power to resist Zhao's random hand.


However, with Zhao relegation immortal's attack on the strong man of the Song family's divine realm, the whole void erupted into a blood fog again, and the strong man of the Song family's divine realm also stepped in the same footsteps as the black armor man.


Seeing this scene, all the Nie family's strong men once again widened their eyes. What happened in front of them was far beyond their imagination. The shock was tens of thousands of times more than when Zhao relegation immortal raised his hand to kill the black armour man.

"The powerful in the realm of the great God died like this?"

Countless people's minds at the moment are all pictures of the death of the Song family God King, and the blood mist stimulates everyone's brain nerves

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