Xiao Changsheng is not surprised at this. Even the gatekeeper at the gate of Lion King City is a strong man at the level of jiuchongtian in the imperial realm. Therefore, this Lingyuan Pavilion casually steps out of an old man, and his strength reaches the later stage of the imperial realm. Xiao Changsheng is not too surprised.

Although he didn't know the beast realm and the spirit realm, his knowledge was not what the three of them could imagine. The old man was only in the later stage of the Empire. Even if the real emperor appeared in front of him, he didn't have much thought. At most, he had a little fluctuation in his heart.

"I've seen you. The four of us want to sell some things. I hope you can give us a price." Dusk cloud sword says politely to the white haired old man in front of him.

Maybe it's because of the good attitude of Muyun sword. It makes the old man smile, but he shakes his head and says: "you're welcome. I'm just a servant of Lingyuan Pavilion. It's nothing at all."

"Four young masters, this way, please."

Later, the old man raised his hand to the three of them. He motioned to the sword and Xiao Changsheng and took them to an empty room to make a cup of spirit tea for them.

This spirit tea has a wonderful effect. Just smell the tea fragrance, you can make your whole body comfortable. If you drink it, you can clearly feel the spirit power in your body and become more pure.

I'm afraid that the value of this cup of Lingyuan tea alone is no less than thousands of Lingjing. No wonder the business of Lingyuan Pavilion is so hot.

"I don't know what the four of you want to sell. As long as you want to sell anything, Lingyuan Pavilion will not refuse anything, and you don't have to worry about causing trouble after you sell it."

The old man looked at the four men and said that although his tone was very flat, his momentum was very firm.

At the same time, it is equivalent to indirectly telling the four people of Muyun sword that even if they are black goods, Lingyuan Pavilion can swallow them, and the seller doesn't have to worry about getting into trouble.

This is the reason why the old man will bring four people to this closed room when he hears that the twilight cloud sword is going to sell things, so that he doesn't have to worry that the things sold will be seen by others.

If Lingyuan Pavilion can't even guarantee the seller's safety, I'm afraid it has already been unable to do so in the Lion King City.

Of course, in addition to this reason, there is another point, that is, if there is really something good, Lingyuan Pavilion can be occupied in advance, so that it doesn't have to worry about being robbed by others at a high price.

In any case, Lingyuan Pavilion is always doing business. If people take out the goods in their eyes, and if someone is willing to pay a high price for the goods, Lingyuan Pavilion can't help selling them.

Want to buy?

Yes, come out with a higher price!

The current practice of Lingyuan Pavilion completely stifles this possibility, so that as long as someone steps into the first step of Lingyuan Pavilion, everything will be under the control of Lingyuan Pavilion, so as to strive for the best interests of Lingyuan Pavilion.

"I understand what you mean, but there are only a few brothers and sisters who want to sell some imperial cores." Twilight cloud sword says with a bitter smile to the old man of Lingyuan Pavilion.

It is said that there are several, but in fact, Muyun sword has taken out more than 20 imperial cores, among which there are three or four imperial cores of fierce beasts in the middle of the imperial level.

In this regard, the old man in front of Muyun sword was not at all unwilling. He counted the imperial cores that Muyun sword took out, and then said: "young master, although there are no high-level imperial cores among these imperial cores, but because of the large number of reasons, as long as the young master is willing, Lingyuan Pavilion can take all these imperial cores with 11.8 million Lingjing."

Thank you

Hearing the words, the twilight cloud sword seemed to have expected it for a long time, and nodded to the old man in front of him. Although the price was different from the imagined price, it was only one or two hundred thousand Lingjing, so it was not unacceptable.

After thinking about it, Muyun sword angrily accepted the old man's price.

And the old man of Lingyuan Pavilion immediately took away the twenty pieces, took out a storage ring and gave it to Muyun sword.

The storage ring may be a very rare thing in Tianxuan world, but in lingxuan world, the storage ring is just the most common storage vessel, which is not worth much money at all.

The twilight cloud sword took the storage ring, and there was a trace of joy in his eyes. There were 11.8 million spirit crystals. On average, each of them could get nearly 4 million spirit crystals in this training.

Although the process was almost doomed, and even if it wasn't for Xiao Changsheng, the three of them had already died, it was totally worthwhile to get so many spiritual crystals this time.

Four million Lingjing are enough for them to practice in the Lion King City for a long time, break through a level and then leave.

"I don't know, young master, do you have anything to sell?"

Later, the old man put his eyes on Xiao Changsheng. As a strong man in the later period of the Empire, his eyes were naturally very fierce. He could easily judge that although Xiao Changsheng and Muyun Jian were walking together, they were not religious people."Yes."

Xiao Changsheng nodded. Then, under the disbelief eyes of Muyun sword and ye Hongchen, he poured out a lot of magic tools and elixirs, directly drowning the whole table in front of them.

"My God

Ye Hongchen widened her eyes and couldn't help exclaiming.

It's not because of the existence of these spirit weapons, but because there are too many. There are at least 100 or nearly 200 spirit weapons!

Among them, there are more than ten top-quality spirit weapons. If you take out any of these spirit weapons, they will be no less than one million spirit crystals!

"Young master Xiao, you Where do you get so many magic weapons? "

Yunfan couldn't help but ask, his eyes widened. However, after asking this sentence, he immediately realized that his words seemed to have some ambiguity. He immediately said to Xiao Changsheng, "young master Xiao, I have no other meaning..."

If his words make the three of them lose their good feeling in Xiao Changsheng, I'm afraid they really can't even cry.

For a moment, he didn't know what words to explain to Xiao Changsheng.

In front of them, the old man of Lingyuan pavilion was also stunned. It was the first time that he saw someone sell such a large pile of spirit weapons. Did you empty the whole library of other people's spirit weapons?

And Xiao Changsheng's answer is to let four people's mouth slightly twitch, looking at four people, light way: "grab."

"Rob What did you do? "

Muyunjian and ye Hongchen are all stunned. It's the first time that they see someone snatching something. They should have said such righteous words

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