"But I don't think brother Feng's purpose is to treat me to a bar?" With that, Xiao Changsheng's eyes fixed on Feng Jiu and asked in a faint voice.

Feng Jiu is not stupid, so is he.

Hearing Xiao Changsheng's address, Feng Jiu's eyes suddenly brightened. Since Xiao Changsheng called him brother Feng, he would not regard him as an enemy, not to mention how deep their friendship is.

"I haven't asked for your name yet."

Feng nine smell speech, is also put down the wine cup, solemnly incomparable looking at Xiao Changsheng asked.

"Xiao Changsheng."

Xiaochangsheng light response way.

"Brother Xiao is so cool. I don't want to beat around the Bush any more. I want to join hands with brother Xiao this time." Feng Jiu looks at Xiao Changsheng and says seriously.


Xiao Changsheng frowned.

"Not bad."

Feng jiuying then looked at Xiao Changsheng and said, "I told brother Xiao that no one has been able to get the holy fruit of chaos for hundreds of millions of years because the time has not come."


Xiao Changsheng nodded and looked at Feng Jiu: "can't it be now?"

"Not bad!"

Feng nine affirms of say, the face peeps out matchless serious facial expression.

"This time, it is the last time to open the tomb of the barbarian emperor. Similarly, the power of prohibition on the tomb of the barbarian emperor will be weakened, including the prohibition on the holy mountain."

"If I am not wrong, the prohibition of the barbarian emperor's tomb should be to breed the chaos holy fruit on the holy mountain. Now that the chaos holy fruit is mature, there is no need for the barbarian emperor's tomb to exist any more."

"But I can't get that fruit of chaos by myself." Feng Jiu said in a flat voice. Then he looked at Xiao Changsheng and said, "if it's just the people of these forces who only have the tomb of the wild emperor, I'm afraid. At that time, other people will come to fight for this holy fruit of chaos."

"Do you mean that there are still people who will go into this wasteland tomb?"

Hearing Feng Jiu's words, Xiao Changsheng's face suddenly changed, and finally became solemn.


Feng Jiu nodded, looked at Xiao Changsheng and said, "there are many heritages in the tomb of the wild emperor, but for those big people, the mere inheritance is not enough to attract them, because their own strength is no less than those of these inheritors. What really attracts them is the holy fruit of chaos."

"If it wasn't for the immaturity of the holy fruit of chaos, did brother Xiao think that the tomb of the barbarian emperor would be occupied by the forces of our common world?"

"In fact, the real big men have been paying close attention to every move of the barbarian emperor's tomb. They just wait for the chaos to mature, and then step directly into the barbarian emperor's tomb. At that time, there will be many powerful people who can control the seven and eight forces of heaven. I'm afraid there will be many powerful people who can control the nine forces of heaven."

"In front of so many strong people, it's too difficult to fight for a holy fruit of chaos. Even if they do, they may not be able to keep it."

Feng nine bitter said.

Xiao Changsheng frowned slightly. If all that Feng Jiu said is true, then as Feng Jiu said, the ordinary strong emperor who controls the seven forces of heaven will never be able to hold on even if he gets the holy fruit of chaos.

Just like Xiao Changsheng at the beginning, if he could keep the secret of blood god, he would not be suppressed by the emperor of heaven for tens of millions of years, but only escape a wisp of ghost.

"Moreover, according to the information I got, the great man in the Imperial Palace seemed to be interested in the chaos."

Then, Phoenix nine and burst out a shocking news.

"What?" Xiao Changsheng stood up and gazed at Feng Jiu and asked, "imperial palace? What you said is true? "

"No empty words!"

Feng nine don't understand why Xiao Changsheng suddenly so excited, but still affirmative answer.

Xiao Changsheng has a gloomy face. The imperial palace is the power under the name of the emperor. In the world of heaven, the imperial palace is a huge thing. No one can resist the Imperial Palace, and no one dares to resist it.

There are nearly ten powerful people in the imperial palace. Now, tens of millions of years later, the power of the imperial palace will only be more huge.

Although these powerful people may not be loyal to the emperor, they dare not fight against the emperor.

And that's enough to frighten others!

If the people of the imperial palace will also come to fight for the chaos holy fruit, then the chaos holy fruit will be captured by the strong of the Imperial Palace in all probability. With the majesty of the Imperial Palace, no one dares to fight with the Imperial Palace at all.

"Also, how could he miss such treasures as the holy fruit of chaos?"

Xiao Changsheng sneered.

Hearing Xiao Changsheng's words, Feng Jiu's pupils all shrank slightly. It's obvious that Xiao Changsheng seems to have a contradiction with the great man in the imperial palace.This makes Feng Jiuyi a little unexpected.

If Xiao Changsheng is really in conflict with the great man in the Imperial Palace, no matter how powerful he is, he will never choose to join hands with Xiao Changsheng.

"Brother Xiao, you won't have a problem with that big man, will you?"

Phoenix nine uncertain ask a way.

"This seems to have nothing to do with what brother Feng said?" When Xiao Changsheng heard Feng Jiu's words, he asked with a smile, which made Feng Jiu's heart cool.

Since Xiao Changsheng didn't answer this question, nine times out of ten it was not much different from what he had guessed.

"It really doesn't matter."

After a moment's silence, Feng Jiu answered faintly, then looked at Xiao Changsheng and said, "but if brother Xiao really has a grudge with that big man, I'm afraid I can't drink brother Xiao. This bottle of phoenix wine is an apology for brother Xiao."

He has already seen the strength of Xiao Changsheng. His future achievements will only be higher than him. He can't afford to offend the Imperial Palace, but he doesn't want to offend Xiao Changsheng, the top imperial teacher in the future.

"It seems that the imperial palace is more overbearing than before."

Xiao Changsheng sneered, but he didn't satirize Feng Jiu. If he was Feng Jiu, he would never offend such a monster as the Imperial Palace in order to attract a person.

"Ha ha..."

Feng Jiu looked at Xiao Changsheng and gave a dry smile. She didn't answer the question.

If you say too much, you will lose.

However, he was a little curious about what kind of festival Xiao Changsheng had with the great figure in the imperial palace. With Xiao Changsheng's strength, he could not have any connection with the great figure in any case.

Otherwise, it is not easy for a powerful emperor to kill a mole ant who only controls the power of the seven heavenly ways. How can Xiao Changsheng stand here?

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