
The power of terror instantly collapses the void in front of us, and countless lines of the nether world are suddenly disordered and rioted, attacking in all directions, destroying all the surrounding space.

Fortunately, because of the blessing of holy mountain, this space is extremely stable, so that under such a degree of attack, it was not destroyed.


It was at this moment that Xiao Changsheng turned himself into a shadow and rushed in from the gap blasted out by several powerful emperors.

The whole person directly fell in the center of the Youming spirit chopping array, and the chaotic holy fruit was less than ten steps away from him, so he could pick it at any time.

The location of the chaos holy fruit is the central area of the ghost chopping array, which protects the existence of the chaos holy fruit.

Therefore, although the Youming spirit chopping array is dangerous, the central area of the Youming spirit chopping array is also the safest place. Here, even the strong emperor who controls the power of the nine heavenly ways can hardly break in from the outside.

You know, just now Xiao Changsheng was able to rush in from the outside. In addition to walking half the way himself, he finally opened a small gap for him to enter under the joint efforts of four great empire strongmen who controlled the power of the nine heavenly ways.

Otherwise, he had no chance to come in from the outside.

"Boy, you have entered the center of the ghost chopping spirit array. How are you going to crack the ghost chopping spirit array?"

Outside, Emperor longzhuo shouts to Xiao Changsheng.

Hearing what the emperor said, Xiao Changsheng looked up at him. There was still no expression in his eyes. Then his eyes swept over the three ancestors of the Phoenix family and the burning emperor.

Finally, Xiao Changsheng's eyes fell on Li Ao.

"Li Ao, it's 30 million years since we met again."

Xiao Changsheng said faintly, staring straight at the Emperor Li Ao. Until this time, his face showed a banter expression, staring at the Emperor Li Ao.

Xiao Changsheng's words made the four powerful emperors, including the three patriarchs of the Phoenix family, who were in charge of the power of the Ninth Heaven, all frown, and their eyes became a little cold.

In the hearts of the four, there was obviously a bad premonition.

In particular, after hearing Xiao Changsheng's words, Li Ao's brow was deeply wrinkled, but he still could not guess what identity Xiao Changsheng was.

"Boy, who on earth are you?"

Li Ao the great emperor's voice is icy to shout a way, where don't understand oneself have already been cheated by Xiao Changsheng.

"Boy, you dare to cheat us. Do you know that it's the four great forces that you offend by doing so. Do you think you can escape?" The voice of the third ancestor of the Phoenix family was also cold.

"Little brother, don't make a mistake. The four of US promised to give you 400 billion high-quality Lingjing, which is enough to make you close the door all the way to the supreme realm of controlling the power of the nine heavenly ways. Why do you want to die?"

The burning emperor also spoke, but his tone was still with a hint of exhortation, hoping to persuade Xiao Changsheng.

"Burning heaven, if I remember correctly, 30 million years ago, you should have only controlled the seven forces of heaven, right? Unexpectedly, now it has broken through to the point of controlling the power of the nine heavenly ways. It seems that the emperor of heaven has not given you less benefits, or that you have not helped the emperor of heaven do more things. "

Xiao Changsheng's voice is still flat.

But his words made the burning emperor's brow suddenly wrinkled, and the killing intention in his eyes was no longer covered up. The same voice coldly cheered: "boy, who are you?"

At the moment, like Emperor Li Ao, he gazed at Xiao Changsheng in the array with great anger.

Both of them can feel that Xiao Changsheng obviously knows them, but they can't feel Xiao Changsheng's breath at all, which makes them feel humiliated.

They are the powerful people of the Great Empire who control the power of the nine heavenly ways. They were cheated by the boy who didn't know where he came from. How can they not be angry?

"Burning the sky, so you are already a dog beside the emperor of heaven?"

Xiao Changsheng's words also shocked the three patriarchs of the Phoenix family and the great emperor LONGHUO. If, as Xiao Changsheng said, the great emperor of burning heaven only controlled the seven forces of heaven 30 million years ago, then burning heaven must be the man of the emperor of heaven.

Seeing that the Emperor didn't answer, the two of them already knew the answer. They were so angry that they gnashed their teeth.

It was only tens of millions of years ago that they got to know the burning emperor. Now this boy knows what happened to the burning emperor 30 million years ago. What's the origin of this boy?

"Boy, you have the ability to tell me where you came from!"

Cried the burning emperor.

In these 30 million years, he really helped the emperor to do a lot of things, and also got countless benefits from the emperor, which made him break through to the present state.

However, it is not an accident that Xiao Changsheng was able to tell the time 30 million years ago, but he does not remember which force he offended 30 million years ago.If Xiao Changsheng was an old friend 30 million years ago, he couldn't just have the strength now.

Who the hell is this kid?

However, no matter how angry they were, Xiao Changsheng didn't look at them any more. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the holy fruit of chaos.

"Don't let this boy get the fruit of chaos!"

"Let's do it together. It's a big deal to destroy the whole Tomb of the wild emperor, and we can't let this boy get the holy fruit of chaos!"

"Not bad!"

Seeing Xiao Changsheng walking towards the holy fruit of chaos, whether it is the great emperor Li Ao or the third ancestor of the Phoenix family, the four powerful emperors who have reached the power of controlling the nine heavenly ways, can't help but become anxious at this moment.


However, just at this time, in the void behind the four, a huge sword gas of thousands of feet suddenly fell from the sky and directly fell on the four, which made the four powerful people in the great empire territory who had reached the power of controlling the nine heavenly ways all shocked.

The power of this knife made all four of them feel numb.


The huge Dao Qi falls from the sky, making the whole holy mountain tremble, and the surrounding space constantly collapses. The power of this Dao has reached the level of controlling the power of the nine heavenly ways.

"Who is it?"

Emperor Li Ao and others were shocked. They turned their heads one after another. In the void behind them, a handsome man, Ling Li, with long hair and a silver sword in his hand, exuded a strong breath

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