Married 妫 妫 妫 紒
杩欐椂锛屽湪闾e浑鍙 箣涓婏纴鍑 箣涓婏纴鍑 箣涓婏纴鍑: 鏉愶纴妫 潗 潗 堟殚 black 锛屽湪闾 f: 鏉愮殑琛ㄩ 锛屾湁榛戝厜绱(五)ザ銆
Ye 妫 妫 潗鍑 潗鍑 潗鍑 Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye
涓崭粎Yang Ye 锛屽満涓墍 chain 変汉閮芥劅瑙夊埌浜嗭紒
鍦嗗彴涓婏纴闾 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 濡噑 laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh 滆浣嶏纴杩欐槸鍏 滆浣嶏纴杩欐槸鍏 滆浣嶏纴杩欐槸鍏 滆浣嶏纴杩欐槸鍏 滆浣嶏纴杩欐槸鍏 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫 妫嵁鎴愠hamber of Commerce 镓 鐭ワ纴杩椤吇 鐭ワ纴杩椤吇 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 挞岄 锛岃缮 锛岃缮 夐 夐 镙戠殑绉嶅瓙銆傜 镙戠殑绉嶅瓙銆傜 镙戠殑绉嶅瓙銆傜 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 寰楀埌瀹冿纴鍏禼 寰楀埌瀹冿纴鍏禼 寰楀埌瀹冿纴鍏禼 寰楀埌瀹冿纴鍏禼 寰楀埌瀹冿纴鍏禼嶃 效 效 效 绠椾笉鏄 绠椾笉鏄 绠椾笉鏄 纴 纴 纴 纴 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛 傛
璇村埌杩欙纴濂圭瑧浜嗙瑧锛岀劧钖庡张said锛 鈥滃叾锷熸晥鍙翻杩滀笉姝(一)姝わ纴链夋鐗╁湪锛屼竴鑸琼淇璇镐綅鍙 璇镐綅鍙 璇 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 ▉鑳侀兘娌 ▉鑳侀兘娌 湁浜嗐 湁浜嗐 湁浜嗐 湁浜嗐 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓 洜涓锛岃缮鑳 瀵 瀵 瀵 瀵 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a屼竴鑸琧ultivator 寰楀埌瀹冿纴灏嗘槸 备 备 备 备 备 备
Married 妫 妫 妫 紒
Yang Ye 鍙屾 缂撶紦绱 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴杩欑帺镒忥纴浠栨槸锷垮湪蹇呭缑镄勩 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴杩欑帺镒忥纴浠栨槸锷垮湪蹇呭缑镄勩 浜呜捣鏉ワ纴杩欑帺镒忥纴浠栨槸锷垮湪蹇呭缑镄勩
杩欐椂锛屽浑鍙 笂镄勯偅缇庡绐佺劧 笂镄勯偅缇庡绐佺劧said with a 锛 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 滃洜涓 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 寰埚ぇ镄勪綔鐢纴 寰埚ぇ镄勪綔鐢纴镓€浠ワ纴姝ょ墿棰囨湁浜涘皬璐碉纴涓嶈浠ワ纴姝ょ墿棰囨湁浜涘皬璐碉纴涓嶈浠ワ纴姝ょ墿棰囨湁浜涘皬璐碉纴涓嶈锛屾垜鐩镐杩椤璇镐綅鏉ヨ锛岄棶棰杩椤璇镐綅鏉ヨ锛岄棶棰杩椤璇镐綅鏉ヨ锛岄棶棰簲璇ヤ笉澶簲璇ヤ笉澶傝傝褰掓浼狅纴姝ょ墿搴曟愧浠颖 ive hundred thousand 锛屾 娆 娆 姞浠 姞浠 姞浠 笉寰椾绠浜庝簲涓囷紒鐜 濮嬶紒鈥 濮嬶紒鈥 濮嬶紒鈥
璇村畲锛岀编濡噐ight hand one move 锛屼竴鏉尪钀 湪浜嗗ス 嬩腑锛屽ス杞 嬩腑锛屽ス杞 嬩腑锛屽ス杞 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶垮彛锣 鎶垮彛锣 锛岀劧钖巆 锛岀劧钖巆 oror of the Mouth slightly raise 锛屾硾璧 锛屾硾璧 涓 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶 鎶
鈥淴NUMX 浜斾竾锛佲€
Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in the field.
鍦 腑 腑 € € € € € € € € 変 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yang Ye expressionless 锛孹NUMX 浜斾竾鐩 綋浜庝粬鐜 綋浜庝粬鐜 湪鍏ㄩ儴璐骇銆 箣 箣 浠ョ涓 浠ョ涓 浠ョ涓 涓枈浠 涓枈浠 涓枈浠 涓枈浠 纴鏄笇 纴鏄笇 纴鏄笇 纴鏄笇 涗笉 涗笉澶 澶 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 阍 阍 阍
鍦嗗彴涓婏纴缇庡鐪嬩简涓€鐪糦ang Ye 鍦ㄧ殑鍖呭帰锛岀劧钖巗€鍦ㄧ殑鍖呭帰锛岀劧钖巗aid with a laugh 锛气淴淴NUMX 浜斾竾绗竴娆♀€[ €[€
璇濋煶杩樻湭钀斤纴鍙堜竴阆揿0阔冲湪鍦湪鍦湪鍦滃叓hundred thousand 锛佲€
缇庡corner of the mouth slightly raise 锛屾瑕佽璇濓纴杩欐椂锛孻ang Ye 镄勫 铡 (3) 獊鐒 紶鏉ヤ 紶鏉ヤ 涓 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔竾锛佲€
缇庡琛ㄦ儏涓€碉纴杞ごplated look towards towards Yang Ye 镄勫€铡
鍖呭帰鍐咃纴Yang Ye expression 鏋佷 骞 骞 骞 锛屼豢浣涢偅涓 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 锏 潵镄勩 潵镄勩
浠朰ang Ye 阍 瀹炰笉镐庝箞澶 ‘瀹炰笉镐庝箞澶 纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬 纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬 纴浣嗘槸锛屼粬 Yang Ye treasure 澶氥 傝 傝 傝 傝 鐜╂剰锛屼粖澶╀粬瑕佸畾浜嗐
鍦 腑绐佺劧瀹夐 腑绐佺劧瀹夐 腑绐佺劧瀹夐 备 备 备 备 备 备 备 tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre tre湁鎯 硶镄勪 硶镄勪 s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Duo Ning cautions
闾g编濡囨濡囨娣娣娣 鐪糦 鐪糦 Ye Ye 镄勫 铡纴鐒跺悗 铡纴鐒跺悗said锛 鈥滀竴锏 竾绗竴娆 紒鈥 紒鈥 紒鈥
No one is talking!
缇庡姝h璇 瘽锛岃 瘽锛岃 镞讹纴涓 阆揿 阆揿 阆揿 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand
Hearing this voice, the woman’s face once again had a smile. Although this is a good thing, but the price of a million dollars, and now auctioned to a hundred hundred thousand, this has greatly exceeded her expectations.
The beautiful woman did not speak, but looked toward the box of Yang Ye with a look of hope.
Just then, Yang Ye’s box door suddenly opened. Under the gaze of everyone, a black robe walked to the round table not far away.
“Your Excellency?” The beautiful woman asked softly and was secretly guarded.
Yang Ye glanced at the soul and then said: “One hundred 300,000.” When he said this, he looked around at all. “There is nothing in this life, it is a lot of money. Who else? Continue to shout, we shout enough!”
“One hundred 400000!” At this moment, another sound began.
Yang Ye doesn’t look over there, directly said: “One hundred five hundred thousand!”
“One hundred six hundred thousand!” The sound is again.
Just when everyone thought that Yang Ye would continue to bid, Yang Ye shrugged and then said: “Congratulations, it is yours!”
After that, Yang Ye turned back to her own box.
The atmosphere in the field is extremely embarrassing.
In a box, a young man suddenly roared, seemingly invincible, and his violently moved towards the ground was a glimpse.
The whole box trembled fiercely and almost collapsed by his fist! In fact, when Yang Ye shouted more than one million, he had already decided to give up. The reason why he continued to yell was to see that Yang Ye was in a must-have manner. His heart was extremely unhappy, and then he went to the pit!
However, he did not think that he was pitted!
This breath can’t be swallowed!
After a while, the young man calmed down. At this time, a beautiful woman came in and was the beautiful woman who was selling outside.
The beautiful woman did not seem to see the cracked wall around, she took out a storage ring, said with a laugh: “The goods of the honor!”
The young man glanced at the beautiful woman and then said: “I want to know the identity of the person before!”
The beautiful woman glanced at the man and then said: “Sorry, we can’t disclose it.”
The young man took out a purple card and raised it. When he saw the ring, the beautiful woman’s face suddenly changed. After a long time, she said solemnly: “I will let people check!”
When he finished, he was about to turn and leave, and at this time, the young man suddenly said with a laugh: “This is a soul-building, I don’t want it.”
The beautiful woman glanced at the young man and then said: “Good!”
At this time, the young man said again: “He doesn’t want it very much? You can sell it to him. You can sell it cheaper.” When it comes to this, there is a cold smile on his mouth.
The beautiful woman looks directly at the young man. “Excuse me, I have a word, Your Excellency. This purple card is for the Your Excellency family. For the sake of the moment, use it. Does Your Excellency really want to be clear?”
Young man lightly said: “That is my business!”
The beautiful woman clicked on something, didn’t say anything, put away the storage ring, and went out.
In the house, the young man’s expression gradually became gloomy.
This price is a bit big!
However, he does not regret it!
Yang Ye returned to her box and he sat down and was in a calm mood.
Not far from him, that is Little Yue!
Yang Ye looked towards Little Yue, “Is there really something else to raise the soul?”
Little Yue nodded, “Back to Senior, I have investigated, in our inventory, there is another thing, called the soul-removing card, which is also a divine object, which is similar to the effect of this soul-raising. If Senior is not used for cultivation, just If you raise your soul, that thing can be fully qualified! Moreover, if you have a six hundred thousand, you will be able to buy it!”
Hear this, Yang Ye corner of the mouth slightly raise, a smile.
One hundred six hundred thousand to buy a soul 棺?
Is his head teasing?
His head is naturally not funny. In fact, if it wasn’t for Little Yue who suddenly came in and told him the Soul Card, he would definitely buy the soul-stricken one at all costs. For him, the show is fun, the second sister is the most important!
Otherwise, since there is another choice, he will naturally not be teasing.
Yang Ye glanced at Little Yue standing by, and now he, a little believe in that sentence.
Good and good news!
At the beginning of a random sentence, in exchange for the return of the moment. Otherwise, he may have to be killed by the other side!
The little Yue in the heart is also sighed in relief. When she came in, she was still awkward, afraid of her own troubles. But now it seems that there is obviously no.
Just then, a beautiful woman came in, and the beautiful woman glanced at Little Yue, who gave a slight gift to the beautiful woman and then retired.
The beautiful woman walked up to Yang Ye, said with a laugh: “The guest, a little something happened. The previous customer who bought the soul-keeper was unable to buy it for some reason. So…”
“So I will sell it to me?” Yang Ye suddenly said.
That beautiful woman is not at all jealous, said with a laugh: “Respect is a smart person, I don’t say much nonsense. If you need it, we can sell it to a guest at a price of one hundred 300,000. “”
Yang Ye suddenly stood up. “Not good means, I don’t want it now. You keep going to auction yourself, I think, it should be able to shoot one hundred six hundred thousand!”
The beautiful woman looked at Yang Ye for a long time, then said: “It turned out to be like this, that bothered!” After that, it did not ink, and turned and left.
Just then, Yang Ye suddenly said: “A little curious, the other party can actually repent. Well, I want to say, help me bring words to each other, this time I come to this Wanxing City, not to find trouble, let him not Come to me, otherwise, I am playing with him half-length!”
The beautiful woman turned her head and took a deep look at Yang Ye, then said: “Okay!”
After that, he left the box.
After about a quarter of an hour, Little Yue suddenly came in, Yang Ye looked towards Little Yue, Little Yue hesitated, and then took out a storage ring, said: “Senior, this is the result of your auction. Stone. Also, Senior, let’s go!”
“How?” Yang Ye did not understand.
Little Yue softly said : “It seems to be a bit big for the other party. It has already started investigating you.”
“is it?”
Under the black robe, Yang Ye expressionless.
Little Yue softly said: “Go ahead. Go from the back door…”
Just then, the door of the box suddenly opened, and then the beautiful woman came in. When the beautiful woman came in, her eyes fell on Little Yue. When she saw this scene, the face of Little Yue was instantly pale.
“Go down!”
The beautiful woman suddenly said.
Little Yue trembled with both hands, but did not dare to resist, and went on, and at this time, Yang Ye suddenly said: “Don’t go on, it’s here, no one dares to move you!”
Little Yue looked towards Yang Ye.
That beautiful woman is also looked towards towards Yang Ye, “Is it?”
At this moment, Yang Ye suddenly disappeared into the same place. When it appeared again, Yang Ye was already in front of the beautiful woman. The beautiful woman’s face changed suddenly and she was about to take it. However, it was already late. Yang Ye held her throat directly in one hand.
Yang Ye slowly raised the beautiful woman, then said: “Little Yue, to inform you of the high level of Chamber of Commerce, I said I want to talk to them about the Chamber of Commerce so-called rules. Ten breaths no one comes inside Laozi broke the Chamber of Commerce today.”
Ps: Sorry, the update is late. Of course, this is for a reason. Yesterday shopping, met a man, the other side asked me if I was a green, my heart was a joy, I met the reader, and immediately nodded, I did not expect the other side to pick up the bricks next to me to give me a brick, “motherfucker, updated every day So late…” Saying, it’s another brick…..