Chapter 539 I think being a mode of transportation is quite good.

Chapter 539 I think being a mode of transportation is quite good.

Zeus never expected that just by accompanying William on a trip, the gossip of him being beaten up would spread throughout the entire Divine Realm. Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

And there were countless versions of the story,

The key detail was that the person who beat him had turned into the Sea God Poseidon.

It's not that Demeter had a wild imagination,after all, Zeus was a high-ranking divine king, and only a few in the Divine Realm could overpower him.

Among those few high-ranking divine kings, only the Sea God Poseidon was known for his volatile temper.

Moreover, there had been news that a disciple of Poseidon wielding the Trident and Sword of the Abyssal Guardian had killed St. Benedict, even managed to subdue Jesus, and rescued Hydra.

Combining this with the incident of Zeus being beaten led to wild speculation.

The Sea God Poseidon, too, heard some of these gossip tales and was completely thrown off.

What in the world happened?

Using the Trident and Sword of the Abyssal Guardian to kill St. Benedict?!!

Who else could it be if not that scoundrel William?

And now William was even pretending to be his disciple?

Wasn't this pushing him towards a dead end?

Although he didn't really support the Divine Alliance's high-ranking divine kings' plan to purge the Shapeshifters and demons, his idea was to have William come to the Divine Realm and sabotage their plan.

Well, it seems the original plan was indeed sabotaged, but it inadvertently dragged him into the mess as well.

The Sea God Poseidon was in the Palace of the Sea God, pondering his next move when Zeus appeared in his room.

"My dear brother, what are you trying to do?" Zeus started, "You agreed with the purge plan when we discussed it before. Now, with all this chaos, what are you aiming for?"

The Sea God Poseidon pondered, "If I say it wasn't me who did it, would you believe me?"

Zeus raised his eyebrows and said, "If it wasn't you, then who else could it be? Who else could take the Trident and Sword of the Abyssal Guardian from your hands?"

"I know you've retrieved the Trident, Sword of the Abyssal Guardian, and other Olympian artifacts, but such actions have disrupted the order of the entire Divine Alliance!"

"The order of the entire Divine Alliance?" The Sea God Poseidon didn't bother to explain and simply sneered, "Even if it was me orchestrating everything from behind, so what?"

Zeus felt he got the answer he was looking for and asked, "Are you planning to swallow up the Catholic Church as well?"

The Sea God Poseidon's eyes narrowed slightly, "Brother, what do you think?"

"At that time, Zeus had invited deities from other factions, the three high-ranking divine kings were there, along with over a hundred Supreme Deities, and more than fifty Kings of the Shapeshifters. Yet, he alone thought he could confront the entire Divine Alliance."

Hearing all this, William finally asked, "Did he beat you?"

At that question, Bob was taken aback, his expression becoming unnatural, "How could that be? If I had intervened, he wouldn't have stood a chance."

William said, "He's stronger than you."

Gritting his teeth, Bob admitted, "Alright! I concede, the guy did have some skills, but he's definitely not right in the head."

William asked again, "So, did he beat you?"

Bob took a deep breath, a sense of unprecedented dejection washing over him as he said weakly, "Even if he did beat me, it's no big deal. After all, he is indeed stronger than I am."

"That settles it then!" William laughed.

"What do you mean 'that settles it then'?" Bob felt a sense of foreboding.

William's smile took on a strange quality as he said, "From now on, the ancient frost dragon will serve as transportation, Jesus will act as bait to attract attacks, you will be the tank, and then Loki will be responsible for support in battle. Once I bring your team leader here, your mission will be to protect Jesus and allow the team leader to engage the enemy as much as possible."

Bob felt as though his brain wasn't quite keeping up. Could this be why he had turned into this chubby form?

He didn't quite understand what William was saying.

"You don't need to understand now. Loki is imprisoned in the Sanctuary of the Celestial Gods, right? I'm going to get Loki out."

Bob repeated, "He's in the Divine Alliance's headquarters, the Sanctuary of the Celestial Gods!"

"I know, you've already told me that!"

"You're not thinking of rescuing Loki from the Sanctuary of the Celestial Gods' prison, are you?"

William looked at him and asked, "Can't I?"

Jesus remained silent, offering no comment.

The ancient dragon, now transformed into a van, couldn't help but say, "Mr. Johnson, I am a frost dragon capable of flying in the skies. Why make me a mode of transportation?"

William stared at it and said, "If you don't like my arrangement, should I go find another dragon?"

Hydra, drooling slightly, also gave it a peculiar look.

The ancient dragon felt the depth in William's gaze, sensing that a wrong answer might lead to it becoming dinner.

Thus, it could only mutter softly, "I think being a mode of transportation is quite good."