Chapter 746 The outside world was just too terrifying!

Chapter 746 The outside world was just too terrifying!

"2090 feet per second."

Upon hearing this data, William's brow furrowed slightly.

Hadn't he just said that it could reach up to 2000 feet per second? Was this Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth specifically here to prove him wrong?

In that instant, the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth felt its body stiffen and it froze in mid-air, as if an invisible giant hand had grabbed it. This hand only needed to exert a little more force, and it would be shattered to pieces!

"2000 feet per second! Do you understand?" While conveying this message, William also took the opportunity to educate the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth about how fast 1 foot per second actually is.

The Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth was in agony.

Who just said to make him fly faster?

Just now, it was flying at full speed, burning all its energy and even its vital essence to reach that speed.

But who could argue when such a powerful deity had spoken?

2000 feet per second...

"Dr. Sanger, it just stopped in mid-air, which means the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth has the ability to hover," Frederick noted.

"Its flight seems to be powered by some mysterious force, not its fins."

"The fins are too small,if it were just flapping through the air, they couldn't possibly support the massive body of the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth," Frederick explained. "It must be like the Soulmancer, using a mysterious energy to fly."

With current science, the soul energy inside a Soulmancer can only be described as a mysterious energy. Any further explanation would seem more like charlatanism.

"William, you just said that a hit from the space ion cannon to its head could kill it, right?" Frederick asked. "So, its weak points should still be the head, the eyes, and other fragile areas, right?"

William chuckled, "Dr. Sanger, this is a mutated creature. You're identifying its eyes as a weak point because you can't find any other weaknesses, right?"

Frederick nodded, "That's right. The body of the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth is likely covered with a very thick layer of fat, and its skin is also very tough. Even if we use the newly developed Annihilation Bomb on other parts, it would likely only cause severe injury, not death."

William added, "The eyes of the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth can emit attacks similar to laser beams, so they're hardly a weak point. With the current human arsenal, aside from using the space ion cannon on its head, it's very difficult to find a way to kill it."

"Ordinary weapons, even if they hit its eyes, would at most injure it, and are not enough to be lethal."

Frederick was curious about how William knew all this, but he didn't ask. Instead, he turned to look at the large screen and asked, "What's the speed now?"

"2000 feet per second! The speed is very stable." The female assistant recording the data gave William a deep look, as if he had predicted everything correctly.

Who exactly was he?

The seabed makes it feel safer?

Could such a creature even feel fear?

It seemed unrealistic, and perhaps William's words were just meant to comfort everyone.

"Dr. Sanger, the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth has returned to the seabed!"

"I see it!"

"I wonder why it flew out of the water just now. It seemed like it just wanted to fly for a bit. Maybe it was stretching its muscles or just getting some air?"

"Whatever the reason, let's hope it never comes out again."


The Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth cautiously submerged into the sea, barely causing any splash upon entering the water, more adept than many Olympic divers.

Seeing the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth return to the seabed, many people breathed a sigh of relief. What terrifying scene had they just witnessed?

No one knew how frightened the Demon Whale with Bloody Teeth had been just now.

The ruler of the seabed!

Forced to fly out and even having its speed strictly regulated, it felt the gaze of many eyes upon it.

Those eyes carried a murderous intent, and it swore to itself that it would hide in the seabed, the deeper the better, never to venture out again!

The outside world was just too terrifying!

Once everything had calmed down, William asked, "Can I continue modifying these documents now?"

"Yes, go ahead!" Frederick chose to trust William without hesitation this time and asked in a pleading tone, "Mr. Johnson, may I sit beside you and watch? I'd like to learn."

Even the way he addressed him had changed!

He now called William "Mr. Johnson."

William nodded and smiled at Frederick, "Of course!"

Frederick reminded William of the retired principal of Hudson University, Edward.

On the path of pursuing scientific truth, it was always these individuals who tirelessly studied and then passed on their life's knowledge, thus contributing to the progress of human civilization.