Chapter 797 A peaceful life isn't so bad

Chapter 797 A peaceful life isn't so bad

Seraphina led a grand procession back to the Arcane Village base with the group in tow.

In the past, Andreas and his companions would have descended upon the Arcane Village base like gods from the heavens.

But now, they wouldn't dare.

No matter what Seraphina said, they insisted on carrying the books through the city gates, claiming that doing so was a sign of respect for the place.

"Suit yourselves!" Seraphina couldn't be bothered with them anymore and headed back to the school.

William was in his office working on the second volume when Seraphina returned. "Did you get the books?" he asked.

Seraphina grimaced, "I had Andreas and his team bring them over. They're at the base now."

William looked up at Seraphina, smiled briefly, and didn't say much else.

These were trivial matters to him.

"Mr. Johnson, they really went all out, copying fifty thousand books," Seraphina said enthusiastically.

That's just how women are,even though she told herself there was no hope and she could give up, she always found something to say in front of William.

"Let them keep twenty thousand copies, and distribute the rest around the world."

The population of the Arcane Village base was just over sixty thousand, and not everyone would read the book—fifty thousand copies were indeed too many.

Seraphina laughed, "I think they just wanted an excuse to come over and curry favor with you."

"What's there to curry favor with me?" William said indifferently. "Tell them not to come looking for me. I don't want to see them."

Despite some connections between the Pantheon Guild and deities like Poseidon and Zeus, William didn't know Andreas and the others well, so naturally, there was no need to meet.

Mainly, William wasn't interested in the people from the Pantheon Guild.

"Understood." Seraphina sensed that William was in a good mood, so she leaned in and asked, "Mr. Johnson, are you planning to help humanity eradicate those Mutated creatures?"

Seraphina had wanted to ask this question for a long time.

She wasn't human herself and naturally didn't care about human affairs, so over the years, she had mostly been an observer.

But if Mr. Johnson wanted to help humanity, she was certainly willing to contribute.

While William and Seraphina conversed, the other teachers in the office couldn't hear a thing. From their perspective, it just looked like Seraphina came over to find William, and then the two didn't speak at all—William was busy with his work, and Seraphina just stood by his side.

It was a scene that should have seemed odd, yet it appeared perfectly normal to them.

Of course, the teachers couldn't hear the conversation between William and Seraphina either.

Or to become a dominant ruler, finding a sense of superiority by enslaving others.

Wouldn't that just make things even more boring?

Not to mention the pursuit of immortality.

Better to just be an old man teaching at a school, which was quite nice.

"Then have you found the ultimate cosmic truth?" Seraphina remembered that the deities in the Divine Realm were all in search of this ultimate cosmic truth.

William coughed lightly and said, "I don't chase after those elusive things."

The so-called ultimate cosmic truth and the power of cosmic laws were just a matter of thought.

Besides, Dolly, the Cosmic Entity of the thirteenth universe, had exiled herself.

"But... your words give me some ideas." William was indeed quite bored. Chasing after the ultimate cosmic truth was certainly off the table, but now that the thirteenth universe was without a Cosmic Entity to govern it, many places had become even more chaotic.

With nothing better to do, taking Dolly's place and setting some rules might actually be quite interesting.

Being a teacher by day and setting some rules by night wouldn't be so boring after all.

Take it slow!

It definitely needs to be taken slowly,this way, setting some rules for the thirteenth universe could keep him busy for a long time.

William fell into silence, deciding to start from Earth.

Between humans and mutated creatures, he could design a way for them to understand each other's languages. This way, perhaps they could negotiate in future encounters.

Yes, that's the decision!

With a mere thought from William, all the mutated creatures around the world could now understand and speak the local human languages, even the dialects.

This way, communication would be barrier-free,at least if they couldn't win a fight, they could still throw some fierce words, right?

Suddenly, humans all over the world were baffled.

In a corner of the world, humans were fighting.

"That two-headed Netherwolf just called you an idiot."

"I heard it! No need to repeat!"

"I was just worried you didn't hear clearly!"


"Damn it, dare to call me an idiot! Watch me beat the crap out of you today, unless you've cleaned up your act!"