Chapter 801 This is how geniuses are made

Chapter 801 This is how geniuses are made

The five-colored mutant python watched as William approached with a chef's knife in hand, resembling a farmer ready to harvest ripe vegetables.

The mighty five-colored mutant python, a dominant force on Mount Olympus, had now become mere ingredients on a chopping board.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to kill you. I'm just going to chop off a bit of your tail," William said as he walked over to the python's tail, wielding the chef's knife. He prodded along the python's body with his fingers, searching for the tastiest spot.

Such a large python was more than he and Silas could eat, so naturally, he chose the most delicious part.

The five-colored mutant python watched the chef's knife in William's hand, harboring a sliver of hope that such a simple weapon couldn't possibly harm it. It believed the knife would surely break against its tough skin.

Its scales were impervious to water and fire, resistant to blades, and extremely tough. How could an ordinary knife cut through?

Perhaps after a few unsuccessful attempts to cut it, William would give up. Wouldn't that be great?

"Right here!"

William's finger landed on a spot on the tail of the five-colored mutant python. "Don't worry, it won't hurt at all, and there won't even be any blood."

His words sounded eerily like something a player might say to coax a young girl.

The five-colored mutant python's eyes widened as it stared at William.

Then, with a swift motion, William's knife flashed, and a small section of the python's tail was cleanly cut off without any blood, the wound cauterizing instantly.

"..." The five-colored mutant python's mouth hung open in disbelief.

What happened to its supposedly invincible defense?

In front of William's chef's knife, why did it feel as fragile as paper?

It couldn't understand that in the presence of a powerhouse like William, there was no such thing as absolute defense.

As for the quality of the chef's knife?

William could have split the five-colored mutant python in two with a straw if he wanted to.

Silas watched with wide eyes.

Mr. Johnson, you're so powerful!

"Eat slowly,this is just the appetizer."

Legend had it that a single drop could extend a normal person's life by ten years, though it wasn't quite that miraculous in reality,at most, it could transform one's physique. Moreover, a normal person might die from the overwhelming power if their body couldn't absorb it.

To William, nectar had no taste,he'd rather drink vodka.

But Silas, with his Divine Constitution, could handle the nectar without any issues, and this particular bottle, having been stored by William for hundreds of thousands of years, had improved effects.

Silas looked at the glass bottle in front of him without a second thought, grabbed it, and started chugging.

In just a moment, Silas felt a comforting sensation throughout his bones, as if filled with strength.

"Now try the Fireball Spell again," William was quite relaxed, as the snake meat still needed to marinate for at least half an hour. There was no rush. After drinking the nectar, Silas underwent a significant transformation, fully activating the potential of his Divine Constitution and achieving perfect harmony with the surrounding natural energy.

"Okay!" Silas responded, stood up, and focused on the five-

colored mutant python. He quickly made a gesture, and his hands burst into a brilliant light.

"Fireball Spell!"

As Silas shouted, a golden flame struck the five-colored mutant python, sparking a burst of fire.

The five-colored mutant python was numb by now. Silas's Fireball Spell hadn't caused any real damage, but it didn't dare to flee!

It stayed motionless, like a statue.

Watching others eat its skin and meat, it dared not express its anger and had to remain a target...

This was truly an unpleasant experience.

"When you find that feeling, try shouting 'Fireball Spell,'" William instructed. "It's just about converting the natural energy around you. Eventually, you won't even need the magical gestures; just a thought, and the spell will release itself!"

William didn't want Silas to learn just the superficial aspects of magic—that would be too boring!

Silas, hearing William's words, frowned slightly in thought, then made a gesture and launched a fireball.

He was learning fast!

Much better than that fool Alice!

"Keep going,the snake meat will take a while longer." William busied himself with various seasonings, satisfied with Silas's performance, and let him continue freely.