Chapter 9 - 9: Power Of Chocolate...

Name:Iron Blooded Hound Author:
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Power Of Chocolate...

In the Baskevilles, useful tests are successive, a few times each day.

The majority of the siblings battle each other to decide prevalence in strength, yet the greater part of the beginning of the battle is declared with this species.


The youthful dogs of the Baskevilles, who were apprehensive in the new climate, quickly woke up at a recognizable ringer.

What's more, as it has been learned meanwhile, it was an impulse.

A youthful Baskeville from the nine-year-old class immediately stumbled into the no man's land.

He was the person who benefited a lot last year by involving the worthwhile territory first.

In any case, he was adequately wise to recollect last year's focuses, yet he was not sufficiently clever to keep his eyes on him.

The savvy 8-year-olds pursued him.

They didn't have any idea what it was?, yet, they planed to prevent him from doing what he needed.

More intelligent children imagined that they knew something.

Furthermore, draw others into hazardous pits or marshes and dispose of irritating flying flies at the same time.

The trios, Hivero, Mivero, and Lovero, were such crafty folks.

"Go there."

"Try not to instruct me."

"I teling you since you can't do poop all alone."

9-year-olds who are now showing their unmistakable quality. Coincidentally, these folks utilized a comparative strategies last year to take out a ton of upperclassmen.

Promptly after the chime ringing, dropouts started to seem in a steady progression.

From shock and blacking out, from moving down a precarious incline, or from falling into a bog, from being cut or cut.

The reasons were shifted, yet the main driver was one.

It was on account of different siblings.

... kang!

You can likewise hear the sound of metal pieces slamming into one another all through the timberland.

When the opposition started, the offspring of the Baskevilles were battling each other with Gruff swords were given to them.

A dull blade so it can't be utilized to kill.

Killing rivals isn't energized in this competition.

It isn't precluded, yet it stops at a level that isn't suggested.

In the event that you kill somebody, focuses are deducted... ... This score range was very huge, so the kids did their best not to kill the other individual 'manually' if conceivable.

Obviously, it doesn't make any difference on the off chance that your abilities are sufficient to take a derivation and you have gathered an adequate number of focuses, or on the other hand in the event that you can kill your rival covertly to the point of being unseen by the pioneer canines.

Indeed, despite the fact that the gatekeeper knights who go about as guide canines keep their eyes open 24 hours per day, baffling passings and inadvertent passings happen much of the time during the viable assessment, so this open door might be utilized to kill an opponent or a person you loathed.

... but.

There was no Vikir in this wild contest.

Vikir behaved like he cared very little about scoring all along.

All he did was, when the ringer struck, to move quickly out of the booking and settle down in the no man's land outside the limit lining the bodering Zone.

'... Was it here?'

Vikir was thinking back about his days as an understudy prior to returning and his days as an educator.

On the off chance that you go straight along these lines, there is a no man's land that is barely inside the boundary region.

There, an old dead tree stood tall, yet the roots that expand profound into the ground were delicate and spoiled, so the entire ground is delicate.

In a little while, Vikir found the land he was holding back nothing.

Dissimilar to different spots, the dirt there is especially rosy.

Vikir broke a branch and started digging and jabbing the ground.

While different siblings battled somewhere far off, winning and losing focuses, Vikir quietly dug the ground.

The aide canine watchmen continued noticing Vikir while concealing in a mystery place.

In any case, even following a few days, Vikir kept on being seen digging a pit.

'Seems as though he's simply concealing there to kill time.'

'It's somewhat frustrating?'

'There's compelling reason need to continue to watch.'

Since he was a Vikir who had been unmistakable since his young life, the Watchman Knights had high expectations for him, yet this was very disheartening.

Digging and concealing in pits was regular way of behaving of quitters, low-positioning and immaterial youngsters.

Eventually, the Gatekeeper Knights who couldn't watch out for him started to take their eyes off Vikir individually.

... but.

One actually didn't focus on the battles between the youngsters.

Exactly how profound the 8-year-old Vikir digs the pit and what he does in it.

* * *

"This spot is as yet like a support."


He was sitting at the lower part of the pit and living it up.

Le Maverick Mountain, was a particularly agreeable and comfortable spot for him.

Outside, the Watchman Knights stood monitor all things being equal, and contenders didn't come to beware of him.

At the point when he was parched, he would gather dew that shaped for the time being on an enormous leaf hanging in the pit, and in the event that he was ravenous, he would get a passing snake or mole and meal it.

Vikir meandered through the timberland for quite a while.

At the point when he was a teacher or skirmisher, he meandered around this spot as though he were eating, so his eyes were clear as though he was going all through his home.


Vikir tracked down something.

Sizzle... ...

It's a coal consuming in the remains.

Subsequent to following the smell of something consuming, he at long last found what he was searching for.

It was a heap of poo.

A fire that has not yet been stifled consumes in the darkened heap of manure.

To the extent that Vikir knews, there is just a single beast that was this way.

He lifted his head and strolled a little further through the trees, and in a little while he saw the proprietor of the waste.

An enormous body, sharp teeth and hooks, and two eyes that sparkled yellow.

<Damnation Hound>

Grade: B+

Size: 3m

Disclosure Area: Le Maverick Mountains Section 2 Edge

-Also known as 'the canine from damnation'.

A being genuinely carries a horrible catastrophe to those it experiences, and on the off chance that it is chomped once, it can never make due.

The brimstone fire heaving from the eyes and mouth comes from the coals of the profundities of the heck, and doesn't go out until the life utilized as fuel is totally consumed with smoldering heat.

Indeed, even in the reference book, there was very little data about this perilous beast.

In any case, Vikir has confronted many beasts of this sort through the time of annihilation.

"At last tracked down you."

The explanation he came to Le Rebel Mountain is to meet these folks.

Vikir turned rapidly.

When the Hellhound saw Vikir, it surged at him.

kong! kong! kong!

The thunder of a dog seeking after intently behind.

When he moved, he hurled himself to the side of the hellhound ran past.

Chow ah-

Hellhound made a few strides, unfit to stop.

"True to form, you're a dolt who just knows how to go straight."

Most creatures who have moved up from damnation can simply go straight.

Indeed, even first class beasts like Hellhound show shortcoming.

Grrrrr... ...

The hellhound pivoted and began seeking after him.

Vikir arranged the accompanying example.

Chow ah-

Drinking water made by gathering two days of dew was splashed and defined a long boundary on the floor.

... jump!

Hellhound reached an unexpected stop with a similar force as it was running.

This hellhound species curiously didn't cross water.

Regardless of how flimsy and shallow the water is.

Since a beast isn't great at something besides running in an orderly fashion, it is a hellhound needed to go around water spots dispersed on the ground.

A reality known to all trackers have gone through the period of distruction, yet a propensity isn't notable in this world yet because of absence of examination.

'Indeed, it will unavoidably become known some other time when the Disorder Entryway opens and Hellhounds swarm all around the landmass.'

Vikir confronted the hellhound.

Albeit the speed of the Hellhound running had diminished, it is as yet alarming.

Hello, the hellhound is a beast that even knights of master middle level or higher struggle with 1:1.

Vikir prior to returning is likewise a beast so strong that he had the option to get it single-handedly just when he was 18 years of age.


Vikir didn't come this way without going to any lengths.

"Canine beasts generally open their mouths while running."

Like a carefully prepared tracker who has survived the period of obliteration, he drew out a clear-cut advantage ready for this present circumstance.

The best weapon for getting canine beasts.

... fing!

The sound of beans hitting each other in his grasp.

Ridiculous Beans.

It was chocolate.



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