Chapter 168

"Li San, I want you to send someone to watch all the hospitals right now. Anyone who buys the medicine for traumatic injuries can't let go."

In the palace of the king of Qi, Xiao Ming solemnly said to Li San.

On his way back, Li San had learned that the Guanzhuang was burned. Now Wang Xuan is in Cangzhou City, responsible for collecting information on the grassland, and he is responsible for the affairs on the fiefdom.

This incident made him feel guilty, because he didn't get any news beforehand.

"When I came, I had arranged for a secret investigation." Li San hesitated for a moment and continued to say, "by the way, your highness, these days, the lower official has asked the secret guards to keep an eye on the merchants who come back from the grassland, but they find that some of them are suspicious. After they enter Qingzhou City, they inquire about the news everywhere, and they also linger near the workshop area and the equipment department."

"You mean these merchants are scouts on the grassland?" Xiao Ming said.

"It's true, isn't it? These smugglers are only for profit. They can do business with our money, and they can also do business with the money of barbarians. " Li San said.

"With our money?" Xiao Ming frowned, "does the secret guard also buy the news on the grassland from them?"

Li San nodded, "in the vast grassland, only these businessmen can go deep into the barbarian tribes. During this period, the barbarians are very alert to strange caravans. The inferior officer let the secret guard fake caravans almost be captured by the barbarians, and it is difficult to obtain the barbarian intelligence. Therefore, they can only get some intelligence by buying these businessmen."

In reality, there are no two-sided spies. Li San doesn't believe these businessmen are right. Xiao Ming said: "in this case, you will secretly arrest these suspicious businessmen and torture them. We don't have much time to beat around the bush with them. At this time, we'd rather kill one thousand by mistake than let one go. "

Li San nodded, his face suddenly darkened.

When Li San just left, Xiao Ming was about to go out when Li Kaiyuan suddenly asked for a meeting outside the palace.

During this period of time, he was busy preparing for the war in Cangzhou, but he didn't care much about the business of the chamber of Commerce. Instead, he handed it over to Li Kaiyuan.

"Your Highness." To the main hall, Li Kaiyuan said.

"Excuse me, you vice president of the chamber of commerce are so busy, how can you come to me?" Xiao Ming asked.

Li Kaiyuan said with a smile: "Your Highness, no matter how busy I am, I can't forget your highness. Hehe, your highness, I have a good thing to tell you this time."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Ming's lack of interest makes him fidgety.

Seeing that Xiao Ming was not in a high mood, Li Kaiyuan said, "Your Highness, you must be happy to hear about this. I have sent two ships of nitrates to your highness."

"Two ships of nitrates? Does Chen Wenlong not say that there is no saltpeter on the market now? " Xiao Mingqi's strange way.

Li Kaiyuan said: "Your Highness is going to thank councillor Qin. A few days ago, when I came back from Jinling City, I met a merchant ship of Qin family who was going back to Qingzhou together. I didn't think it was saltpeter that was transported on it. When I came back to the city, I knew that your highness was short of saltpeter. I thought of this and went to councillor Qin. Councillor Qin was very frank and said that saltpeter was ready to be sent to your highness."

"Oh?" Xiao Ming was not happy, but frowned.

"What's the matter, your highness? Isn't that a good thing? " Li Kaiyuan asked.

"Good? It's really a good thing, but it's a good thing. Qin Chuanyun didn't come to ask for credit. How could he give it to you humbly? " Xiao Ming said.

Li Kaiyuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said, "yes, this boy was more attentive than me before, your highness. What do you mean?"

Instead of answering, Xiao Ming asked, "where were you when you saw Qin Chuanyun?"

"He's on the dock and seems to be going out of town." Li Kaiyuan said.

Xiao Ming's eyes turned. The connection between these two things made Qin Chuanyun feel more and more wrong.

"Go and call Li San back quickly." Xiao Ming said in an urgent voice.

Seeing that Xiao Ming's face was embarrassed, Li Kaiyuan didn't dare to ask again. He ran out immediately. After a while, Li San was chased back.

Xiao Ming and Li San talked about the whole story, and immediately took the secret guards to the Tuojiang wharf.

It's just that when we get to the dock, where is the shadow of Qin Chuanyun.

The guards in the city soon reported that all the important members of the Qin family were not in the city except some servants and Qin Chuanyun's concubines. "

"Qinchuan cloud! I am not mean to you Xiao Ming said angrily.

Li San said cautiously: "Your Highness, councillor Qin is always a powerful family. I just didn't expect that he could endure so much. He not only blinded your highness, but also made me relax my vigilance against him. I'm guilty."

"It's not your fault, it's the king's fault. The rich are always the rich. How can they be willing to become civilians?" Xiao Ming muttered to himself.

Li Kaiyuan then said: "Your Highness, it's still inconclusive at this time. Maybe members of the Qin family are just going out with their families. Don't you see that all the merchant ships of the Qin family are here? These two ships are loaded with nitrates. "

As they were saying this, an old man suddenly came out from the bow of the boat and saw Li Kaiyuan. The thin old man said, "shopkeeper Li, councilor Qin and his family have gone back to visit their relatives together. Before leaving, he specially ordered the old slave to give the things on the boat to his highness to relieve his Highness's burning eyebrows.""Your Highness, you see, maybe it's just your guess." Li Kaiyuan said.

Two merchant ships with a length of more than 30 meters are berthed on the wharf, which are the standard water transport merchant ships of the Qin family. If the warehouses are full of saltpeter, it can really make Qingzhou no longer worry about the source of the gunpowder.

Frowning, Xiao Ming and Li San get on the boat together. At this time, he can't help feeling that he is too sensitive.

After all, we can't just guess and say that it was Qin Chuan Yun who did it.

"Your Highness, here is the saltpeter." The old man led Xiao Ming to the cabin. Sure enough, it was full of saltpeter.

Li Kaiyuan said: "Your Highness, maybe councillor Qin really did a good job."

The old man then said, "these nitrates were bought from a Shu merchant at a high price. It's said that the nitrates cave in Shu was sealed by the king of Shu. Only by the order of the king of Shu can we continue mining."

When he said that, the old man raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. Because he was very close to the old man, a faint smell from the old man's hand floated into his nose.

Xiao Ming was so shocked that he cried out: "gunpowder! Get out of here

Li San was startled. His hand fell. The old man covered his chest and fell down with a groan.

The three fled quickly. Before they were 20 meters away, a deafening "boom" came. Xiao Ming quickly fell down on the ground according to Li San and Li Kaiyuan.

At this time, a wave of air swept over the three people in an instant.

"Li Kaiyuan, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

As if his body was broken, Li San got up from the ground and hit the hoodwinked Li Kaiyuan with a fist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!