Chapter 206

The maple trees behind Chengqing hall are swept by the autumn wind, and the red leaves fall.

When the gun was finished, they fell into silence.

For a long time, Xiao Wenxuan seemed determined. Then he said, "Minger, are you still hating me?"

In Xiao Ming's memory, Xiao Wenxuan hasn't called his name like this since he was ten years old. After a pause, Xiao Ming said, "I dare not."

"No? Ha ha, you didn't say no. It seems that you are still blaming me. " Xiao Wenxuan gave a bitter smile. The older he was, the more sentimental he was. If he had been, he would not have cared what these princes thought of him.

Xiao Ming complained secretly, but he didn't really hate Xiao Wenxuan. After all, he was a fake.

And these days he read through the history books, the exiled and stabbed Prince of the state of Dayu didn't know how much he was. It's good for Xiao Ming to live up to now.

"I really don't hate my father. If it wasn't for my father, I'm afraid my son would still be in the fragrance of Chang'an's gentle daughter. How could he contribute to the country of Dayu now?" Xiao Ming said sincerely.

Xiao Wenxuan turns around and looks into Xiao Ming's eyes as if he wants to see through Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming is fearless and sincere.

In a place like Dayu, where there is a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority, if ordinary princes are looked at in this way, they may feel a little guilty.

However, Xiao Ming came from the world where everyone is equal, and he didn't understand this kind of superiority and inferiority. Therefore, in the face of Xiao Wenxuan, he was not afraid, but curious about the emperor.

In history books, it's too simple to talk about these emperors. You are either a wise king or a fatuous king. Few people care about the real temperament of these emperors.

"If so, my father will be at ease, and he will not waste his efforts." Xiao Wenxuan said slowly.


Xiao Ming looks confused. At this point, Xiao Ming knows exactly what Xiao Wenxuan is going to say.

Sure enough, Xiao Wenxuan said, "among all the concubines, only your mother has no background. Similarly, among all the princes, only you have no background of any powerful family. If your father had left you in Chang'an, you would have died because of your domineering character at that time."

"But my father also had to admit that at that time, because you were surly, my father really hated you. These two things, my father finally granted Qingzhou to you. In this way, you will not make much trouble in Qingzhou. Moreover, if you stay away from Chang'an, you will be forgotten by other princes. Even if the crown prince ascends the throne, you will not be a threat. You are a good man I can spend my life in peace. In this way, I have an explanation to your mother and concubine. "

Xiao Wenxuan's look was cold, as if he was telling a story.

Xiao Ming was a little surprised. Xiao Wenxuan really had a heart to heart talk with him, so he said: "in the past, it was all my son's ministers who were bad. They wasted my father's efforts. But now my son's ministers have changed their ways, and I will not let him down in the future."

"You have proved your determination to change the past in this great victory in Cangzhou, which was unexpected by your father and Emperor. However, your father and Emperor are very happy that you can save your life, but as the prince, you can do your part for the country. This is the Royal blessing. In the future, you must not forget your original intention. You should assist the new Emperor just like your uncle Sanhuang assisted me."

"I remember." Xiao Ming said with a bow.

He is very clear that the throne can't take its turn now. After all, the rule of whether to establish the elder or not is the ancestral law of all dynasties.

What's more, in order to protect himself, Xiao Wenxuan didn't say that he was very popular. As Pang Yukun analyzed, Xiao Wenxuan's favorite is the prince. For him, Xiao Wenxuan is just doing his father's duty.

And also to keep his mother Princess from worrying.

However, for Xiao Ming, he doesn't care about this, because now Xiao Wenxuan's attitude towards him has obviously changed, which is similar to his treatment of the king of Wei.

And it's much more valuable than simple pampering.

Love is nothing more than simple feelings will be biased, but valuing, whether it is emotional or intellectual, now Xiao Wenxuan will be biased to Xiao Ming.

Now Xiao Wenxuan can do this, he has been very satisfied.

This time, Xiao Ming came to Chang'an to find some help for himself in Chang'an. The other purpose is to maintain the stability of Chongqing.

For the moment, the artillery's deterrent to the barbarians and vassals is enough to keep them honest for a while.

At this time, Xiao Ming needed the right time, place and people to develop Qingzhou. Now that he has the right time, place and people, there is only one person left.

However, it's a beginning for him to invest in his contacts with the king of Wei. However, in his plan, the highest value investment of his contacts is of course Xiao Wenxuan.

So even if it's not for the relationship between father and son, Xiao Ming will try to please Xiao Wenxuan when he comes to Chang'an this time.

It is also based on this factor that Xiao Ming's performance is in line with Xiao Wenxuan's temperament."Well, just remember that your fiefdom is next to the fiefdom of the king of Wei. You should learn from him about this. You should not have any indiscreet thoughts in the future, otherwise your father and Emperor will not be able to accommodate you."

This sentence, Xiao Wenxuan's tone is very severe, has been a warning tone, warning Xiao Ming not to produce a conspiracy against.

"I dare not."

Xiao Ming is still very obedient, but he thinks that when you drive west, it's up to you. If you know the current affairs, you can't blame me.

"The father and the emperor have all said that now you can be loyal to the duties of the vassal and the royal family, and the father and the emperor will take care of you." Xiao Wenxuan said with a smile.

Xiao Ming chuckles. Xiao Wenxuan still has two brushes. He knocks the stick and gives the carrot.

At this point, Xiao Wenxuan seems to have no more words to educate Xiao Ming.

But asked Xiao Ming some trivial things, such as Qingzhou live adapt? Eating habits, not being used to it, and so on. Although these topics are not big, they are a father's concern for his children.

Compared with the previous words, these words make Xiao Ming feel like a father and son.

However, when he was in Qingzhou, Xiao Ming just used his memory to guess Xiao Wenxuan. Now it seems that although Xiao Wenxuan is not a wise king, he is not a fatuous king. At least he can be saved at the critical moment.

After a comprehensive analysis, he thought that it was a good choice to have a good relationship with Xiao Wenxuan, so he said: "father, this time I went to Beijing, my son's ministers brought a very beautiful gift to my father. My father will like it when I see him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!