Chapter 334

Niu Yu is waiting for kuha to come.

When he learned that the barbarians were about to enter Yunzhou, he ordered the evacuation of all the people outside the city. The people either fled into the mountains, or into the city, or into Wubao, and did not leave any food at home.

After the first order was issued, he fully realized the role of the militia and the production team in the people. The two organizations gave full play to their responsibilities and cooperated with their work quickly and effectively.

After the people hid in Wubao, the militia also gathered and became another force against the barbarians.

Therefore, when he chose to meet the enemy here, he was 90% sure that kuha would take risks.

First of all, the food that the Chagatai vanguard brings is not much, and the long journey will consume 7788. Second, kuha wants to kill him and then quickly. Third, if kuha wants to avoid the official road, he has to find a person who is familiar with Yunzhou road to lead the way, but now he may not be easy to find.

The remaining 10% is not afraid even if kusha takes the path. After all, since it's a path, the road is not as flat as the official road. There must be many mountains, forests and swamps around, so he can ambush at the crucial place.

"Commander, the cavalry of kuha has moved. They are coming here."

A hussar's voice broke Niu's meditation.

A smile came from the corner of his mouth, and Niu Zhen called out: "the whole army is ready."

As his voice fell, a rhythmic bugle sounded, and the soldiers of Qingzhou army immediately moved.

The first action was the chariot soldiers. At this time, the chariot soldiers driving the Huss chariot immediately began to change the formation from the column. Three hundred HUS chariots were separated and surrounded by three square defensive formations.

Each Husi chariot designed by Xiao Ming is five meters long. A hundred Husi chariots add up to 500 meters long. With the gap between the chains, one side of a square defensive array is close to 200 meters.

The three hush chariot arrays are staggered, like a pin shape, and each box shaped chariot is staggered, like the corners of a European Bastion, which can give full play to the maximum firepower.

The soldiers driving the Huss chariot immediately jumped down and pulled up the chain at the rear of the Huss chariot. Each HUS chariot was connected to each other with a chain.

At the same time, the driver unloaded the bars and harness of HUS chariot, but the driver still tied the horses to the inside of the chariot barrier, which could be used again whenever necessary.

The horses will be protected by a driver and a shield.

When the square array was completed, the Musketeers immediately relied on the Huss chariots and lined up along the edge of the square array, forming a strange hollow array with Huss chariots in the inner layer and three rows of musketeers in the outer layer.

In the interior of the HUS chariot, the artillery extended the muzzle of the artillery from the gap, and a thousand Armored Cavalry formed in the chariot array, ready to attack at any time.

Xiao Ming and Niu Zhen decided to adopt this kind of tactics under the same research. It was because of their trust in this kind of battle that Xiao Ming dared to help Jizhou with a small number of troops.

In the Qingzhou army, this kind of battle array with a fireman standing on the outside, soldiers hidden in the chariot and cavalry on standby is called sandwich biscuit battle array. Of course, only Xiao Ming can get this title.

After the battle was completed, Niu Zhen and other generals were protected by a HUS chariot behind them.

After finishing the layout of the sandwich biscuit battle, people are waiting for the arrival of kuha.

If it had been in the past, Niubi would not have fought with 10000 cavalry in such an open field, because even 30000 infantry were not the opponent of 10000 barbarian cavalry.

But now, relying on this unprecedented battle, he believes that 10000 Musketeers, 3000 cavalry and 4000 chariots are enough to defeat the barbarian cavalry in the wild.

before that, he did not even dare to think about it. Without five times the force, the army of Dayu did not dare to fight with the barbarian cavalry in the wild.

Waiting, not far away gradually appeared the dust raised by the cavalry, soon, the barbarian cavalry appeared in front of the Qingzhou army.

Three hundred meters away, the cavalry of kuha stopped and began to adjust the line. They faced each other in the open land of six miles.

"Is Qingzhou army crazy?"

Kuha looked at Qingzhou, wearing a dark green uniform and holding a strange spear weapon in his hand.

Other chieftains are also confused.

In front of them, the Qingzhou army did not gather together to form a close formation. Instead, it was divided into three square formations. For them, it was a desperate attempt.

Beyond the three rows of soldiers in front of him, kuha looked at the cavalry protected in the middle. There were only three thousand cavalry. For him, these cavalry were not enough.

He looked at the chariot behind the soldiers and was slightly surprised. Now he really couldn't understand the layout of the Qingzhou army.

"Commander Wan, this is a strange formation. We've never seen it before." Asked a chieftain.

"I've never seen such a strange battle." Kuha was staring at the last battle line as he spoke.

In particular, the eye-catching word "Niu" made kuha's eyes gradually red.

In the past, the Qingzhou army fought behind the city wall. Now in such a vast area, it is a natural advantage for the barbarians.The two sides stood still and gazed at each other. After a dead silence, the silence was broken by information from a barbarian scout.

"No ambush!" Said the scoundrel.

"Kill At this moment, kuha raised his machete, and his cavalry rushed to the Qingzhou army in a 300 meter long line on the six mile wide plain.

Just like the previous experience of the barbarians in grassland operations, the barbarian cavalry also prepared to encircle from both wings and finally complete the encirclement, ready to use the bow and arrow in the circular array.

In the traffic, Niu Zhen smiles when he sees that the barbarian cavalry still adopts such tactics.

The distance of the barbarian cavalry is 50 steps. The effective range of the riflemen is 80 to 90 steps. They can shoot before the barbarian cavalry.

Because archers are very difficult to cultivate, in the past, the infantry of Dayu had no way to deal with the circular cavalry array of the barbarians. They would only be disturbed by the archers of the barbarians. At this time, the heavy cavalry of the barbarians would appear, and then there was a massacre.

Looking at the approaching barbarian cavalry, the first row of soldiers raised their flint guns.

At this time, the barbarian cavalry came from all over the world, like a black torrent, rushing to the three carts on the plain.

Just after the barbarian cavalry entered the range, the captain on the side of the Musketeers gave the order to open fire.

"Bang Bang..." A line of white smoke came from the muzzle of the first line of musketeers.

Under the dense formation, the lead bullets fell on the barbarian cavalry like raindrops.

Within 80 paces, the huge target of the barbarian cavalry became the target of bullet attack.

All of a sudden, the front row of the barbarian cavalry fell down like cutting straw. The cavalry behind could not dodge. They were tripped by the front horse and fell to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!