Chapter 336

Kuha's eyes were red with blood, and his ears were filled with the screams of his subordinates.

He lost.

He was defeated so thoroughly that at this moment he realized the despair of the army of Dayu when they surrounded him.

He was even more shocked than his fear. What shocked him was what kind of weapons were with flames and white smoke, what was this strange array of vehicles, and why the invincible charge was easily torn apart in front of the Qingzhou army like a piece of paper.

But they can not continue to think more, wearing silver breastplate of Qingzhou cavalry will soon complete the encirclement on both sides, fight to death or escape?

At this moment, he chose to escape.

When a jackal faces death, fear follows.

Like other cavalry, kuha chose to escape. He raised his machete and killed any soldier who prevented him from escaping.

Luffy soon noticed kuha, who was waving machetes in the cavalry, trying to rush out.

His eyes narrowed dangerously.

He recalled the tragedy outside Qingzhou three years ago. When he led the soldiers to Cangzhou, there were people's bodies along the road. The barbarian soldiers didn't even let go of their babies. On the spear erected by the roadside, every other section of the road, they would see the babies being pierced and hanging on the top of the spear.

This scene made him mad with anger.

In their eyes, the people of Dayu are not human beings at all, but animals that are more humble than cattle and sheep.

So they slaughtered the people of Dayu without any pity. He still remembers the craziest barbarian cavalry who even caught the people of Dayu and cooked them when food and grass were scarce.

To Luffy, these barbarians were not human at all, but a group of wild animals from the north.

They are as cunning as foxes and as vicious as poisonous snakes. In their world, there is no morality, only cruelty and slavery.

At this time, he suddenly remembered what the king of Qi had said:

once the barbarians came to the Central Plains, the Han people would be reduced to the prisoners of the lower class and the humble slaves forever, and the vast civilization of the Central Plains would stagnate, strangled by the Barbarians' ignorant civilization, and suffered a devastating civilization fault.

This kind of fault is just like the Dahong kingdom before the Dai Dynasty five hundred years ago. It was at that time that the grassland people came to the Central Plains and caused endless disasters to the Han civilization.

"Kill Raising his saber, Lufei and his cavalry rushed directly to kuha.

His eyes are the anger of a nation in the face of the invasion of foreign nations, and the flame of revenge for the dead compatriots.

In the past, he had despair, because of the corruption and incompetence of Dayu state, he would no longer be able to protect his people, but now this despair has been replaced by a kind of hope.

"For the king of Qi!"

"For our hometown!"

"For the parents behind us."


Luffy yelled at the top of his voice.

"Kill In the eyes of the barbarian cavalry, a group of murderous Qingzhou cavalry rushed to them like lightning.

Then the picture in their eyes just stayed on the saber raised by Qingzhou soldiers.

On both sides of the circuitous Qingzhou cavalry in the completion of the encirclement of the moment rushed to be squeezed together with the barbarian cavalry.

The soldiers in Qingzhou raised their sabres angrily.

At this time, the barbarian cavalry crowded together, crushed each other, panicked, unable to organize effective resistance.

The battle was doomed from the time the cavalry broke up.

Lu Fei first rushed into the barbarian cavalry, waving his saber left and right, and suddenly screamed.

When the barbarians saw such a vicious figure rushing to fight, they were in a mess. Moreover, they were fighting hand in hand now. They had little advantage and were soon separated by Qingzhou cavalry.

After killing ten barbarian cavalry in a row, kuha appears in front of Lufei.

"Doggie, you're here, grandfather Lufei!"

after that, Lufei rushes over.

Seeing that he was surrounded by Qingzhou cavalry, kuha was also evil, and urged his horse to rush to Lu.

The machete in his hand and Luffy's saber hit each other in the air, sparking everywhere.

Kuha is a fierce general in the blood wolf tribe, and the two have tied in this round.

Turn the horse around and they fight again.

On the other side of the official road, Niu Zhen is watching the war.

At this time, the barbarians fell into chaos, most of the barbarian cavalry had been defeated and fled, and the rest had been surrounded by the cavalry regiment led by Lu Fei.

At this moment, he waved his hand, and suddenly a strong charge sounded.

At the sound of the bugle, the Musketeers immediately tilted, picked up their bayonets and rushed to the barbarian cavalry.


Roaring from the mouth of the Musketeers, Qingzhou soldiers rushed to the barbarian cavalry.

Seeing this, the barbarian cavalry broke up faster. More and more barbarian cavalry lost their fighting spirit and fled on their horses.The Musketeers with bayonets arrived in a flash, when they regrouped and the bayonets tilted out.

Dense bayonet attack, the barbarian cavalry on the horse was directly stabbed into a hornet's nest, the barbarian cavalry fell in rows.

After an hour of fierce fighting, all the surrounded barbarian cavalry were annihilated.

Luffy and kuha are still in full swing.

Kuha stopped at this time. He looked at the surrounding soldiers in Qingzhou and said with a crazy laugh, "you Han dogs, beishantaiji will avenge me. At that time, he will kill all the men in Dayu Kingdom and rob all the women to become our slaves. The iron cavalry of Jinzhang Khanate will level Qingzhou and make you stay intact."

He was cursing wildly when he saw a general coming towards him on horseback with a saber in his hand.

When kuha saw the man, his eyes became congested, he grabbed his machete and rushed to the man.

Lufei turned his head and saw niuzhen rush to kuha. He stopped when he wanted to rush.

At this time, Niu's horse and kuha's horse crossed each other. The light of the sword flashed, and a head flew up into the sky!

With one blow, Niu Zhen cut off kuha's head.

Lu Fei's heart was cold. Niu Zhen was born with great strength. He was really good at martial arts.

Qingzhou soldiers saw this scene and suddenly cried out.

"The governor is mighty!"

"The governor is mighty!"


Niu Zhen had a straight face. He picked up kuha's head with a saber and roared: "soldiers, we won. The barbarians are not invincible. Over the years, the barbarians owe us too much blood debt. Now we have to recover it!"

"Get it back! Get it back The soldiers roared angrily.

Niu Zhen nodded and threw kuha's head on the ground. At this moment, his eyes were slightly moist. Once, he had seen too many generals of the state of Dayu cut off their heads, just as he had just been insulted by the barbarians. Now, they want to give back their teeth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!