Chapter 373

PS: there are some things today. There are only three chapters. The old rules. I'll make them up tomorrow.

"Hydrogen balloon?"

Xiao Ming, who is planning the construction of agriculture and animal husbandry, almost spurts tea out of his mouth.

Seeing this, aster chuckled and said, "Your Highness, what is this hydrogen balloon? It makes you so excited. "

"Haha, this balloon is a good thing. It's much more practical than hot air balloon." Xiao Ming said.

Thinking about going to Chang'an soon, Xiao Mingzheng worries about the hot air balloon.

In this war, the hot-air balloon was so brilliant that Luo Quan was greedy. Before returning to Chang'an, Luo Quan asked him to send one, but he didn't agree.

However, he knew that he could not hide all the time. This time he went to Chang'an, he had to bring hot-air balloons and muskets.

Naturally, Xiao Ming would not send the flint gun. It is his basic principle to strictly control the substitution of weapons and sell weapons.

Therefore, he is ready to take the torch. With Xiao Wenxuan's character, he now has a firearm camp. He says that he has to build another firearm camp to frighten the curfew.

But the problem is that it's OK to fool him with a firegun and a firerope gun, but the balloon has become the object of his worry. He just didn't expect Lin Wentao to get the balloon out at this critical moment.

Compared with the hot-air balloon, the hydrogen balloon flies higher, which is naturally one generation worse than the hot-air balloon.

Once the hydrogen balloon appears, the hot-air balloon will be eliminated. In this case, it's better to sell it to Xiao Wenxuan to increase his position in Xiao Wenxuan's heart.

After all, Xiao Wenxuan will definitely ask for these things from himself. It's better to give them to him than to ask for them.

Anyway, these backward things are of little use in his hands. Why not sell them to the Imperial Guards for money.

Moreover, the more weapons he sold to the Imperial Army, the tighter the hoop curse he put on Xiao Wenxuan. Once the courtiers attacked him, Xiao Wenxuan had to weigh the weapons of the imperial army before he could deal with it properly.

Without his cooperation, the artillery and muskets of the imperial army would have no ammunition supply and become a pile of scrap metal.

Therefore, as long as he doesn't rebel, he can walk horizontally in Chang'an. Because of this, he can't hide things like fireguns and hot-air balloons. It is estimated that many evil minded people will use this as an excuse.

Now I have sent it to you on my own initiative, which is enough to block the mouth of you.

When he learned that Lin Wentao had made a hot-air balloon, Xiao Ming was inspired. He asked aster Beima to come to Bowen college.

In this battle of expelling barbarians, Bowen college played a very important role. One was hot air balloon, the other was Lutong's lime bomb.

When Niu Zhen was at Shanhaiguan, he praised the lime bomb. Once the bomb exploded, it could make a large area of the enemy lose combat effectiveness, which was much more powerful than the simple powder can.

After this war, it is proved that science and technology is the magic weapon to win the war.

When he arrived at Bowen college, Xiao Ming saw a brand new hot air balloon stop on the small square in front of Bowen college. Lin Wentao and others were discussing something on the square.

Liang Yubin and he Cheng have returned to the college, and now they are together with Lin Wentao.

Seeing Xiao Ming coming, a group of students gathered around him. Lin Wentao said, "Your Highness, this is the hydrogen balloon."

Xiao Ming raised his head. A balloon as big as a hot-air balloon hovered in the air. Four ropes were tied in four directions of the balloon.

"How do you make hydrogen?" What Xiao Ming values most is this issue.

In fact, the difference between a hot-air balloon and a hydrogen balloon is whether the gas in the balloon is ordinary air or hydrogen.

If it is a hydrogen balloon, even if it is not heated, it also has a certain lift, which is destined to be more efficient and safer than a hot-air balloon.

Mentioning this, Lin Wentao immediately became elated. He said to Xiao Ming, "I'd like to thank the students of the College of Chemistry for making hydrogen. Otherwise, the hydrogen balloon would not really appear."

Then Lin Wenyao pointed to the earthenware pot like a gourd behind him and said, "Your Highness, hydrogen comes out from here to fill the air bag."

Xiao Ming has noticed this thing.

Just look at the materials around this thing, and he will know how the hydrogen is produced.

"Black sheep, how much sulfuric acid and scrap iron do you need?" Xiao Ming shook his head helplessly, but since he let them do it, it was inconvenient for him to criticize them too much, so he only complained and asked the students standing on one side.

This student is from the College of chemistry. As he guessed, they really use the hydrogen produced by the reaction of sulfuric acid and scrap iron, and then let the hydrogen fill the air bag through this instrument.

Looking at the excited faces of the students, Xiao Ming didn't want to be disappointed. Although the method was a little primitive, the production of hydrogen was just realized step by step.

He said to Lin Wentao: "yes, in this war, the hot-air balloon has played a wonderful role. In order to commend you, the king has prepared a title for you, but it will be awarded when the generals of Qingzhou army come back.""Thank you, your highness."

Lin Wentao and many other students are happy and smile. After all, they get rich rewards for breaking the balloon so hard.

With a smile on his face, it's time for Xiao Ming to offer some titles to stimulate the students of Bowen college.

At present, the level of science and technology in Qingzhou is not half as bad as that in Europe, which requires Bowen college to catch up and surpass.

After learning about the birth process of Qingzhou's first hydrogen balloon, Xiao Ming asked Liang Yubin and he Cheng to control the balloon. He wanted to see the height difference between the balloon and the balloon.

Liang Yubin and he Cheng also look excited. Now they are a little infatuated with the driving of the air heater, and now the hydrogen balloon makes them love it.

They boarded the balloon. At this time, the people below also loosened the rope. Suddenly, the balloon lost its shackles and flew higher and higher.

"Your Highness, we are going." Liang Yubin and he Cheng look excited. In the public's field of vision, their figures become more and more blurred until they become a small black spot.

"That's too high." Lin Wentao himself didn't believe that the hydrogen balloon could fly to such a high place.

Xiao Ming nodded with satisfaction, "hot air balloon is only a few hundred meters high, while hydrogen balloon can fly several kilometers high."

However, looking at them farther and farther away, Xiao Ming is worried.

Now the technology of hydrogen balloon is not perfect. He doesn't want to have an accident with them, but his worry is superfluous. After a long time, they lowered their height and soon returned to Bowen college.

Seeing this, Xiao Ming was relieved that he could take the balloon to Chang'an with ease. He hoped that he could sell it at a good price. , the fastest update of the webnovel!