Chapter 411

There was silence in the governor's mansion.

Yue Yun's question made everyone look at Xiao Ming. After the northern expedition, will Qingzhou enter a new war again? What is the purpose of this war?

"Yes, the Navy wants to fight for sea power!"

Xiao Ming's words are loud and clear. He understands that the generals do not have any concept of maritime rights and interests, which is also the fundamental reason for China's backwardness in the Navy.

After all, the development of civilization was dominated by land power at that time, and the foreign enemies were also from the north. At least a few hundred years later, the Western cannons and warships opened the door of the country before anyone woke up, but it was too late at that time.

"Sea power?" Pang Yukun, Niu Zhen and others were puzzled when they heard the speech. Niu Zhen said, "Your Highness, the enemy of Dayu was barbarians. We should continue the Northern Expedition until the barbarians surrender."

"What general Niu Zhen said is reasonable. I hope your highness will think twice." Pang Yukun agreed.

When preparing the plan, Xiao Ming had predicted that it might attract public opposition, but he was still ready to carry out the plan, because without marine trade, Qingzhou would not be able to quickly accumulate wealth.

"The war is about money, no food, no guns and bullets. What can we do to continue the northern expedition? Don't forget that the soldiers and horses damaged by the barbarians' failure last time are just skin and skin. At this time, going deep into the barbarians' territory is like hitting a stone with an egg. In the past two years, we have fought with the barbarians twice at the expense of our soldiers and generals, which has seriously affected the development of Qingzhou The purpose of the competition is to open up the trade routes to the South and provide convenience for the development of Qingzhou. " Xiao Ming said in a loud voice.

At that time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty attacked Xiongnu in the north, and finally won, but consumed the national treasury.

Similarly, even if the state of Dayu now takes the wealth of the whole country to fight with the barbarians, it will lose both sides in the end, not to mention his family background.

Now, after defeating the barbarians again, the army is a little impetuous. Taking this opportunity, he is about to cool the impetuous atmosphere.

When it comes to Qian Pang Yukun and Niu Zhen, they naturally know that the Qingzhou army is made of silver, and they can't do anything without silver.

Zhan Xingchang thought for a moment and agreed with Xiao Ming's idea: "I think your Highness's words are right. Now the emperor has no determination of the northern expedition, and other vassal kings will not cooperate with the northern expedition. It's unwise for us to go deep into the grassland alone. At this stage, we should focus on defense against the barbarians and accumulate enough excellent troops and money before the northern expedition."

When they heard the words, they all nodded. Pang Yukun and Niu Zhen also recalled that everything now had to make way for development.

Yue Yun was dissatisfied with Zhan Xingchang and Niu Zhen's opposition. He said, "you are too narrow-minded now. Do you really think that Dayu is still the center of the world? It's ridiculous. Now we are surrounded by foreign warships. You only care about the land on the land. But we have lost our vast ocean territory and there is no ocean trade. How can we get potatoes, peppers and corn? "

The governor's office became more and more silent. Yue Yun's words made people reflect. In the past, they only saw the barbarians in the north, but now they all know that there are many countries in the world.

Seeing that people were thinking, Xiao Ming nodded to himself. He wanted these people to change their old ideas. After all, the future belongs to a maritime power. When he has a lot of capital and upgraded his weapons, the barbarians in the north can only wait to be beaten.

Setting the tone of strengthening the Navy and its development, Xiao Ming also asked if there had been any changes in Bowen college during this period.

According to Lin Wentao, now Bowen college has recruited a group of students to expand the number of students in each department, and he and Lu Tong have also developed a set of techniques to be broken one by one.

"Your Highness, let's list all these technologies. Next, we are going to carry out experimental research according to this list." Lin Wentao gives a piece of paper to Xiao Ming.

After glancing at the list Lin Wentao handed over, Xiao Ming is very pleased. This list lists the research order of future scientific objects. Both of them are well prepared. These things are from simple to difficult and belong to basic industry.

"It's very good. Let's make full use of the laboratory and study boldly. The government will guarantee the supply of your research expenses. If someone performs well, they can even apply to the government for individual research expenses."

Lin Wentao and Lu Tong both smile. They write down Xiao Ming's words and prepare to go back to announce the good news to the students.

After the college, Xiao Ming began to ask about the government affairs of Qingzhou.

Pang Yukun said: "now the lower officials have selected some officials to go to Youzhou. Now the Yamen of Youzhou has been set up. Last time, the grassland assigned by his highness to Cao Zhengyang, Ding Wu and Dai Zixing has also been given to three people. Now the three people are buying foals for stocking. The chamber of Commerce has also sent them to the grassland to operate with them."

After a pause, Pang Yukun took out an account book, "in addition, although the grain harvest by the people has been reduced in the two seasons this year, the people still have a lot of surplus grain. Therefore, in the two seasons, the prefectural government has purchased a total of 2 million tons of wheat. However, because of the rich grain, the price of grain in Qingzhou is low now.""Well, that's a good thing. It means that people's families have sold out their food if they can't finish it." Xiao Ming said.

Pang Yukun sighed and said, "but your highness, the grain is cheap and the peasants are hurt. There are both advantages and disadvantages in this matter. Although many people want to sell grain to the government, the number of granaries now can't keep up. This year, the granaries of each state have reached the limit of preparing 2 million stone grain."

Xiao Ming chuckled twice. "Don't worry. It's really a good thing for Wang. In the past, there was not enough food to eat and he didn't dare to brew wine. This time, since there was so much food left, he took the opportunity to buy wine and then sold it to China, Korea, Japan and even Nanyang."

"That's a wonderful idea." Pang Yukun laughed.

Yue Yun rolled his eyes and said, "it's just pirates on the sea. This business is not easy."

"Then it's up to you navies to get rid of these troubles at sea." As soon as Pang Yukun finished his speech, he immediately felt that he had been deceived. His feelings were set up by Yue Yun and he was dissatisfied with his opposition to the Navy's foreign war just now.

Yue Yun see Pang Yukun eat shriveled expression, immediately burst out laughing.

Xiao Ming continued with a helpless smile: "and the barbarians love drinking. When I was in Chang'an, I heard that Shanxi Merchants bought wine from the chamber of Commerce and sold it to the barbarians at a high price. Shanxi merchants can't take advantage of it. We can exchange wine for fur and maybe sew leather boots for every soldier of Qingzhou army." , the fastest update of the webnovel!