Chapter 911

A gentle breeze blows into the imperial study and solves the problem between Song Changping and Su Liangcai. Xiao Ming looks at Lin Wentao.

Whether it's steam power or electricity, the change of energy is part of the industrial revolution, and the upgrading of machinery with energy is another part.

He told Lin Wentao: "the time for the thermal power plant to be put into use is short. Now you need to find ways to transform the machinery, so that the future machinery can use electricity smoothly, especially all kinds of lathes. However, the production of steam engine does not need to stop. After all, the construction cost of thermal power plant is high, so it can not be popularized in Dayu in a very short time. Relatively speaking, it is still steam Steam turbines spread faster, and they only need coal. "

Although Xiao Ming is very excited by the emergence of electricity, he knows that it is not the time to abandon the steam engine. After all, even in the era of electricity, steam engines still occupy a large proportion in all walks of life.

Moreover, it is the completion of the industrial revolution represented by the steam engine that can successfully implement the second industrial revolution represented by the electric power. Otherwise, there is no way to produce the equipment needed by the thermal power plant.

At this point, Xiao Ming is very calm. Today, the only area with deep industrialization in Chongqing is Qingzhou Prefecture, and many other areas are still blank. This industrial capacity can only meet the needs of Qingzhou Prefecture.

If we want to carry out the industrial revolution in the whole country, we must continue to expand the industrial area. Therefore, only steam engines can be put into production independently instead of thermal power plants.

"Yes, Emperor." Lin Wentao bowed himself to accept the order.

Xiao Ming nodded. At this time, he handed Lin Wentao a thick book. "Here are the types of electrical machinery listed by me. There are detailed structural drawings, required materials and manufacturing technology. Take it back and study it according to the above investment."

Lin Wentao was excited. Sometimes he had to admit that his ability was limited, but for him, the emperor's ability in front of him seemed infinite.

If he develops from scratch, it will take him more than ten years, but with these instructions, he can imitate the things on the drawings in a very short time.

In fact, these young state capitals have been following this path.

After arranging the electrical and mechanical affairs, Xiao Ming asks the three to leave. Then he gets up and goes out of the imperial study with Qian Dafu to the cabinet.

Now that the north and the south are reunified, the government affairs of the great Chongqing state have suddenly doubled, and the cabinet is very busy, but this kind of busy is painful and happy for the officials.

Because they had never managed a state with such territory.

"The emperor."

When he arrived at the cabinet, Pang Yukun welcomed him. Xiao Ming asked, "how is the division of administrative regions now? "

Pang Yukun has been very busy these two days for this matter. After the reunification, Dayu will once again carry out the reform of government affairs to adapt to the management of the country.

"Xiaguan has drawn up 31 prefectures, each with a capital, which is the administrative center of the prefecture and governs the prefectures, counties, towns and villages in the prefecture. "Said Pang.

Xiao Ming then noticed that Pang Yukun was marking the map and nodded. In fact, the division was inspired by him. The 31 prefectures are basically the same as the contemporary provincial jurisdiction.

The government here is equivalent to the province, the state is equivalent to the contemporary city, and the capital of each government is equivalent to the provincial capital. The biggest change is that he has incorporated towns and villages into the management system.

This is the focus of the reform. From then on, the imperial court will directly manage the towns and villages, rather than leaving them to the gentry to control the grassroots.

"Well, it's basically the same as my idea. By the way, Guangzhou should be marked. It's an industrial and commercial zone to be developed." Xiao Ming said.

After the establishment of the administrative system, he began to realize the overall industrialization of Chongqing.

The industries concentrated in Qingzhou had to go out to other governments. Therefore, he asked all governments to introduce preferential policies to attract businessmen to build factories and encourage people to invest in industrial and commercial construction.

In order to lead the West in the overall industrial capacity, he wants to take Qingzhou Prefecture as the center in the future to radiate industrialization to the whole country.

When they were talking, Yang Chengye came over. After he entered the cabinet, the main thing he was responsible for was industry and commerce. It can be said that he had a great responsibility.

Before Guangzhou, there were industrial and commercial districts with Lin'an, Jinling and Songjiang as the core, Guandong industrial and commercial district with Jinzhou as the core, and industrial and commercial district with Qingzhou Prefecture as the core. In addition to Guangzhou, they now have four key industrial and commercial zones. If all the four zones are developed, a coastal industrial belt will be built in Dayu from north to south.

"Relying on the transportation capacity of ships, these four industrial zones will be perfectly established." Yang Chengye agrees with Xiao Ming's plan.

If you want to develop industry and commerce, this resource is the first, and resources need transportation. The north and south of Chongqing are separated by a Yangtze River, so the railway can't pass now. Only by sea transportation can the development of industry be guaranteed.

This is also the reason why he built the industrial zone along the coast. In addition, with the enhancement of industrial capacity, the industrial products of Dayu also need to be sold to the whole world through sea trade.These coastal areas have natural advantages.

"But even so, industrial development still has a long way to go. By the way, have you read the industrial system book I gave you?" Xiao Ming asked Yang Chengye.

The real purpose of his coming here this time is to find him.

"When I went back to the emperor, I saw all of them, including those owned by the state and those not owned by the state. Moreover, I was also starting to improve the industrial system of the state." Yang Chengye said.

Xiao Ming nodded his head slightly, entering the power age, he can try to build a comprehensive industrial system.

At present, Dayu is too far away from this goal, and many industrial branches have not been established. In order to solve this problem, he specially recorded the perfect industrial system form from scientific and technological crystal and taught it to Yang Chengye.

From now on, from a screw to a warship, the state of Dayu will gradually establish a complete industrial system of thousands of industrial categories. In case of war in the future, the industry of Dayu will be able to ensure that all external links will be cut off and all industrial products will be produced.

Of course, this table only lists the types of industries that can be realized at present, and he did not write down the technologies that he has not mastered. Instead, he compiled a step-by-step plan for the development of science and technology, so that Qingzhou university can realize them step by step.

Up to now, Qingzhou university has become the academic and scientific research center of the state of Chongqing.

They will help Dayu to make continuous progress in science and technology.

"Well, don't ask about other things. Concentrate on industry and commerce, and you must perform your own duties. Although the merchant Council has been destroyed, the state of Dayu will face a stronger enemy next, and we can't afford to slack off a little bit." Xiao Ming said in a loud voice. He looked to the north, where there were Japanese, tsarist Russia, and the Golden Horde who had taken refuge in tsarist Russia. , the fastest update of the webnovel!