Chapter 964

The season is deep winter, and the wind from the sea is cold to the bone.

But in Dick's eyes, the cold was far less than that in the eyes of the emperor.

In the past, the state of Dayu was just a strange term to him. Like all other lands outside Europe, he believed that people living here were just a group of aborigines who had not yet entered civilization. Until Britain suffered unprecedented failure in Asia, the name of this country frequently appeared in the parliament.

After the two scholars of Dayu came to Britain, their ideas were overturned again. It is obvious that they did not come into contact with other barbaric civilizations.

Because of this, there are different voices in the British Parliament now. Some members advocate establishing contacts with Chongqing, developing business contacts, and exchanging science with each other. However, most members are still afraid of the rise of Chongqing.

He understood that the rise of Dayu would certainly harm the interests of some big families, because both British India and Australia have vested interests, and these vested interests will not watch their wealth be seized by Dayu.

This joint operation was initiated by the vested interests, who came from three countries, but the goal was the same, to remove the naval power of Dayu.

But now he messed up everything. In this gamble, they lost their naval power in Asia.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to know? I will tell you the truth. I just hope you don't kill me." Dick prayed that he had a wonderful life in England, a beautiful wife and lovely children, and that he was not willing to die.

Wilson showed disdain in his eyes and said angrily, "you politicians are soft bones and disgusting."

"Come on, it is the ignorance of these hardliners that leads to this war. You are responsible for the failure of the war." Dick was as angry as he was.

Xiao Ming's eyes swam back and forth on Wilson and Dick. Compared with soldiers, he preferred to deal with politicians, because although politicians are cunning, they know how to compromise better than soldiers. Of course, this is when dealing with the enemy.

"You can continue to quarrel when you go back to prison. Now it's time to talk about your country. What did the two traitors of Dayu bring to you? "Xiao Ming clenched his teeth and said that he had been asking the secret guards to plot to assassinate these rebels, but because of the big difference in appearance, the secret guards could not send people to get close to them.

The Chinese Americans living in Britain have a very low status in this era. They are basically no different from black slaves and will be subject to strict supervision.

"Does your majesty mean Fei Anyi and fan Hongcai?"

"Just the two of them." Xiao Ming's eyes narrowed. He needed to know the current situation of Britain.

Dick pondered for a moment, and said respectfully, "I have to say that they are indeed excellent talents. They have provided a large number of mature scientific and technological achievements for the UK, both in physics and chemistry. These achievements have been verified to be feasible. Because of their contributions, great scientific changes have taken place in the UK. Now the talents of the whole UK are concentrated in London, A lot of people believe that the UK will soon make a huge leap in technology. "

While talking, Dick always watched Xiao Ming's look. What worried him was that the emperor's expression had never changed and kept calm.

The reason why he said this is to intimidate the emperor, because the whole Britain believes that these two talents are the top talents of Dayu. The knowledge they contribute will enable Britain to quickly catch up with and surpass the current technical level of Dayu, which is enough for Dayu to fear.

However, after seeing Xiao Ming's calmness, Dick decided to increase his weight. He emphasized with the eloquence of a politician, "great Chongqing has everything and theory that Britain has now. Although this needs to be realized by British scientists one by one, it is only a matter of time at present. Therefore, I hope your majesty can reconsider the current relationship with Britain, and I am willing to become great Chongqing A bridge of friendship with Britain. "

Xiao Ming listened quietly. When he got here, he showed a sneering smile. "Are you threatening me?"

Dick was terrified and said, "Your Majesty, I'm just a prisoner under your command. How dare I do that? I'm just stating the fact. One thing your majesty may not know very well is that the royal families of Europe have been intermarrying with each other for thousands of years. Strictly speaking, there are more or less blood ties between the rulers of Britain, France and even Czarist Russia. In the face of a powerful enemy, the European countries will unite again, just like two alliances in history Like the nomads from the East. "

Hearing the speech, Xiao Ming burst out laughing. Dick was afraid of death, but he had to say that he was very clever. What he said was basically the fact that the European blood lineage theory had always occupied a high position. In the Contemporary World War I, in fact, a group of relatives fought with each other, which was somewhat similar to the contemporary spring and Autumn period and Warring States period. Although he was killed, royal marriage was prevalent.

Dick said this, obviously to create a shock in his mind, in order to let Xiao Ming deal with him carefully.

However, this move is useless for Xiao Ming. Dick's words may become true, but it needs to be based on his massive attack on Europe.It's just that attacking Europe is not in Xiao Ming's plan at present, because the European continent is too far away from Dayu, and the Suez Canal has not been built yet. If you want to go from Dayu to Europe, you need to start from Dayu, go through Malacca, and then reach the Cape of good hope in Africa, and go north along the African continent.

The total voyage is more than 30000 kilometers, almost a circle around the earth. After all, the route is not straight to and fro, and it needs to be replenished by sailing along the mainland.

In this way, it takes half a year to go to Europe and half a year to come back.

To attack Europe is not a problem that tens of thousands of people can solve. It is an unprecedented consumption of national strength to use large-scale troops in such a remote place.

In contemporary history, countries that have done so have basically lifted stones and smashed their own feet. In the Japanese Russian war against the Malay sea, Czarist Russia sent the Baltic Fleet all the way to the Far East battlefield. After more than 200 days of sailing, the fleet sent by Czarist Russia was annihilated by the Japanese fleet.

However, the war launched by the United States in Asia can only be maintained by taking the defeated Japan as the supply base, but even so, it often ends in failure.

After weighing many factors, Xiao Ming's final plan was to expand the colonies one by one, just like that of Europe, and expand his power on the basis of colonies.

When his fleet can get supplies along the way, it is possible to launch a hot war with European countries at home.

Before that, all he could do was to fight for the colony. As for this issue, European countries expect that after this naval battle, they will see clearly that they are unable to attack Dayu, and Dayu is also unable to attack them.

In the future, fierce competition between the two sides will start in the colony. , the fastest update of the webnovel!