Chapter 1009

"How about shinchang Yamada?"

For Xiao Ming, the change of the Japanese nation was reasonable and unexpected.

In the contemporary era, Meiji Restoration took place immediately after Japan was knocked open by Western naval guns. Now the difference is that he knocked open the door of Japan with strong ship and artillery.

Moreover, since ancient times, when the Central Plains Dynasty was strong, the Japanese always learned from the Central Plains Dynasty. Now it's not surprising that they put forward this idea after they beat their teeth all over the place.

"Nobuta Yamada is now tired of coping with the situation. Several troops have been defeated by the rebels, including a team of 8000 soldiers equipped with flint guns. According to the lower officials, Nobuta Yamada seems to be able to hold on for a short time. His defeat has made Daming, warriors, businessmen and common people abandon him. This is the current situation of the Japanese nation." Wang Xuan is right.

"It's a real problem."

Xiao Ming has some worries. For him, the change of Japan is something he doesn't want to see. He knows what has been done after the reform of Japan.

Wang Xuan sighed: "it's really difficult. If shinchang Yamada is defeated, I'm afraid all the documents we signed with Japan will be invalid, which will damage our interests in Japan. It's just that shinchang Yamada is a Dou who can't help him. To continue to support him is to give his equipment to the rebels. "

" what do you know about the rebels? " Xiao Ming continued.

Wang Xuan then took out a document and put it on the table. He said, "this is the information collected by the secret guards at present. There are 37 rebels, big and small. Among them, three are the most influential. They are Yoshida, Gaoyang, gaoshanlong and Xixiang pine."

Xiao Ming looked through the documents, on which were the information of all the rebels. Among them, the three men looked at it with emphasis. "It seems that these three men are all nobles of the Japanese nation."

"Yes, the emperor, it is said that they have visited the mansions of other celebrities many times in order to win their support for the rebellion."

Putting the document down, Xiao Ming pinches his brow. These three people are just small people to him, and he has never heard of them. But history is sometimes stirred by some small people.

These rebels are not terrible for him. What is terrible is their propaganda ideas. Even if he asked Ye Qingyun to help shinchang Yamada defeat the rebels, I'm afraid that there will be successors coming back soon, which will make him involved in the endless Japanese civil war.

This is just like the Western powers once helped the Qing Dynasty to wipe out the Tianping Kingdom, but the Qing Dynasty was still replaced.

but what has the initiative been in his hands, and what he can learn and learn is what he has the final say. So he said, "it is not important for the Yamada to rule the Japanese. I want to ensure that the empire is in the interests of the Japanese, you send people to contact the rebels ahead of time. If they accept the terms of surrender, we will not intervene in the civil war between them. If they don't accept it, we will help Nobuta Yamada train his army to eliminate them! "

Wang Xuan nodded, and Xiao Ming's idea coincided with him. What they wanted to guarantee now was their interests in Japan. As for who ruled, it didn't matter. And now shinchang Yamada's decline is obvious, so they must prepare early.

At the same time, Shinichi Yamada is nearly 60 years old. I'm afraid he won't have much time to live. After his death, I'm afraid his power will soon fall apart.

"In addition to making preparations in advance, you have to make an in-depth investigation. I always feel that there is something strange about this matter. No matter how poor Nobuta Yamada is, he should not be defeated by the rebels. I am worried that this is the situation I set up by Nobuta Yamada. No matter who we support, we will win the Japanese nation in the end. "Xiao Ming said.

Wang Xuan's eyes turned and he said, "the emperor's meaning is that rebellion is a bitter plan sung by Nobuta Yamada and the Japanese nation, in order to get benefits from us."

"It's possible, so let them continue to play for a while." Xiao Ming said lightly.

"Yes, Emperor. I'll go back and start an in-depth investigation." Wang Xuan answered and turned to leave.

Seeing Wang Xuan off, Xiao Ming took a cup of tea and closed his eyes.

This Nanyang strategy has just begun, but now the Japanese have given him such a move, but he is not too worried, because no matter how the Japanese change their dynasties, he has the ability to destroy their rulers.

His Garrison in Japan is not just to protect the businessmen of his country. Once the development of Japan is out of control, he will make it move.


In Nagasaki, Shinichi Yamada was practicing chopping in the courtyard. At this time, a warrior came to the courtyard and saluted. He said, "Daming, Yoshida is here."

Smell speech, Yamada nobutake stop action, he said: "let him in quickly."

After the warrior left, a man in black, who was hidden in his cloak, came to the courtyard and saw Nobuta Yamada. The man in black saluted and said, "Yamada Daming.

Yamada Nobunaga nodded, and he said, "this time you came to risk the coming battle for the next battle. We have been planning for such a long time and we must not fail. The emperor of the great Yu state is a very smart person. He will probably doubt that we are performing a bitter meat plan. My eye liner has sent news. The great Yu state's Secret guard Wang Xuansan has returned to the great Yu kingdom. It's very likely that we will report the information here to the emperor of the state of Dayu. The secret guards will certainly increase their investigation on us. In order not to expose the matter, we have to make dangerous moves. I'm ready to die for my country. After going back this time, you will act according to the plan and finish our plan. "The man in black lifted the cloth to cover his face, revealing a young face. This man was Yoshida Gaoyang, one of the three heroes of the rebel army. He suddenly knelt down in front of shinchang Yamada and said, "Yamada Daming, is there really no second way to go? "

Nobuta Yamada nodded," when I signed the letter of surrender, I understood that Dayu wanted us to be slaves for all generations, so in order to confuse Dayu, I signed it for today's plan. Yoshida, you are the person I value most. Don't worry about women's benevolence. If this is successful, we can not only unify the divided Japanese nation, but also obtain benefits from Dayu Even if we can't confront Dayu, we can at least have our own colony in the world like Britain, instead of being a colony of Dayu forever. "

Yoshida smell speech mercilessly nodded, he said: "Daming, we won't let you down."

Yamada nods. What he can get to his present position is forbearance. He chooses to kill the enemy at the most appropriate time. What he is still asking is his philosophy of survival.

With Yoshida said some words, Yoshida left under the protection of the samurai, Yamada shinchang eyes flashed a trace of fierce. , the fastest update of the webnovel!