Chapter 1068

The deeper the night, the brighter the palace lights.

The formal use of wired telephone is undoubtedly a major event for the Empire, and with the explosive growth of talents in the Empire, the Empire's science and technology will also show a blowout.

So for Xiao Ming, it's just a matter of letting nature take its course, and it's also the result of more than ten years' accumulation.

Because of this, he is not very worried about the development of science and technology. For him, the most important thing now is how to plan the territory of the future empire.

"You are gathered here today because of the phone call. Let's take this opportunity to talk about the strategy of the next empire. The mortars have been transported to Nanyang, and the war in Nanyang will break out soon. If the war goes well, we may take over an area with a population almost equal to that of the Empire. Therefore, your cabinet should be prepared. "

as for India, cabinet ministers now have a basic understanding of the region. Fiji said:" Your Majesty, I think that India should adopt a strategy similar to that of Britain and adopt a unified but non ruling approach. What the Empire needs is to absorb wealth from India, and there is no need to waste resources in order to govern India. "

On this issue, Pang Yukun and Fiji have a surprisingly consistent idea. He said: "the old minister agreed with figuer's proposal. He thought that for overseas colonies, we should govern them according to local conditions. For colonies like Australia, which only have a small number of Aborigines and have a large area, we should send officials and migrant population to govern them according to the imperial policy, because this is the reason Quasi colonial empire can realize real occupation. "

after a pause, he continued:" for the colonies with a large number of indigenous people, such as Indonesia, the Philippines and other regions, we should adopt a high-pressure policy, force the indigenous leaders to recognize the dominant position of the empire through war, and force the indigenous leaders to serve the colonial economy of the Empire. In this way, we only need to use a small amount of cost to realize the benefits The benefit maximization. "

after Pang Yukun's voice dropped, Zhan Xingchang said:" I have different ideas. I think that the population welfare policy implemented by the Empire will inevitably lead to a sharp increase in the population in the future. At present, the population of the empire is nearly 100 million, and it will increase by 30 million in less than ten years. If time goes on, the population will only grow in a straight line, and the domestic land will never be able to grow To meet the demand for land, the Empire should seize the areas with good land resources in advance before this problem appeared. "

" does Mr. Zhan Ge mean that local aborigines can even be slaughtered for this purpose? " Yang Chengye heard the implied meaning of Zhan Xingchang.

Zhan Xingchang nodded, and he said in a loud voice: "with the progress of imperial science and technology, the civilization and ideas of the Empire will radiate to every corner of the world. However, it has been proved that the so-called theory of racial superiority in the west is extremely wrong. Any race can master advanced scientific and technological knowledge as long as it receives good education. Once these civilizations are civilized, they will not be able to survive If they are willing to be ruled by the Empire, they will certainly seek independence in the future. At that time, the empire that once ruled and oppressed them will become their biggest enemy. "

Hearing the speech, Xiao Ming nodded slightly. As the Empire became more and more powerful, many people were already thinking about the future of the Empire.

"I'm afraid Mr. Zhan's words are wishful thinking. It's valuable to manage the Empire properly. At present, there are not so many officials in the Empire to govern the whole world, and the massacre of aborigines will only lead to chaos and intensify contradictions in the colony. The Empire will spend a lot of military money to maintain the stability of the colony. This colony is just two, three, four And even more, how could the Empire waste so much money? " Fiji said.

"The most important thing is to kill all the aborigines. Who are the industrial products of the Empire sold to? Therefore, it is a matter of losing both sides. The western countries may wish that the Empire would fall into the mire of war with the aborigines. "

Zhan Xingchang smiles and says," so, I just mean to occupy the good land and adopt the figuer method for those low value land. At present, what I value is only Australia, North America, South America and India. There are not many indigenous people in the first three places, and the western colonists basically wiped out the local indigenous people. We just need to catch up with them The Westerners can control these three areas smoothly, but India has too many people "

after that, Zhan Xingchang looks at Xiao Ming.

"India is a natural plantation. Since it is a plantation, it needs a large number of people to work. Slaughter is not good for the Empire, but it will still be a potential threat to the Empire in the future. Therefore, we need to support dozens of countries here, not one." Xiao Ming said lightly that compared with mineral resources, India is not rich, but India's vast plain terrain is very suitable for the growth of crops. Because of this, India can support a large population with such a place.

As Zhan Xingchang said, the civilization of the Empire will bring changes to the world. This is a natural law. The invasion of barbaric civilization into advanced civilization will lead to the decline of advanced civilization.

The invasion of advanced civilization into barbaric civilization will bring its own advanced culture. For example, due to the limitation of science and technology, human exploration of space has stagnated. However, if the arrival of alien civilization will lead to the rapid development of Earth Science and technology, of course, it may also lead to the extinction of earth people like Indians in North America.As for why the western colonists were engaged in industrial construction in the colonies, the reason is very simple. One is to sell goods, the other is to improve the consumption level of the colonies and sell more goods.

Therefore, in addition to strict control over weapons and cutting-edge technology, colonists in history were willing to transfer low-tech industrial technology.

Now there are similar voices in the Empire. Many officials have suggested that the Empire open up low-end technology to colonial countries.

In this way, the empire can make huge profits, and the consumption power of the colonial countries can also be improved, so as to promote the sale of high-end industrial products in the colonies.

"As far as I know, this India is a large number of native states, which go their own ways, not a complete country. "Said Pang.

"It is true, but the present does not represent the future. In order to take precautions, we must consider this one. "Said Xiao Ming.

Although India is known as a country where 100 million people manage 1.1 billion animals, there are still some disgusting people in this country. He will not give them this opportunity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!