Chapter 1075

December 24th.

After thunder completely occupied Boer City, Yue Yun gave an order to advance to Calcutta.

After two days of sailing, the mighty fleet arrived at the sea off Calcutta, and the news reached the governor's office of Calcutta for the first time.

"The fleet of the Chinese Empire did not pass through Malacca, but directly bypassed the south side of Malaysia. This only shows one thing. I'm afraid Jakarta has fallen."

Inside the governor's house, Butlin pessimistically explained to the military commanders of the other four countries.


Butlin's voice fell, and a young man with golden hair slapped him on the table.

"The Chinese Empire has been deceiving people too much. We have been operating these colonies for a hundred years, but now they are eating us away. If we can't curb their greed, I'm afraid our colonies all over the world will fall into their hands." Cried the young man.

"Klaus is right, and that's why we're here, isn't it? I wish this bloody war would end soon. " Said Nicholas, with his pipe in his mouth.

The coalition forces of the five countries are gathered here. As the governor of Calcutta, he has an arduous task, because the coordination of all aspects is a headache for them.

The most important thing is that now all the Dutch colonies have been lost, so the supply of food is on the head of Britain, which makes him very unhappy.

"The only way to end the war is for us to beat the Chinese Empire, or be beaten by them," laughs boutlin. "

then he looked at the young man. This young officer, named Feilin, was from Holland. His father was governor evere of JAGDA. Therefore, Feilin was so angry after hearing his analysis.

"We must have beaten the shit out of them." "Now the fleet of the Chinese empire is at the mouth of the Ganges River. Give me the command of the fleet, and I will sink them all."

"Ha ha ha Can young people only talk big now? Wilson, such an excellent Naval General, has been defeated by the Chinese Empire. Can you command the fleet without any hair? "Sneered the bearded officer sitting opposite the round table.

Philip's face is red. This big beard is a Spanish Navy General, corbance, who is quite famous in Europe.

Portugal, France's generals at this time also issued a repressive smile, are mocking Philip's overconfidence.

Butlin frowned. This time, the Five Nations United Nations seems to be powerful, but the contradictions in it can be seen by a fool.

Now no one wants to lose their power to fight against the Empire. For this reason, no one is willing to give their fleet to the command of film.

With a slight sigh in his heart, he said: "you guys, this is not the time for internal strife. Now the Empire has occupied Jakarta. There is no doubt that India is the next target to be attacked. If we can't unite and rub the spirit of the Chinese Empire, then we will lose all the interests of Asia."

"In that case, let the British and French fleets serve as vanguards. Now Asia has only your interests, not ours."

Collins said rudely again, which made both Philip and the Portuguese officers nod slightly. He didn't feel like he had been shot by England and France.

Nicholas was displeased. "If you are so insincere, our cooperation will end. After the occupation of India, the goal of the Chinese empire is Africa. If I remember correctly, you have a lot of colonies in Africa, and the slave trade has also made you a lot of money. In addition, in North and South America, the greed of the Chinese empire is unlimited. We work hard What do you want from the benefits of hundreds of years of hard work? "

All the officers of the other four countries fell silent at this time.

Nicholas continued: "the Chinese empire is against the whole of Europe. Now tsarist Russia is on our side. In response to the rise of the Chinese Empire, the union of Europe is not far away."

"In that case, let's choose the people who will lead the fleet." "I vote for myself. I'm the only one here who has the experience of a big naval battle," he said

The other three raised their hands, but Feilin hesitated and raised his hand. He knew that he was not as good as him after all.

"Well, then the admiral of the United Fleet is Mr. corbancy. Do you have any suggestions now?" Butlin was a little excited.

Cobanxi pondered for a moment, he said: "according to the intelligence, the warships of the Chinese Empire are all armored warships, and the last time the Allied forces failed so thoroughly, it was because of the collision of armored warships that our shells could not even break the armor of the other side. "

" yes, that's what the escaped crew said. "Said Nicholas.

With a gloomy smile, cobanxi said: "obviously, it's a suicide to fight with this fleet. If Jakarta is lost, it means that all 50 warships have sunk. Then, with the warships just arrived, we still have 150 warships left. We still have an advantage in number. Therefore, we should take a surprise attack this time and make use of them As long as we turn the naval battle into a side to side battle, we still have a glimmer of hope for victory. ""That's a good idea." "If we can win like this, we may be able to capture all the armored ships. "

others nodded with admiration.

Having agreed on the plan to attack the imperial warships, Butlin immediately announced the dissolution of the ship, and let cobanxi prepare for the raid tonight.

According to their plan, after nightfall, cobanxi led the fleet drifting down the Ganges River. During the day, they had detected the position and distance of the imperial warships through observation posts, so they could find the specific position in the night.

"Get the talons ready, and in case of impact, drop them on the imperial warship." He told me carefully.

The crew nodded one after another in the dark. Although they could not see each other's faces clearly, they were very excited. If they could capture the armored ship, they would really be rich.

But their fantasies were soon pierced by bright beams. Just as they were approaching the armored ship, a dazzling beam of light suddenly came from the armored ship and exposed them completely.

Corbancy tried to open his eyes. The beam of light shone on their boat like day. He was suddenly cold and his hair stood up.

"Boom boom..."

Before he could react, countless fires lit up in the dark, and then he saw that the warships he led had become fireballs in the explosion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!