Chapter 1078

On the coast of Calcutta, officers from all countries look heavy.

When corbancy led the fleet to attack the imperial fleet, they had been watching the war on the coast. As the war went on, their mood also fluctuated. But at the final moment, they still suffered a complete failure.

At the moment, the burning sail warship on the sea is the proof of their failure.

, "we are finished. We have lost ninety-six battleships, and the fleet has lost more than half of its fleet. Now the sea has the final say of the imperial fleet." Said Nicholas bitterly.

Butlin's gloomy face flickered with the flickering fire on the sea. Although cobanxi chose to retreat, the imperial fleet pursued them closely. During the time when they were hiding in the Ganges, they were sunk 16 warships.

This led to the destruction of 96 warships. His heart seemed to be bleeding when he saw the tragic scene.

Looking at the soldiers who are still struggling in the sea and calling for help, his body is slightly trembling, and endless hatred rises in his heart.

Behind him were the soldiers who were responsible for defending the coast. They also witnessed the whole process. Like Butlin, they felt fear in their hearts and hatred for the Chinese Empire.

For them, in terms of national propaganda, the Chinese Empire was described as the devil who robbed their colonies.

They came all the way here to uphold justice and justice.

"Soldiers, have you seen the cruelty of the Chinese Empire? They took Australia and shamelessly humiliated the people of the British Empire as slaves. Now they are ready to seize our own India. If they are allowed to move on, sooner or later their tentacles will reach Europe. They are demons, believers of Satan, pagans, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, they will land in Calcutta, brothers And kill them all together. God will help us send them to hell

Cried boutlin.

"Kill them all! Kill them all!" The British soldiers yelled, and their hatred rose at the instigation of boutlin.

The other imperial commanders looked at Butlin, and they also cried out. The whole coast was filled with hatred for the Empire.

On the deck of the king, the medical officer was dressing the wound for Yue Yun. When the king was put on fire, his left arm was scratched by shrapnel. At that time, he didn't make any noise, but continued to command the battle.

Until the war stabilized, Liu Chen found that Yue Yun's arm was injured.

"General, there seems to be a lot of enemy soldiers on the coast. They seem to be shouting something!" In the dark, Liu Chen could only see some people on the coast through the fire, but it was very vague.

The medical officer is using alcohol to disinfect Yue Yun's wound. He endured the pain and said, "don't worry about them for the time being. Thunder will kill them!"

Liu Chen wanted the warships to carry out a round of shelling to frighten them. Hearing this, he nodded and then said, "what about the European soldiers in the sea? "

" shoot all Yue Yun gives orders coldly.

It's not his cruel nature, but his war experience tells him that he can't be merciful to the enemy. Now that Europe and the Chinese Empire are officially at war, these European soldiers will surely be instilled by their countries with hatred of the Chinese Empire. After all, the national consciousness in Europe has long been awakened.

And now it has even risen to the paranoid racism of white supremacy. They think that only Europeans can be regarded as real "people", and people in other countries, like animals, can not be equal to them.

It is said that there is a zoo in Calcutta, India, where Aborigines from different areas are kept. Among them, there are also Chinese people living in exile.

They use these people as animals to earn money from the British exhibition in Calcutta.

When he got the information from the secret guards, he was silent for a long time, which made him fully understand what is the essential contradiction between the Chinese Empire and Europe, which is the contradiction between race and culture. As long as the Europeans hold the white supremacy, the war will not stop.

"I see, general!"

Liu Chen answered, saying that he just asked out of convention, and he didn't want to save the soldiers in the sea. He didn't want his own soldiers to take risks. These rescued Europeans might soon find a dagger to stab his soldiers.

When he got the order, he immediately ordered the soldiers to shoot the enemy soldiers in the sea. Even now, the gunfire in the sea still did not stop. Although the main force of the fleet retreated, there were still many boats in the sea.

These boats are still trying to attack them, which makes Liu Chen more determined.

”Dada dada "

the sound of machine guns sounded again, and the armored ships shuttled through the messy battlefield to solve the following boats one by one.

At the same time, the medical guards constantly carried the wounded imperial soldiers to the cabin for treatment. This time, Europe suffered heavy losses, and their losses were not light, but more than 200 soldiers were killed on the king's armored ship.

The rest of the task lasted until dawn. When the red sun rose in the East, the soldiers on the armored ship could really see the whole picture of the battlefield last night.On the battlefield stretching for more than ten miles, the bodies of the enemy are floating everywhere, the color of blood is mixed in the sea, and the broken boards fluctuate with the waves.

Henghekou has been blocked by sunken warships. The imperial fleet can't get in and the European fleet can't get out.

Yue Yun and Liu Chen took a nap last night. After daybreak, they went to the deck.

According to the order, Qingzhou fleet has officially cruised, and some warships rushed to Indonesia and XINJIAPO overnight to transport southeast Army soldiers.

"Now the European coalition forces are really making dumplings by us, and the rest is to put the dumplings into the pot and wait to eat them. "Liu Chen licked his lips excitedly.

Yue Yun was not optimistic about the situation on land. He pointed to the long battle line and said, "the battle of trapped animals is the most dangerous. The weapons of Europeans are backward, but the will to fight is very strong. Last night, we also paid a lot of casualties. "

Liu Chen nodded, and the statistics of the war report have come out. More than 3000 soldiers were killed, but the losses of the European allied forces are even greater. It is roughly estimated that 30000 people were buried in the sea.

"I'm afraid we couldn't take Calcutta five years ago."

Liu Chen felt sorry. According to the enemy's will to resist, the next battle must be very hard.

"In that case, I don't think there's any need for a strong attack. As long as we block the routes and keep them here, sooner or later they will collapse. After all, we have no urgent demand for India." Yue Yun analyzed.

Liu Chen has the same idea. Although a strong attack can win India, according to their exchange ratio in Jakarta, they have to sacrifice at least 30000 soldiers' lives, which is unnecessary.

"I will send a war report analysis to the general staff." Liu Chen said, looking at the trenches on the coast. , the fastest update of the webnovel!