Chapter 1099


Luo Hong looked at the telegram from Qingzhou, his eyes shining with inexplicable light.

Among the many cities in the Empire, Yizhou, located in the land of Bashu, was relatively late to get the telegram.

Only in order to achieve the Empire's access to information, the telecommunications department still wasted a lot of energy to get the telegram here.

"Ge Yiren has been arrested." Luo Xin gives Luo Hong a telegram from Luo's family, and then picks up another telegram. "It's strange how the emperor suddenly let the commander of the military region go back to Qingzhou to participate in the Military Council."

"You can't go back to Qingzhou. The emperor has set up a grand banquet for you. "Luo Hong said firmly.

Luo Xin couldn't help laughing when he heard the words. He said, "brother, what are you talking about? Why does the emperor want to give me a grand banquet? "

since he came to Yizhou, Luo Hong has been in Yizhou for a while, but he has not mentioned the relationship between him and Ge Yiren with Luo Xin.

Now a telegram made him realize that he had no way out. Once Ge Yiren confessed, he could not escape the sanction of the imperial law.

Seeing that Luo Hong's face was very bad, Luo Xin asked again, "brother, what's the matter? "

after taking a deep breath, Luo Hong said," do you know why Ge Yiren was arrested? "

”Maybe it has something to do with those who are against the emperor. "Luo Xin doesn't like GE Yiren either, so he is very happy to learn that GE Yiren has been arrested.

Luo Hong nodded, "you're right. Since the emperor ascended the throne, what he did has become more and more excessive. He didn't consider the powerful families and nobles who once laid a solid foundation for him, but he repeatedly issued decrees to restrict our rights. Now it's more excessive, and he has completely cut off the official career of the nobles, which has caused many people's dissatisfaction."

Luo Xin looked a little surprised. He said: "even so, the emperor is also for the long-term development of the Empire in the future. Elder brother, the times have changed. Would our soldiers use Chinese rifles and artillery more than ten years ago? Besides, the Emperor just asked the nobles to be restrained and not to be above the imperial law. "

"Elm head." Luo Hong hears that some people hate iron, but Ge Yiren is caught suddenly, which makes him impatient.

Now that Xiao Ming's telegram has arrived, it is clear that he is worried that Luo Xin will revolt with him. In this way, he has been exposed, and now he must put all his eggs in one basket.

"Today he can easily make a decree against us, and in the future he can put us in jail. Don't you ever think about limiting his rights and letting the world discuss state affairs together?" Luo Hong has been quite straightforward.

Luo Xin was still smiling. Luo Hong's face suddenly changed. "Brother, this is a big crime of beheading. How can we talk nonsense? The emperor is the emperor. Without him, can we have today's empire? You'd better not mention the restriction of the monarchy. As far as I'm concerned, the emperor's decision has never been missed. "

" he's good now. Can't he be wrong in the future? Do you want to see today's empire fall apart because of his mistakes? Let me ask you, can Xiao Yi undertake this heavy task after the emperor's hundred years Luo Hong asked.

"Xiao Yi is the crown prince. He grew up with the emperor when he was a child. Naturally, he continued the emperor's style. No matter how hard he was, he would not be a fatuous king."

"What about Xiao Yi's children? Who can guarantee that Mingjun will always sit on the throne? "

" if you limit the monarchy, you will not lose your monarch? "He said angrily.

”At least we can stop the king when he has no way. We don't have no way. The Empire belongs to all of us, not just the emperor. "Luo Hong bewitched me.

Luo Xin shook his head, "brother, what's the matter with you? Who told you that? It's just a bunch of nonsense. The emperor is the head of the imperial family. Only the parents can be in order. If many nobles have the decision-making power, it's hard to guarantee that they won't become the spokesmen of their respective forces in the court. At that time, as long as things don't meet their interests, they will break up with each other. At that time, the Empire will really be over. "

"Luo Xin, you are bewitched by Xiao Ming. What he wants is just Xiao Jiayong sitting in the mountains and rivers. Why! "Luo Hong blurted out.

Luo Xin's heart sank. He remembered Luo Hong's expression when he saw Ge Yiren arrested and said, "brother, tell me the truth, are you involved with Ge Yiren?"

When he said this, Luo Xin's tone was already quite severe.

”Now, I will tell you that GE Yiren and I have discussed the restriction of imperial power. When the time is right, we will gather the aristocratic families and the army to force the emperor to accept our advice. But I didn't expect Ge Yiren's sudden accident. This is unexpected. But it's not too late. We still have a chance, Luo Xin, as long as you and I show your support for the restriction Imperial power, the world's rich families will respond. "Luohong just grasped Luoxin's hand, like a madman.

Luo Hong, Luo Xin's eyes are full of incredible, "brother, are you crazy? You are now the head of the Luo family. By doing so, you are bringing the Luo family into the abyss! I won't agree. "

" now you have no choice! " There was a chill in Luo Hong's smile. "Don't you understand now? This time, the emperor called the commanders of the six major military regions to test you. The emperor is already doubting us. Even if you go back to Qingzhou, you will be dismissed immediately. You and I are members of the Luo family, and no one can escape. "Luo Xin's face turned white when he heard the speech.

Luo Hong continued: "also, what did you forget about Zhu Sansi? What is he? How can he be one of the six commanders? How many years have you and I followed the emperor in battle and how many years has he followed him? Can't you see the absurdity of the emperor from this? "

Luo Xin really has a lot of opinions about Zhu Sansi. He doesn't look down on Zhu Sansi, but simply thinks that Zhu Sansi climbs too fast, making them seem unimportant.

Seeing Luo Xin's hesitating face, Luo Hong was pleased and said, "if we succeed this time, there will be no such absurd things from now on. It's right to listen to my elder brother. If Xiao Ming insists on going his own way, there will still be a third prince Xiao Zhen in Yizhou. According to the age, Xiao Zhen should be the successor. "

after hearing that Yan Ding looked at Luo Hong for a while, Luo Xin sighed for a long time," brother, I know that the Emperor didn't appoint you as one of the commanders, which makes you feel dissatisfied. But now you are not only treason, but also bring the Luo family into a place of eternal doom. What do you think the emperor set up a long history in the army for? I can guarantee that once I declare that I support the restriction of the monarchy, the soldiers will mutiny immediately, and Huang Changshi will lead the soldiers to arrest you and me. This southwest army is full of graduates from Qingzhou army college. They have their own ideas. They are not the generals of the Luo family. Since they entered the college, there is only one person loyal to the emperor, so brother, for the sake of the Luo family, I only want to help them I'm sorry. "

after a pause, he said," come on, take Luo Hong into custody! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!