Chapter 1119

"Ottoman and Persia have been enemies for thousands of years, and both of them have ambitions to dominate Central Asia. "

" it's true, but in the past their conflict was small-scale, but this time the problem seems to be a bit serious. It is said that Osman has received a lot of advanced firearms from Europe, is training a large army, and the scale of the conflict is also expanding. "

Pang explained.

"What do you think you should do? Will the Empire send troops to support? "Xiao Ming wants to test Pang Yukun on purpose.

Now that the imperial system is very mature, it needs everyone to give full play to their talents instead of planning everything by themselves.

After pondering for a while, Pang Yukun said: "the conflict between Ottoman and Persia obviously has the shadow of the West. Although they were defeated in Asia and chose to sign a truce agreement, they will not give up any chance to hinder the growth of the Empire. "

Xiao Ming nodded slightly, and Pang Yukun's analysis was in place. International relations often cooperate and confront each other. It is not a pure relationship between friends and enemies, but the eternal link is interests.

For example, this armistice agreement, he only agreed because the cost of continuing to wage war is much higher than signing the agreement.

Moreover, what he wants has been obtained through the agreement, so why waste people and money to obtain it through the war.

"But it's not appropriate to send troops to help Persian old ministers." Pang Yukun continued: "as the saying goes, the threat of Osman to Persia is the fundamental reason why we can easily get oil from Persia. Once we help Persia defeat Osman, Persia will become the overlord of Central Asia. At that time, I'm afraid they won't give us free oil exploration. "

Xiao Ming laughs. Pang Yukun used to be only good at internal affairs, which is enough to show that he has made a lot of efforts in international politics during this period.

"Pang Shoufu is worthy of being Pang Shoufu. I can think of some problems. European countries think that using Ottoman can weaken Persia and affect our oil exploration, but they never think that it will only make Persia more dependent on us." Xiao Ming said lightly.

"So it is necessary for Osman to exist, but for Persia, we also need to give technical and financial support to maintain the regional balance in Central Asia. "Pang Yu Kun smoothed his beard.

"That's it. After you go back, you can organize the material support for Persia. Our oil field has just produced oil. I don't want any oil field to have an accident. "Xiao Ming warned.

Pang Yukun answered and turned to leave.

When Pang Yukun left, Xiao Ming came to the world map and looked at the Empire carefully.

With the passage of time, his sense of crisis has become more and more serious. Now Xiao Yi is 16 years old, and he is entering the middle-aged stage of his life. How much time can he have left to guard his empire?

Looking at North America, Russia, Europe, Africa, South America and other regions, he sighed.

In the past, he was very confident that he could unify the world in his lifetime, but now he is increasingly finding that he may not be able to achieve this goal.

The world is too complex. There are all kinds of cultures, religions and races. Some of their conflicts can't be reconciled. Even in the contemporary world, the origin of conflicts is the same.

So after thinking about it for a long time, he decided to try his best to accumulate wealth for the Empire when he was in power, just as the contemporary west plundered the whole world, and to leave a weapon to protect the Empire's life.

In this way, even if the Empire declined, no country would dare to invade. At the same time, even if he could not eliminate the Western powers, he would try his best to weaken them.

The condition he promised Henry was this goal. A chaotic Europe would give the Empire the chance to extract European wealth.

Looking from Western Europe to tsarist Russia and North America, Xiao Ming's eyes narrowed. Compared with Britain, France and other countries, his most taboo is tsarist Russia and the United States.

From the contemporary era, he naturally knows that once these two countries are given the opportunity, they will grow into monsters.

At the same time, he believes that Europe will certainly find ways to disrupt Central Asia on these two issues. He has seen the British conspiracy in this matter.

However, playing a conspiracy with him, Queen Victoria of England is still a little young. Not to say that he comes from modern times and is used to all kinds of international struggles, but the information in the crystal of science and technology is enough to find many similar cases.

Eyes slowly firm, Xiao Ming carrying hands out of the imperial study, after the victory of the Nanyang war, he had a period of confusion.

But now he's clear about what he's going to do next.

Strategically, he will continue to squeeze the living space of European countries. Financially, he will formally internationalize the imperial Golden Dragon and become a hard currency circulating in the world like the contemporary US dollar.

In industry, he should gradually establish a perfect industrial system, obtain cheap resources from all over the world and produce industrial products.

In business, he wanted to realize economic colonization of Europe, completely control the European market, and let Europe taste the taste of exchanging millions of clothes for a car.

But it's still a long way to go to realize these ideas, because squeezing Europe's living space means constant conflicts with European countries.To make Jinlong a world currency, you have to have huge gold reserves, or control the currency used for oil settlement, just like the contemporary United States.

As for Industry and commerce, Europe will not allow it to dominate its own market so easily. In the future, I am afraid it will have to exchange some technologies for the market.

He was thinking, when the telephone rang in the imperial study.

Turning back to connect the phone, Lin Wentao's voice came, "emperor, the first tank in the tank factory is officially off the line. I've been ordered to report it to the emperor."

"Well, I'll be there now." Xiao Ming showed a faint smile.

Generally speaking, a country can produce cars, but there is basically no problem in the production of tanks. So when the first car with internal combustion engine is produced, he asked to establish a military factory to produce tanks.

Facts have proved that he is right. After more than a year of preparation, the first tank went off the production line smoothly.

After greeting Qian Dafu, Xiao Ming tells his special car to take him to the tank factory.

Since the car, his travel safety has improved a lot, and the fast speed of the car can also make it easy for him to go anywhere.

Therefore, during this period of time, the frequency of his travel has increased a lot, which is good for him, but for some officials, it is like a funeral examination.

Because he sometimes suddenly came to deal with a large number of officials, which made the officials scared. The officials around Qingzhou did not dare to be careless, for fear of being attacked by the emperor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!