Chapter 1177

Sean hid in the ditch in horror, almost mad in the face of the constant bombardment of the Empire.

The sudden covering bombing just now caused heavy losses to Spanish and Portuguese soldiers who had not yet responded.

Like every Spanish soldier, he had never seen such fierce gunfire.

Turning over the body of the dead officer by his side, Sean took the pocket watch from the officer's hand and stuffed it into his pocket.

As far as he is concerned, it's impossible to fight. He doesn't want to squat in these damned pits and be blown up.

There is a huge disparity in strength. They have no chance of winning and will not last long.

Just as he thought, the intermittent explosion suddenly disappeared. Curiosity made him show his head in the ditch and look forward to the front of the position.

At this time, the picture in front of him overwhelmed the last trace of persistence in his heart. He picked up the gun and ran back desperately.

Because now Austrian soldiers are attacking them under the cover of more than 100 tanks.

This kind of weapon, which has been spread all over Europe, is a nightmare in every soldier's heart.


"Boom boom..."

As the tanks moved forward, machine guns and artillery continued to fire at their positions, and the defensive fortresses on the positions were cleared one by one.

"Bang Bang..."

There were Spanish soldiers fighting back in the position, but their bullets only produced some sparks when they fell on the tank.

The Austrian soldiers kept approaching behind the tank.

In the face of this desperate picture, the surviving Spanish and Portuguese soldiers finally collapsed. They were no longer under the control of the officers, and they threw away their weapons and fled.

In front of the Austrian position, thunder was watching the Spanish and Portuguese defense lines. As he expected, when the imperial tanks covered the Austrian soldiers approaching, the Spanish and Portuguese soldiers finally collapsed.

The afternoon long howitzer and rocket attacks have caused them heavy casualties, and now the unsolved attack is even more shocking than artillery fire.

"I never thought this war would be won so smoothly." Sentia said with a complicated look that the Empire had once again proved its military strength.

Tanks, machine guns, howitzers, rockets, any of these weapons can change the war. The number of casualties in Spain and Portugal exceeded 30000 in just half a day.

Thunder showed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

For the sake of the European war, the Empire's war machine was in full swing. When they came, the bombers produced by the Empire had gathered from the major production centers to Qingzhou for bomb dropping and shooting training.

Once the imperial aircraft carrier is launched, these bombers will cross the sea to Europe, and this is the ultimate weapon that can really make Europe die.

"You'll get used to it later."

Thunder joked, and then he let the soldiers blow the bugle. The imperial soldiers followed the Austrian soldiers and rushed to the Spanish and Portuguese positions, driving them out of their trenches like ducks.

At the same time, Luffy and ye Qingyun arrived at the southwest border of France and Prussia.

Although Portugal and Spain once had a brilliant history, their strength in Europe is far less than France and Prussia.

According to the information they got, for the sake of the war, Henry urgently expanded the French army to 800000 people, and even teenagers over 14 years old took weapons to the battlefield.

The situation in Prussia is similar, but the number of soldiers is less, and they are known as 600000 elite soldiers.

Their allies are only 120000 Hungarian soldiers, 80000 Austrian soldiers and 90000 Dutch soldiers.

"In the face of imperial firepower, 800000 and 1000000 are just a matter of numbers. "

looking at the battle line stretching for more than 30 miles, ye Qingyun confidently said to the Austrian Prince obina.

Compared with the thunder firepower on the south line, he has more powerful firepower, 240 tanks, 200 rockets, 300 howitzers, and sufficient ammunition.

Obina once followed him to see the battle of defeating France. Now he has no doubt about ye Qingyun's words.

What's more, the 800000 French troops have too much water, he said. "According to our understanding, only 200000 of the 800000 French troops are regular troops, and the others are improvised. Most of the weapons used are backward muskets, and many soldiers do not have guns, so they can only have one in common."

Ye Qingyun nodded slightly. He was not surprised at this situation. France had just gone through the civil war and its industry had declined a lot. It was impossible to meet the weapons and equipment of 800000 soldiers in a period of time.

In his view, the only one who has the ability to do so is the Empire. If the industrial capacity of the Empire turns to the needs of war, millions of troops can also be armed.

This is also the reason why in just two short years, the Vienna allies have changed their guns and greatly increased their military strength.

"France, Prussia, they are just struggling in vain. This empire will let them understand what war is." Ye Qingyun made a gesture of shelling as he spoke.His voice fell, the Rockets made a dense "whoosh" sound, the Rockets pulled out a dense plume of smoke in the sky and flew to the French army.

At the same time, the howitzers roared one after another, and the shells followed the rockets and landed on the French position.


The Imperial Army led by Luffy is also shelling the positions of Prussian army.

In fact, after ye Qingyun arrived at his own position, he soon arrived at his own position, for no other reason. There are many European countries, but the overall area is not large.

From France to Prussia, in fact, it was just across two provinces in the Empire.

After arriving in Leipzig, he found that the Prussian army was charging against the Austrian and Hungarian allied forces on the north line.

So he immediately ordered the tanks to attack and easily drove the Prussian army back to its position. Then he ordered the artillery to attack the arrogance of Prussia.

"This white eyed wolf, see how I deal with you this time." Rufei gritted his teeth and said that Prussia and Czarist Russia are undoubtedly the strongest two in the St. Petersburg treaty.

France's army has too much water. Prussia also has water, but not much.

So this time he chose to fight against Prussia himself, and in order to defeat Prussia as soon as possible, he had 30% more weapons than ye Qingyun.

The number of imperial soldiers, machine guns and howitzers, who went to Prussia reached 50000.

"Blow it up for three days and three nights." Looking at Prussia's tight defense line, Luffy cautiously gave orders. The time was on the side of the Vienna allies, and he had enough time to destroy the enemy's will. , the fastest update of the webnovel!