Winter has already begun in some areas of China, and it seems that the rainy season has just arrived in Africa.

In the Jordan base, the door of Donnie's office suddenly opened. Zhu Rou rushed out angrily and slammed the door. Zhu Rou slammed the heavy anti-theft door, and it fell down directly. Even the bulletproof glass fell down two pieces.

Donny kicked out the heavy security door and scolded Zhu Rou: "fat man, you can't take a soldier from this team. I can't say you. Xu Qing is here, and he won't allow you to do this!"

Zhu Rou rushed into the rain, pointed back at Donnie and said angrily, "Donnie, don't talk about big brother! He doesn't know the situation here at home! You shine your eyes and see if you can take one of the soldiers here! "

Donny's chest heaved and puffed, shouting, "come back here!"

But Zhu Rou didn't look back at all. Lin Qingli pulled Donnie's arm with red eyes and said, "sister Nizi, don't be angry. If you do, we'll be suspicious!"

Just now, Zhu Rou insisted on using troops against Murong Xinde and sending small troops to harass her. Now only when there is a fight can she have a reason not to let Sophie go. Of course, Donnie is against it. She is not afraid of fighting, but what's the reason? Now Murong Xinde has the support of the Americans, because he used to be an undercover agent, and the general decision-making department also supports him. If he uses troops against them now, America will put pressure on China, and the general decision-making department will also put pressure on him. Very bad for Xu Qing.

One word from you and one word from me started to quarrel.

Donnie touched the head of Lin Qingli and said, "it's OK. There's no suspicion. Fat man is just too strong. Do you think I don't want to fight? Sun Tzu's art of war says: one is Tao, two is heaven, three is earth, four is general and five is Dharma. The so-called "Tao" is to make the people and the monarch have the same ideas politically. In this way, the people and the monarch can share life and death together and pledge their life and death. Now that we have no name for ourselves, we will lose out on the "way". If we get more help from the right and lose less help from the wrong, our base will become the target of public criticism. Do you understand? "

Lin Qingli shakes her head to show that she doesn't understand, but she says, "I'm thinking."

Lengyue never talks much, but she will observe that since she came here from China, they have been quarreling all the time, one big quarrel in three days, one small quarrel in five days. When it's serious, they have to fight. However, she can see that they regard each other as the closest people, and they will quarrel only if they don't play with each other. The brothers can't leave, but it also indicates that this Murong is a place where people live Xinde has put too much pressure on them.

On the contrary, Jordan and Rick are getting more and more affectionate. They sleep together because they have discussed Xu Qing's absence. In terms of strategy and tactics, Donnie and others have differences, but the team has to maintain combat effectiveness and they have to unite.

Donnie and Zhu Rou didn't talk for a few days. They didn't meet each other. They were angry with each other. But one morning, Donnie got the news from the herald. Zhu Rou went out with a brigade. When Donnie got on the motorcycle, she was about to chase people back. However, she received a phone call from Zhu rou. After Zhu Rou calmly explained, Donnie confirmed the news and only sent one of her adjutants out To help Zhu rou.


in Central Africa, Murong Xinde is at its peak. Today, he is going to have a military parade. Why? Why read this soldier on a rainy day? Just one day ago, a bandit team, maybe not a bandit, maybe a bandit dressed up by the regular army, went to rob Suya's mine in Ming Dynasty. Zhu Rou personally took a brigade to fight in the past. He and the brigade commander separated their troops in the rain and blocked the bandit team into the mountains. With the cooperation of the air force, they annihilated one without leaving any land.

Zhu Rou found out the source of the team. It was actually the people from Murong Xinde. Zhu Rou sent someone to say that Murong Xinde was as humble as ever. After admitting her mistake, she said that she would strictly investigate how the team passed through her own territory. It's clear that this team went out from him, but he said that it was through him secretly.

Zhu Rou responded, well, my brigade also needs to borrow from your territory. Murong Xinde naturally agreed, so he arranged a military parade, and the leader of the parade was Wan Yanfei, the one who disagreed with Zhu rou.

Donnie ordered Zhu Rou to come back, but Zhu Rou said, "I will not accept your orders."

On this day, 50000 troops from the Murong Xinde base in Central Africa, separated by 200000 troops, chose a section of the route of thousands of kilometers for the field army of Central Africa and Xue Fei and formed a neat line.

Ten thousand people are boundless, and it doesn't seem that there are many people in the desert when these fifty thousand people are scattered on the desert. Wan Yanfei also made the team open a 16-7-mile battle line. People who know how to fight in the army actually know that such a long battle line is the easiest to encircle the opponent. Under the condition of equal conditions, there is nothing wrong with ten encircles.

Zhu Rou is carrying a mechanized infantry brigade, of which 30 tanks and 50 armored vehicles are their main combat power. The army and aviation forces have given some support, and now they have gone back. Zhu Rou doesn't take Wan Yanfei as a thing at all.

When she came here, Donnie was afraid of Zhu Rou's impulse, and let a careful soldier she found follow him, that is, her deputy general. When Zhu Rou's mind was hot, Donnie longed for the deputy general she arranged for her to persuade her.This soldier was a Chinese. He followed Xu Qing to fight the Xiong family and the Outer Mongolia campaign. He was a meritorious minister. His original name was Zhou Wen. After his family business was slaughtered by African bandits, he became Zhou Wu.

At the moment, he is gathering the news of the two days' exchanges with Murong Xinde, and finds that there is something wrong. Murong Xinde does not have a formal military position in China. It is reasonable to say that he should treat Donnie and Zhu Rou the same way, because in theory, Donnie and Zhu Rou are equal.

At the beginning, Zhu Rou contacted Murong Xinde, but the person in charge of reception became Wan Yanfei. Zhou Wu knew that Zhu Rou and WAN Yanfei didn't like each other. Each brigade passed through the other's army. Wasn't that the sheep's way through the wolves?

Zhou Wu is in the back car, temporarily let the car stop, run to the front car and Zhu Rou together, put the information gathered in front of Zhu Rou, and said: "fat brother, we have eye liner here in Murong new Germany, they told me that Murong Xin De was nothing at all, he was staying in the middle army, he sent the Yan Yan Fei to come over, obviously wanted to finish, let Yan Fei finish. We'll take a detour. "

Zhu Rou closed the information and said, "I know. I went there on purpose. Murong Xinde's carving insect skill can deceive me? I've fought a big battle. The arrangement of troops in Murong Xinde is very good, but it's just a piece of paper. "

In Zhou Wu's mind, Zhu Rou has always been a reckless person. After hearing Zhu Rou's words, Zhou Wu suddenly felt an impulse to understand him and asked, "brother fat, can we beat them?"

"I'm kidding. I can't fight it!" Zhu Rou rolled down the window, lit the smoke, ordered the team to slow down, and then slowly said: "although Murong Xinde has been on paper up to now, we are equal to them in number, and we can't beat him. People, we still have to have talent. Nizi's command is learned the day after tomorrow. I can only learn some tactics. I really don't have the strategic mind to beat Murong Xinde Only my elder brother, Xu Qing, has been framed and locked up. He can't get out. I have to find a way to get him out. Although I don't know the strategy, I know that if Murong Xinde develops like this, our five million people will not be able to survive. We have to find a way to fight and not let him develop at ease. "

Zhou Wu understood Zhu Rou's idea and said, "brother fat, what do you mean?"

Zhu Rou showed a sincere smile to Zhou Wu and said in a soft voice: "Xiao Zhou, you must know my relationship with Ni Zi. Usually, even if there is a dispute, she will stand on my side on the issue of life and death, so you have to help me play a bitter meat play."

Donnie can see Zhou Wu, in addition to his own combat effectiveness, and his intelligence also has a great relationship, he said: "brother fat, do you mean, this brigade's soldiers, just like cannon fodder?"

Zhu Judo: "our brigade is full of 5500 people. The main force is 3500 people. The soldiers and 500 leaders have gone back. Even you don't know, Donnie doesn't know, and Murong Xinde doesn't know. There are only 1000 people on our side. In fact, there are only drivers in the back truck. When I take 1000 people as cannon fodder, Nizi will be angry, In the capital, my aunt will put pressure on the general decision-making department, and so will my aunt Su ya. The choice of the general decision-making department is that they will not help each other, and the war will start. Judging from the current situation, we are strong in troops, rich in materials, and have a mass base of five million. Murong Xinde can't beat us. "

Zhou Wu shook his head hard and said, "no, no, no one can die. You can't. sister Nizi will kill me. In the future, we 500000 people can't explain to General Xu."

Zhu Rou said with a sneer, "I've been through a lot in the past few years. Is it so easy to die? Don't worry, I will survive in the end. It's pity for the thousand soldiers who are still in the dark. "

When Zhou Wu looked at Zhu Rou's face, he was filled with a wonderful feeling. It was an unspeakable sense of fullness. Everyone in the base worshipped Xu Qing as a God. After Xu Qing was imprisoned, the hearts of the people here were empty. After six people came over, the morale rose again. Zhou Wu always thought that this was the credit of Tang Ni. Now it seems that the team is full of confidence This kind of unity is the continuation of Donnie's unconditional trust in each other.

He said to Zhu Rou from the bottom of his heart, "I'm sorry, brother fat."

Zhu Rou pops the cigarette end out of the car door, orders the motorcade to speed up, and looks at the scenery, flashing back all the time. Zhu Rou can't help but think of the past. At that time, she didn't have an ideal, her elder brother didn't have an ideal, and everyone didn't have an ideal. It's really because muxiu Yulin has been beaten up by the wind and rain for several years. Now she has an ideal, and the ideal is very great The first is to integrate the religious sects in China, the second is to let the Chinese Army control the small countries outside the land border, and the third is to win over Africa. If it succeeds, will it be like the first emperor sweeping Liuhe to make the world submit?

Zhu Rou shakes her head and laughs bitterly. She thinks too much. Although there are young people from her elder brother down, this kind of thing can't be done by her own generation. On second thought, it's not impossible. Huaxia has entered the period of national calamity since 1840. The great man has spent half of his life telling the world that Huaxia people have stood up and used the latter half of his life to make the enemy angry Dare to invade.

Thinking of this, Zhu Rou's blood began to boil again, and her mind began to become extremely calm