Everyone waited until five o'clock in the morning. Finally, Zhang Chu's heartrending cry came from the ward. Zhao Xiaofei walked back and forth in the corridor, restless and lying in front of the window for a while.

Seven foot man, an iron soldier, listened to his wife's painful voice with tears in his eyes.

Xu Qing kept comforting, "it's OK. I've seen it for her. I'm sure mother and son will be safe."

Zhao Xiaofei or anxious, hard in his face a slap in the face, said: "never again, never again, never again."

Finally, the baby's cry came from the ward, and everyone in the corridor was relieved. Soon, the door of the ward opened, and the nurse came out with the baby in her arms, saying: "it's a girl, mother and son are safe."

Zhao Xiaofei didn't even look at his children. He went straight to Zhang Chu's bed, knelt down beside her, held her hand and said, "daughter in law, it's hard."

Zhang Chu was sweating and pale, but he said with a smile, "go and have a look at our daughter."

Zhao Xiaofei said, "big brother is there."

Zhang Chu said: "the child Xu Qing opened a video of her, which is 36 issues, a seven minute video. The protagonist is her daughter Yangjin. She walks in the wild flowers, carries a basket, and takes pictures of the kitchen from picking to cooking. She often follows the castrated Tibetan fox behind her. Xu Qingle said:" that fox, it was the one who bit me The penguin raised by my daughter died and was castrated. After castration, she actually lived for such a long time. "

Suya said: "I give the child money, food, she will accept, occasionally need anything, but also with me coquetry and I want, she is very good, you see the end of each video, she will carry a hoe to the sunset, planting trees in the sand, she and xiaoyueer two people over the years, has weighed more than 1000 Populus euphratica."

Xu Qing asked, "did Xiao Cheng see her sister?"

Suya nodded and said: "Xiaocheng always goes to eat with her sister. Don't worry. No one in the family looks at her as an outsider, and she doesn't look at us as an outsider. There is only one portrait hanging at home, which is Xiaolan's, and there are several pictures of her hometown. She doesn't leave any shadow because of those things. It's the military place over there. The leaders who pass by all know that she is your daughter. They will go to her for dinner. No one dares to bully her. Don't worry. "

Xu Qing said: "this girl is spiritual. Since she likes this career, she asked Hanshan Leng to contact Miao Xiaohua, an oriental aesthetician, and let them interact on the Internet. If this kind of life can be popularized, our national happiness will be greatly improved. By the way, how are hansheleng and fat man

Su Ya said: "your people are really good. They are still girls. The fat man has been bowing hard. I'm here to tell you this. Take advantage of these two days to talk with the army. Let Hanshan Leng meet the former chairman of Nanfang pharmaceutical company and agree to their marriage. You can take charge of the marriage."

Xu Qing said busily: "fat people are also mixed up. Didn't the girl make trouble?"

"Why not? On the same day, he went to find Zhu Pei. Zhu Pei was so angry that he almost killed the fat man and called the military law department directly. However, Hanshan Leng also had him in her heart. She said that she was willing and that she had no choice when she was thin skinned and thick skinned. "

Xu Qing said: "don't wait. The adoptive parents of Han shanleng have been locked up for quite a long time. It's time to release them. At the beginning, they went to prison to protect them. Let's work in the capital. Choose a good day this month. The fat man and Han shanleng have a high court, and I can't be the principal."

Suya said, "there is no one else but you."

Xu Qing agrees, and Su Ya asks Ye Mei to make a fuss.

When Zhang Chu was sent back to the ward, something happened.

This branch, Xu Qing had to manage, because he heard a name, an Zihao.

An Zihao, the heroic commander of the Lu Chen brigade of the Xue Fei group army, saw the charge of an Zihao and Yun zatian, and their death.

Xu Qing looked back at the little girl who said an Zihao's name. Her face was pale and thin, but her whole body was firm and her eyes were stubborn.

Xu Qing went straight to the girl and asked the doctor, "what's the situation with this girl?"

a doctor in an ordinary hospital, who only knows how to treat patients and save people, doesn't know national affairs, doesn't know Xu Qing, and naturally doesn't know who an Zihao is. He looks at the Venus on Xu Qing's epaulet and says nothing. He sighs first, "Alas, this girl is going to the hospital a week ago. When she is learning dance, she has too much pressure to stand up, and may be paralyzed, We explained the situation to the child's grandmother. The old lady cried and begged us to cure the child. As a result, she put the child here and never showed her face again. We asked the police to look for her. The old lady said that the child had nothing to do with her and she didn't know her. "

"grandma?" Xu Qing asked, because he really did not want to believe that in such an era of China, there are people with such evil human nature.

But the doctor said, "it's not grandma! We have investigated the household registration clearly. The family is not a thing. After learning that an Zihao died, an Zihao's wife died unexpectedly. The first beneficiary of the pension is the little girl. The pension of the military sister-in-law is one million, and that of the commander an Zihao is two million. How can we not have money to see a doctor? " ​Xu Qing said angrily, "that's unreasonable!" Chong Guan was angry, and all the patients and doctors around looked at him.

Xu Qing sat beside the little girl and said, "tell Uncle, is your grandmother good to you?"

The little girl is about 11 years old. She looks heroic between her eyebrows. After that, she said, "I've never seen her in most of my life. She's been living with my uncle who runs a car wash shop. My mom and dad are gone, and she just popped up. "

Xu Qing asked the doctor, "is there something wrong with the child's leg?"

The doctor said, "what's wrong? It's just that I'm numb. I'm unconscious for the time being. It's all right now. "

"I'm in charge of this," Xu said

The original harmonious atmosphere made a sudden accident so depressing that no one expected that human nature would be so evil