Chapter 191 There may be some left (7)

The Inquisitor and Deathbringer are probably listening to my story by now. You all probably heard that I cried.

I closed my eyes and remembered that fact. There was really no way to determine where the error came from.

“Should I have hit the player earlier...”

Should I have asked him in advance to keep the fact that I cried a secret?

However, it’s a bit funny to ask something like that when you don’t even expect someone to ask. There are even children who will easily forget even if you ask for them.

“Or ahead of me...”

Then, as soon as those three left, should I have jumped out the back door and visited first? Someone is going to come and ask me something soon, and they’ll just ask me to keep the fact that I cried a secret?

“...Oh, I don’t know. “How could I even expect something like this?”

...It’s as crazy as your imagination can be.

Rather than clinging to something that had no possibility, I just threw it away. It’s natural that if you keep holding on like this, time won’t go back and none of this will ever happen.

If it’s something that can’t be undone anyway, I’d rather accept it with a humble attitude. That’s less stressful.

“...Still, I’d like to have some expectations.”

It’s less stressful... but the human mind doesn’t really work that way.

I secretly raised my expectations.

Just by chance, I was really lucky.

Because they are very intelligent and considerate people.

What if I told you without mentioning the fact that I cried...?

That was the expectation.

“That can’t be possible.”

If you think about it just a little, it’s easy to predict that something like that won’t happen.

Cancer may not have been mentioned for fun, but weren’t they people who told even their nephew’s past history to someone they were meeting for the first time? I don’t think those people would have forgotten that I cried.

It’s also hopeless. All that remains is confusion.

“Hopefully the devil issue won’t break out again.”

The devil knight cried?! That person has nothing but blood. Therefore, it is the devil who shed tears! These are crocodile tears! Or something.

Or maybe they just recited what I said with such an overactive memory that they thought he would talk for so long?! Did you know how to use polite language?! After all, it’s the devil! Or something.

I’m afraid something like that will happen. Especially since there is no way to respond if that happens.

“...It’s a plague, really.”

I eventually became bored once again with this unexpected development. Then he put his hand to his eyes. I was already feeling dizzy trying to figure out the repercussions of this.

“...let’s get some sleep.”

In the end, I took emergency measures.

I decided that if I had to worry about it now, my thoughts would continue to get tangled up and my frustration would only increase, so I should get a good night’s sleep and come up with a solution with a clear mind. Anyway, there is no way to solve it right now.

I even have something that makes this possible.

If it were reality, I wouldn’t be able to sleep even if I wanted to at times like this—but if I closed my eyes, my brain would wake up with a gradient of rage, saying, “No, but that comes first,” so wouldn’t I just press the sleep system button and be done?

I think about this every time, but the sleep system is truly god.

I turned on the system, thinking that if I were to choose something I could bring to reality, I would definitely take this.

「 ▲ 7 hours 00 minutes sleep ▼ 」

Suddenly, I could hear the still bustling noise of the bar beyond my ears.

“I may be an idle husband, but I still love Cleor! I love you too, my cutie Clara! “Thank you for being born as my mother’s child!!”

“Whahaha! “You start drinking right after postpartum care!”

“Look at Cleor! She’s the kid’s mom! “Who is the child’s mother?”

“Oh, it’s none of my business! “Drink it to celebrate Clara’s birth!”

At the same time, my vision was immersed in darkness. It was darkness pouring in like raindrops.

* * *

“Why are you using this machine...”

“You’re working

so hard...” “Please listen to the child...”

The sound of my parents talking could be heard through the slightly open door.

I guess I haven’t gotten over my habit of sleeping alone and not having to close the door properly because I was the only one there. Now that I’m back home, I need to fix this too.

“Is it far?”

“Just wait. So... should I go in here...?”

“Are you sure you’re good at it?”

Separately, I saw what the two of them were doing...

It was usual for them to ask me for help when they had no idea. However, I don’t think I feel like it today.

I quietly stood in the doorway and overheard their conversation.

Concentration is broken anyway. I wanted to watch the process and see how the two of them would handle it if I didn’t call them when.

“Not all scenarios will be viewed like this.”

“...Why do I only see scenarios like this?”


“Hmm. But you were right this time. see.”

“Is this really true....”

But what are you really doing?

I opened the door slightly more. Fortunately, the two didn’t notice.

“No, it says webtoon here. web. Toon. “Isn’t that right?”

“It may seem like that... but are these all cartoons?”

Web toon...? Why is there a webtoon story?

I was embarrassed. This is because I never thought that the material I wanted to pursue as a new career path would pop up here. Especially since the two of you had no interest in the field of comics.

“There are a lot...”


It was the same yesterday and when I woke up today. Why do I feel so confused when I wake up?

I woke up with a strange feeling, as if I was dreaming or not. As the date for departure to the next city arrived, it was impossible to procrastinate.

Sigh. My hand unconsciously went up to my eyes and wiped away the moisture.

“let’s go.”


I don’t really feel like eating. I checked out and went to pick up Frederick. Frederick woke up early in the morning and his fur was shining thanks to the stable keeper’s care.

“thank you! Come again next time!”

I left the stable keeper, who was happy to receive a tip, and headed to the rendezvous point.

For your information, this is the first time meeting the group since the first night. This is because the interrogator who came to visit me and his family’s matter was resolved successfully, and no one has come to visit me since.

“I’m sorry about what happened back then.”

Oh, I have to cancel what I said about no visit. Although not part of the group, the interrogator came back at that time.

Although I don’t know how he knew that I was planning to leave at this time that day. Did you hear anything from your companions?

“I also apologize for the late apology. With the help of others, I was able to remove the things that were blocking my eyes... but I still needed time to think. There is no shame. I’m really sorry.”

Still, it already happened. Rather than wondering how he got there, I focused on his apology. It’s a bonus that I felt a strange way while listening to his apology.

That’s because I didn’t really expect to receive an apology after that. Even if I were in the same position, I would have made similar moves.

“There is no need for an apology.”

“...I apologize even if it is not necessary. “Because that is the right thing to do.”

Even though I was dumbfounded by the coincidence that caused me to go crazy, I had already forgotten the malice that the interrogator had shed...

I threw away my last remaining complaint, wondering if all interrogators harbored this kind of honesty. It felt pretty good.


“Hold on.”

Well... it doesn’t seem like Frederick. It seemed like he recognized the person who had tried to attack him. Anyway, one head is extraordinary.

“I... it’s a little thing, but it’s a gift of apology.”

The other person seemed to have realized that Frederick was reluctant to join him, so he reached out his hand. It was a round wooden barrel.

“No need—”

“My aunt and uncle told me to definitely give it to them. “If you don’t want to accept it as my apology, please accept it as their gift.”

But here they use Gabulgi that makes rejection impossible?

“...If I keep it as is, my cousin will be disappointed too.”

Even extra hits?

With my face distorted, I snatched what the interrogator gave me. I could feel the warmth of the wooden barrel through the leather.

“It’s a lunch box. “If you have already eaten breakfast, it will be enough for lunch.”

I’ve already packed my lunch box... but it looks like I’ve decided on a new lunch for today. I put the lunch box in my inventory.

The other person’s eyebrows rose as the lunch box suddenly disappeared. Although his expression soon improved as he realized the existence of magic.

“Do you have any more business left?”

Why don’t you go further? I received an apology, but is there anything else left to say here?

“...I heard that you specialize in hunting demons. “I also heard that you caught a lot of demons.”

In response to my nervous reaction, the interrogator asked a question in a cautious tone. Are you trying to make a fuss about me being the devil or something? My eyes became cold.

“If you deal with black fire and have a young voice...”

But I guess it wasn’t that type of story.

The interrogator, who continued speaking, closed his eyes tightly.

“Have you ever met a demon whose words come and go?”

It was a random question. So, I would have felt that way if I hadn’t heard something the day before.

“...I don’t remember.”

It seems like they are looking for their parents’ enemies, so I want to do my best to give them a sincere answer. But I’m not sure whether the demon knight before me caught it or not.

I only gave an answer that wasn’t a lie. The interrogator’s expression became a little blank. “I see...” However, that feeling of futility did not last long.

“So... if you encounter a devil with those characteristics... if you kill it, could you please keep something that proves it and send it to me?”

I wonder if it’s okay to say this considering the other person’s circumstances... but no matter how you look at it, it was a quest.

“I know it’s a shameless request. But... please. “I may not be able to avenge my parents with my own hands, but I would like to at least receive proof that they are dead.”

no. As expected, I shouldn’t have made a drip like this under these circumstances.

I resisted the urge to slap my forehead out of guilt and shame and focused on the other person.

“In my heart, I want to kill him myself, but I can’t bear to ask him to leave the devil alone... Of course, if you don’t want to, you can ignore this request. “It’s not coercion.”

Let’s listen. I wanted to listen even if it was because I felt sorry.

Additionally, this was acceptable for the concept. People who don’t have the will to fight may not know that the other person wants revenge, but they are asking for it assuming the possibility that they will take revenge first.

There is no harm done to me, and this is a request worth listening to.

“If you have nothing more to say, leave.”

But I will never speak kindly. I moved forward, leading Frederick by the reins.

The Heretic Questioner opened his mouth slightly and then bowed.

“I apologize once again... I hope God’s blessings follow you, adventurer.”

It was a pretty good breakup compared to the first meeting.

As I left the inn, my legs felt weak and I headed to the agreed upon location.

“Demon knight!”

And when we got there, a new problem arose.

“I will... try harder! So that the demon knight can lean on me! You will become stronger so you don’t have to grieve alone! Please look forward to it!”

Yeah... I couldn’t have said this without mentioning the fact that I cried. So I understand very well that you are saying this.

“I will never give up!”

In that context, I also strengthened my resolve.

Now I completely protect the concept even from passersby. I will never cry again from now on. Did you understand?