Episode 220: The World (5)

“...They are not the ones for whom you are responsible,”

a sobbing voice begged me.

“So please don’t worry about it. There is no reason for you to serve any longer. Please...”

Yes, that was a request. It was a desperate plea to please ignore it.

He just wanted me to rest and not be in pain anymore.


* * *



The top shell of a turtle.

The fighter, who had to move the battlefield with his shell because it was difficult to deal with the disadvantages of bare hands and a limited area and constantly shaking ground, took a breath.

The corpses piled up with every step she takes are created solely with her own two hands.


Hot breath escaped from swollen lips. Jinglang. The earring hanging on one side makes a rough pendulum movement and makes a characteristic metallic sound.


In the meantime, the battlefield changed and a new enemy attacked from behind. All kinds of bugs, sea cucumbers, sea anemones, and clams were created by demonizing them.


Of course, there was no need to pay much attention to most of them because if you hit them hard, they would vomit out their internal organs and die.

[Come on. Come here!!]


Rather, what you need to pay attention to is this. It is a demon that resembles a siren and a river crab from the beginning.

The first one was originally a demon, so it goes without saying that it was dangerous, and the second one was an ordeal as insects the size of your palms clung to your entire body and sucked your blood. The third problem was that it was too hard and could not be distinguished from the surrounding rocks.

Therefore, rather than aiming to avoid getting hurt at all, she aimed to reduce the number of enemies by giving what she had to give.

I threw away the common sense that if the bleeding was severe, I couldn’t fight longer. Fighting in Sang Sang-seon is not the specialty of Norda warriors.


After dodging just as much as necessary, claw marks were carved into her forearms, and her hand holding the stone struck the Siren’s face.

The fact that there was a brain inside the head made the human-like demon stumble for a moment.

This gap should not be missed. She took a step closer to Siren’s arms.

He blocked the other entity’s attack and dug her fingers into the siren’s mouth. The hand that grabbed the head with its thumb on either side of the mouth gave strength to the mouth and pulled it to the sides.


The Siren’s scalp was completely torn off in her grasp. The blood that comes out from there once again paints the body of a certain berserker.


Then, she grabbed the half-dead Siren and swung him with her natural divine power.

Its wings, which almost scraped the ground, swept away the deteriorated tidal creek, and its body attacked another individual that was unable to do anything. The two sirens crashed together.

“Is this all you can do, you new heads!!”

However, there were still many enemies and she needed more blood.

She violently swept away the sea breams climbing up her body and then jumped off the ground to avoid giving them time to come back up.


And just as it was about to land, the crab that was pretending to be a rock suddenly got up and opened its claws.

The size of the claw alone was large enough to hold a human, so she never ignored it. If you catch it wrong, you could end up breaking your back.


So she stepped on the claw with a light step and jumped up again. The tongs closed half a beat late. thud. Her body lands on top of the crab shell that dared to grab her.

Quad deuk!

As long as there is a penalty for bare hands, you cannot attack through the shell. But does that mean we have to just let the enemy go? That’s not it either.

She grabbed the protruding eyeball and plucked it out, just as she had attacked the Siren’s soft mouth.

The crab devil was in pain and moved the pincers wildly, but that did not return the eyeballs that had already been pulled out.

After completing the bare minimum of business, her body turned towards another enemy. The sea cucumber monster was aiming at her and spit out something. Even the slightest touch to the bright yellow liquid causes the flesh to glow and melt.

But that much can be avoided. She twisted her body as if doing acrobatics, landed to avoid the vomit, and swung her foot at the clam rising from the spot.

The thin shell broke and the plump contents of the clam split the body lengthwise and set teeth.

The two-pronged body of the clam stuck into her spot like a tentacle.

[Come with me, come with me!]

At that time, the Siren folded its wings and dived towards her. Of course, the wings that were spread out right before the collision were truly huge, as if they didn’t want to be crushed by a shell that was no different from a rock.


But what happens if you fall like that? Its claws couldn’t catch her.

Her body hit the ground, passed over Siren’s shoulder and landed on her back. Wow. A strong grip grabbed the Siren’s arms and wings.


The joints suddenly broke with a clattering sound. Sigh! When kicking is added to the mix, it’s not unusual for bones to protrude through the skin.

After breaking the siren’s wings, she stepped on the fallen siren and completely crushed its head.


A tone similar to the sound of waves scratched my ears. It is the sound of flocking river fish rushing in like a black wave.

Even if she quickly pulls away, several of them end up clinging to her body.

Due to the erosion of the demonic energy, new black veins rose like scars, and new gangsters clung to them and sucked the blood.


It didn’t even tickle. Regardless of whether the mantis fish’s teeth were embedded in the skin or not, the tough torn tooth threw the insect on the floor and trampled it.

Gaetanggu’s intestines burst and blood burst from her skin.

“Fight more!”

[Don’t go...]

[You shouldn’t go...]

At that point, it was the devils—only those with the intelligence to think—who retreated and tried to protect themselves.

Berserk is a person who proves his bravery by fighting while soaking his entire body in blood, whether it is his own blood or the blood of others.

Even the devil was sick of the madness worthy of its name.

Even though they were very violent, the demons did not even have their reason to think, so in a way, it was a natural result.


But that sight is exactly what she was after and what her name demands.

The moment you break the enemy’s morale, a battle is no different from being half-eaten.


So the Inquisitor steadily followed what she had learned. The shield was swung separately from the energy spreading in all directions.

The devil, who was only pushed back a step thanks to his strong demonic energy, was hit by the shield with a clatter.

It was cut into the flesh by the Inquisitor swinging the shield so that the narrow side was the contact surface.

[It’s pretty good, right?]

But the enemy wasn’t that easy. In that moment, the person who had moved his arm and grabbed the shield extended his finger towards her.

Dang dang dang. The Inquisitor’s instincts rang an alarm.



I narrowly avoided rolling. The Inquisitor moved his tingling body, remembering the flash of light that almost pierced his head.

There is evidence that lightning struck her in that short period of time.

The place where divine power was roughly applied is slowly being cooked by the lava that newly penetrated the armor when it was rolled.

[But it’s still clumsy.]

After recovering only his nerves and muscles, the Inquisitor stood up, ignoring the burns on his skin.



My thigh was pierced by rising thorns.


The pain of having your flesh pierced and your muscles ripen is indescribable.

God bless you, the Inquisitor was one of the people most familiar with burning pain in the world. I can endure this much.

She forced herself to step away. It was truly fortunate that the lava was removed when touched by divine power.

The speed at which the devil’s thorns grew was quickly surpassed by the speed at which she removed them, repaired her flesh, and moved forward.


Did you overcome one ordeal like that? This time, the thorn ball rolled fiercely in front of me diagonally.


The thorn ball collided with the large shield, causing friction. Phew! Damn thorns come up wherever she walks. Clap, clap, clap. The human-shaped doll rising from the lava was a bonus.

The enemy is everywhere.


Among them, the one the Inquisitor targeted first was the lava people. She twisted her waist and hit the lava person behind her. The lava man whose head had been blown off by the mace was scattered.

Since the core of the demon energy has been removed, it won’t happen unless we create it again.

After removing the thorn ball with strong force, it moved again with the thorn removed.

How on earth did the Demon Knight deal with this? He would not have had a shield or the power to purify the lava. I vaguely remembered him having a hard time and felt sad.

Boom boom boom!

However, her own is full of enough adversity and hardship to care about other people’s. The Inquisitor tried his best to withstand the barrage of attacks.

Perhaps because he was not the type to fight nimbly, he purified, blocked, and recovered most of them with divine power.

[It’s really pathetic.]

That’s the problem. She is dedicating about 2/3 of her available divine power to that veil.

The Inquisitor was quickly driven into a corner.

[What can you do if you’re so upset and can’t make a choice? God’s power cannot be infinite, and there must be a limit to the possible power you can mobilize at once.] It

cannot be denied.

The more divine power she uses, the more divine power she can withstand, but it is still not infinite in any way.

There is a limit to the amount of divine power that her vessel can fill at one time, and the amount of power that can be replenished each time the vessel is emptied will eventually come to an end – or more accurately, her vessel will break.

In such a situation, in order to maintain the curtain, she reduced the power that could be mobilized by 1/3...

In fact, it had to be seen that there was not much she could do. With a power of 1/3, there is a high probability that all you can do is hold on, let alone kill the Great Devil.

“You’re right.”

However, what would it be like if the body and soul were created to be used this way from the beginning?

“But that is my mission.”

[You don’t know what efficiency is. You are more precious than a human being like that.]

“I have heard many stories like that. But they are not the ones willing to make sacrifices, nor are they the ones who told me to do your job because they will buy time.”

We just need to save more people. The value of a person’s life cannot be measured, so let’s make a decision by counting the numbers we can see.

Someone at the temple said and she admitted it was ‘effective’. But...

“And the scriptures I read say not to abandon such people.”

God never said it was ‘right’. She also never thought it was the ‘right thing to do’.

So, if she and God were in agreement, wouldn’t it be her duty to happily follow them?

“Also, who did it? “There’s nothing you can do for me?”


“I will beat you. I will definitely destroy you! “That’s my job!”

Pow! Another lava man approaching was killed, and the thorn ball and fire bullet were shattered.

The entire body, burned by lava and fried by lightning, sheds hangnails and grows new skin every time it is struck.

“I beat you. I will definitely destroy you! “That’s my job!”


The black body once again glowed pure white.

“By my right as a Heresy Inquisitor, I will now execute the death penalty for heretics!”

Accordingly, the divine power, which seemed to be fading away, swelled a little more. Even that may not be enough to turn the situation around.

[okay. Well, the more stupid you are, the more I benefit, so it’s not a problem to worry about.]

In addition, the person the Inquisitor is dealing with is a devil who doesn’t care about face enough to turn the fight back to a long distance as soon as he gets hurt in close combat.

[Should I even bet on something like this?]


[The content is simple. The moment you lift that curtain, your companions will die!]

Lava rose from behind Pandemonium and immediately flowed down cleanly. What remains in that place is now a round cocoon like an egg.

[It will be so much fun!]

Jeokjeok. The cocoon broke, revealing a person whose entire body was surrounded and bound by rocks.

The Inquisitor’s eyes widened when he learned the whereabouts of the demon knight he had been so curious about.

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I too...I don’t think I can stay still.

* * *


Someone’s finger twitched without anyone noticing.