Episode 223: The World (8)

「...Then I will ask you the last question.」

「What if... Instead of being uncertain about the path home and the path back home, there is a path that can definitely save people. If these two were your options... which would you choose...?” * *


The feeling of losing the stubbornness I had maintained for thirty years was truly a relief and even more painful.

It was natural, since it was a pain I didn’t have the confidence to endure at the time, so I had to block out the bonfire I made myself by pretending it was the sun.


However, the situation is not very good to be caught up in that pain.

[Bae Bae Bam.]

“If it wasn’t just you.”

Even if I hadn’t been in a situation where I would die, wouldn’t I have had to experience this pain? Wasn’t this a sight that we would have to face someday, if not now?

But what do you know about that? Berserk picked up the stone with red, bloodshot eyes.

The loss is so painful and difficult. It doesn’t really matter that it’s something you had to experience at some point. It is not important that it is truly a path for the sisters and a choice for oneself.

What really matters is that she is in pain right now and there is something right in front of her to vent her anger on.

[It’s okay if you get angry.]

Berserk laughed lightly as he watched the demon clumsily imitating the language.

Due to the structure of the mouth, the pronunciation will be slurred for the rest of his life, but his skill in moving his body is much better than that of human language.

[I took good care of that turtle.]

“I will kill it.”

Even though she would kill him.

She ran forward with an emotion that did not know whether it was her own will or an impulse created by Magi. Even at the moment when the mind was cut off, the body, which faithfully followed the commands of the head, picked up speed in an instant.


The successive waves of water gradually deepened, and now even her waist was swallowed. The blood that seeped through the torn wounds added to the erosion and madness.

The black veins growing all over her body began to stand out.

[I don’t know. Lord, Lord, die.]

And finally, she and the giant Merman’s body got closer. bang! The moment Merman’s tail hit the floor, the blood split to the left and right, revealing what was underneath.

Of course, Berserk did not fall there.


The person who dodged the tail by a margin of a piece of paper, but kept in mind that the current would split, let out the breath he had been holding.

The blood that surrounded her has receded in all directions and no longer binds her.

The bloody smell pierced my nasal mucosa.


She pressed her feet, ignoring the stickiness of the blood. As the blood that had filled up to my waist drained, my body became able to move more easily and rose several meters straight.


Not to be outdone, Merman swung his claws. Not enough distance. She noticed one hand passing by without being able to cut her, and then looked straight at the next hand.

The hand that doesn’t know if it’s trying to cut her or grab her is something she can use as a stepping stone.


Before the giant hand could grab him, Berserk stepped on his finger and threw the stone he was holding.

As her body spun and landed on the other side, a flying stone hit Merman between the eyes. What I was aiming for was the eyeball, but it was a shame.

The slippery skin slid across the stone, leaving only a few scratches.


The Merman’s tail moved freely, trying to hit her as she landed nearby.

Berserk easily dodged it and then caught it in reverse. Although it was slippery, it had a handle – a fin growing from the tail – so it was quite easy to swing.

Despite her enormous weight, the moment the veins on her arms stood out, Merman’s body moved according to her will.


The person who added centrifugal force by spinning round and round threw Merman to the other side.

The story is that a space that exists like an island was thrown into the middle of Blood Lake.

thud. Merman somehow managed to land while avoiding the concave protrusion in the middle of the island. No, actually, I hit it, but the concave protruding part was so hard that it may not have broken.

Either way, it’s not a big problem.

[Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.] Gaaamhi.]

I don’t like just throwing away enemies and staying still. She ran across the exposed ground before the blood spread everywhere from the impact. The torn and damaged traditional clothes were left with only small pieces fluttering.

[If the turtle gets hurt, the snake gets angry.]


And the moment she jumped so hard that the flow of air, which should not have been visible, was visible, her body quickly reached the Merman.

[I’m showing off my anger!!!]


As if he wasn’t going to let this happen, Merman’s claws cut through the air and cut the air into pieces. However, she was smaller than Merman. Although it is disadvantageous in attack, it is advantageous in evasion.

Hwiik. The person who cleverly used his body as if it were an art to dodge struck the Merman’s stomach. It didn’t hatch an egg and didn’t even have scales, so the shock seemed to have been dispersed by its slippery outer shell, but that didn’t mean the shock was zero.

Mermen also had bones and internal organs due to their biological structure.


For this reason, Merman, exposed to the dull pain, immediately became irritated. The huge body moved calmly and dug its claws into the space right in front of me.

Berserk’s feet moved to a position that cleverly avoided it. Pow! One after another, her roundhouse kick hit Merman’s arm. It was an attack aimed at bending the joint in the opposite direction.

[I’m out! Get out of here!]

I guess I didn’t have enough strength to just break one. The weak Merman moved his arms to chase after her, and Berserk jumped back to avoid the attack.

If there were weapons. It would have been nice to have something sharp.

The reason that remained like strings in my fists and legs, unable to have fun due to the outer shell, demanded tools.


And then it cut off. equipment? Tool??

Sounds weak! She already holds the greatest weapon. A solid body, refined muscles, and all five sharp senses!

So you don’t need any tools. Her body alone was enough to kill that thing. There is no reason to look for tools just to change the impossible into the possible if you want to save time!

“I’ll tell you about the Weapon Master’s fight, devil!”

Weapon Master. The world misunderstands that he is ‘a person who can use all weapons’. However, the true meaning is ‘one who can use everything as a weapon’.

As the name suggests, a being that uses its own body as a weapon grits its teeth and throws down power. The attack, which controlled every single muscle, avoided the Merman’s attack and struck its groin.


The physical structures of Mermen and humans are very different. However, if there are limbs and a head, there is bound to be overlap somewhere.

Berserk aimed precisely at that. Merman’s foot was slightly twisted after being hit on the knee.

“That’s bad news.”

Deathbringer first moved his body as if being alternately bathed in cold and hot water. Just because the chance of surviving cancer is close to 0%, you can’t just give up and die, right?

Deathbringer preferred living rather than dying, and Meister was even more like that.

They packed their bags and moved as promised in order to survive somehow.

A waterway where water could enter was blocked due to the collapse of the first floor and basement building. All sorts of places were their escape routes.


“Fuck you’re so fucking fast!”

“Damn it. “It’s full of water!”

“what?! “Even if you blow up the water, it won’t fill up here!”

“When did I! “I said there was a high chance it wouldn’t kick!”

“That’s it!”

“different! Because it’s different?! “Do you think 100% and 80% are the same!?”

They didn’t want to die by getting their heads ripped off by flying demons, so they only moved around in spaces where they couldn’t hit their heads.

Due to a slight calculation mistake, some waterways were filled with water, but it was worth overcoming.

They ran through the waterway, holding the magical device that was their lifeline in their arms as if they were caring for a child. The demons that landed on it crackled their beaks and tried to peck at them.

“Holy shit...”

But their escape was eventually blocked. The flying demon had collapsed the building and blocked their escape route.

There, the waterway that I had opened to help the warriors suffering from the lava by digging my own grave began to tighten their lives.

The water is rising.

“There’s a hole over there. “Let’s jump over there.”

“That’s a good decision.”

You can’t stay in a waterway that’s filling up with water. It would be a big problem if the device got wet, and it was too exposed to demons.

Right now, we can’t catch them because we only have large flying species, but wouldn’t it be a big deal if something small enough to come in here comes?

So they entered the building through the hole. It was a building where the waterway and the basement of the house were blocked by only a single stone wall, but some of the walls were torn down to allow entry.

bang! Quang!

Of course, the devils are not blind, so they made a fuss as soon as they entered the building. You may not know, but the first and second floors made of wood will soon be shattered and collapse.

Boom boom!

However, the houses here are built close together. Deathbringer and Meister worked together to break the wall first. The house next door welcomed them.

“Go further, go further!”

They moved through a few more houses, jumping through windows in alleys narrow enough for one person to pass through – it was difficult to avoid the evil eye, but better than throwing away one’s life – and often breaking down walls.

It was a good thing that the flying bell demon’s eyes were only focused on the first building they entered.

At least for this moment, I took a breather.

Two people sat down in the hallway of the house and supplied oxygen under their bleached skin.

“It was a chase I never wanted to do again.”

“...I don’t want to agree with you, but I agree with you this time.”

Why are you filming a chase with a devil in the body of an ordinary person? Although they struggled with a sense of self-destruction, they did not regret it, saying, ‘If this was going to happen, I should have just jumped.’

“...After this time. I’ll admit it. “The day will come when I will be helped by a pathetically intelligent person like you.”

“You can either curse or praise. But you did a good job too.”

What they just did was something only they could do, it was their best, and it was something they could proudly boast about to anyone else.

“That’s what I’m saying, let’s shoot one more time.”

“What man?”

“I heard you can shoot one more time.”

“You just said let’s do it again? “It really turned around.”

“It may have helped the City of Braves, but it wasn’t enough to completely change the situation of the war. “We have to do it one more time.”

“Hah, who doesn’t know that...”

Meister made a tired face at the Deathbringer’s offer, but then pointed his head. This is because his reason actually made a similar judgment.

“...Damn it. Yes do it! “The probability of surviving here is close to zero anyway, so what can I do that will make any difference?”

If you are going to die, you should burn it properly and then die. If you back out because you are scared, you will not be able to do anything.

The Meister’s pride stood tall. It was good news for the Deathbringer, who had given up on returning alive from the beginning.

“Go up. “It needs to be located in a tall building.”

“Don’t worry.”

They put their feet up on the stairs, repackaging the things they had brought so far. Luckily, the place they were currently in was the tallest building nearby, so there was no need to look for a taller building.

The meister sitting by the window on the third floor began manufacturing equipment again.

“The two amplifiers are broken, so it doesn’t have the same power as before. The stability is also messed up, so it may not fire or explode. It means that you might only get the attention of the devils and not get anything out of it. “Are you prepared?”

“Fuck, I did all that when I came here.”


Whenever one amplifier is damaged, its power drops miserably. Moreover, there are three amplifiers left. It must be seen that it does not produce proper power.

This means that if you compare it to the first one, it will be as different as a knife and a toothpick.

“The target is the Great Devil?”

“...No, let’s aim for that rather than that.”

“what? seal?”

“I don’t think it’ll be any fun if we try to target the Great Devil, so then we’ll have to solve it at least one person.”

“I don’t think we can have any fun releasing that guy.”

The Meister clicked his tongue as he looked at the direction the Deathbringer pointed.

“But yeah. “Why don’t you trust your judgment?”

However, up to this point, Deathbringer’s judgment was mostly correct. So he decided to believe this time too.

The completed gun barrel was aimed at the cocoon sealing the person. Since a person shouldn’t melt after being hit, the trajectory was slightly off from the person itself.

“Then you went—!?”


And before he activated the device, the building shook. “shit! “I got caught!” Deathbringer pulled out his evil sword and held it out. Damn it! The very next moment the wall of the building was torn off.

“Don’t worry about me, just shoot!”

If I turn the gun barrel right now, I might be able to kill the demon right in front of me.

However, Deathbringer rejected it in advance.


So Meister had no choice but to respect that choice. Along with the sound of the explosion, light spread across the city.

[Ah, finally.]

Someone woke up.