Chapter 270: If it exists (8)

I let out a long breath as the demons gathered on the rocky plain where the sand was slightly swirling.

Since I am inside a demonic area, the priests may sense my demonic energy, but they act under the belief that they will mistake it for that of a demon other than a ‘demon knight’... but is that really true? On the contrary, this choice might turn out to be a mistake and become a source of trouble one day.

It was a worry like that that kept lingering in my head the entire time I was coming here.


But I can’t quit. I can’t quit.

Koreans were the kind of people who had to pay for the food they ate to relieve their anger.


I took out the sword I had in my inventory and swung it. Black magic spread out toward the horizon like wildfire or a tsunami.

Suddenly! The ghouls and skeletons that had been gathering little by little began to separate from their upper and lower bodies and fall to the floor. Their number was approximately one hundred.



“It’s really jingling...”

Of course, even though this was done, some people continued to live persistently, struggling with their separated limbs. The skeleton is even attempting to repair itself by removing the fragmented vertebrae and piecing together the rest.

This is why the slashing attribute is not good for undead. A small grumble naturally came out of my mouth.


However, fortunately, most of the skeletons’ attempts ended in failure.

In addition, all the ghouls, which were higher-level entities than skeletons, within range were killed. If you don’t split the ship further, there will be no resurrection.

So that was enough. This will do.

The burden on that city would have been reduced by at least a hundred, so I would have done the bare minimum.... For the first time in a

long time, I could enjoy the wind blowing through my hair instead of the frustration of the wig. Of course, the hot wind didn’t make me feel comfortable inside.

Of course, I feel a bit embarrassed because it seems like he is showing off with only a hundred animals. Seeing that the number is only this high, there is a sense of relief that it may not have been at such a dangerous level to begin with. I was also worried that maybe I came too early and there were not many kids there... As I was mixing up so many different thoughts, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of turmoil inside.

“Aren’t there really more coming...?”

But I can’t stay here much longer.

Anyway, this was a magic station.


I smoothed my right arm, half unconsciously. The right arm – the devil – is so quiet that one day’s worries are meaningless.

It was still like that when I entered the station, and even an hour after I entered the station, it was still like that.

Then, doesn’t entering the demon area itself give the demon any special buffs?

I recalled what an Archmage once said. It seemed like a long time ago, yet it felt as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. I think it was more because it was one of the reasons why I became obsessed with the concept.

『The Great Devil is... no different from Satan... What you were wary of... is from the devil...』

Of course, I am by no means saying that I remember what she said exactly. I’m not a genius and half a year... Is that half a year? I think it’s older than that.

Anyway, how can I remember exactly what happened half a year ago? I just break down what she said and recall only the meaning and nuance she wanted to convey.

『We’ll try to prepare a means to seal it...』

Yes, in some ways those words were a worry, and in some ways they were an alternative.

In the end, a future that never came to fruition.


I exhaled. The air, which would have been the middle of winter in Korea, was muggy simply because the world was different. The dry heat of the desert of heat hid the shape of my breath.


Then, suddenly, something that resembled the sound of metal began to rise through the sand. The arm encased in iron armor and the empty top of the neck make it easy to understand its identity.

Dullahan. A dead man made from knights and killed by knights. Or, a knight was raised to kill that thing, but in the process, he was born a lion.

“Oh... I wasn’t really hoping for a real fight.”

It is said that the irony between articles like this and Dullahan is not very different from the relationship between the chicken and the egg, so people have been debating it for quite some time. At least that’s what I heard.

“It looks like I started practicing what I suddenly learned.”

Such was the future of a liar who could not buy anyone’s trust.

* * *

‘The bat bastard again...’

The moment he mastered the anti-personnel technique taught to him by Sir Walter and succeeded in accurately destroying only the heart of the Dullahan instead of damaging its body.

I glanced up feeling something strange. There was nothing in particular to say, ‘Here it is!’, but I felt a strange feeling of gaze on me.

It’s like... where is it? To me, ‘Are you a jerk?’ Just like the devil who covered himself up and said, More precisely, like the forest I searched all night long to chase down that bastard.

“...Is it because it’s a demon station?”

Umm. I had this strange feeling back then too. Since I couldn’t find anything, I ended up ending it out of frustration.

“I guess I’ll have to give up on going all the way to Münmund...”

However, since the place is just a place, it’s hard to overlook even this.

I decided to give up on my dream of going to the end of the Demon Station and catching demons. Resignation was even easier because I never thought it was possible from the beginning.

I have no ability to procure supplies from the parched desert.


Instead, I took the body of the Dullahan lying in front of me. In the process, the rocky ground crushed by military fire crumbles several times. Crispy. The weak magical energy it contained spread into the air.

I felt like I knew why this place was called Demon Station.


“Oh, surprise.”

Well, I think the devil popping out of a hole between rocks or a sandy beach would be worthy of the name. I don’t know if I came to experience courage or to the desert.


I trampled the skeleton sticking out from between the rocks with my foot. The skull caught between the heel of the military boot and the ground shattered without making a sound.


At the same time, the light shining inside the eye socket evaporated. As if smashing my head was the right answer, the fingers that were holding my ankles also stopped moving.

Even though I had to shake off my leg once because the damn grip on my ankle wouldn’t loosen.


I need to get up quickly before I get peeked again. After checking the number of remaining ghouls and skeletons, I left the area at a brisk pace.

Just because I had no choice but to come forward didn’t mean I wanted to increase the number of sightings. And in fact, the most effective way to eliminate sightings is to reduce activity time.

Of course, the distance between here and the city is quite wide, so to someone with normal vision, I wouldn’t even be seen as a dot. It’s just that I can’t see the people on the wall.

However, there is no guarantee that there won’t be a magnifying glass magic or a telescope or something like that... I’m worried that the uneasy feeling I keep feeling is from the city side rather than the devil, or something like that.


I ran with my legs wrapped in magic, just like when I came here. After abandoning the concept, a coat I had never worn fluttered after me.

Perhaps because it didn’t bother my upper body, it felt a little more comfortable than the cloak I’ve been wearing lately.


The military boots hitting the ground right now... hmm. He’s just always been uncomfortable, so there’s nothing to compare it to. This one definitely wins in terms of not smelling even after walking all day.

Pants, shirts, whatever. The only difference was whether there was an automatic washing function or not, but the level of comfort was relatively there. If I had to point out a good thing about this one, it would be that it fits my body perfectly and doesn’t flap around much.

For your information, having extra space is definitely not my problem. The problem is in this world where there are few people who exceed 190, except for the Shagi tribe. In addition, there is a problem with the market where all ready-made products are tailored to that body type...

Damn. If the Shaggys had the physique of a judo athlete or martial artist, they would have been able to wear it just right. Why does everyone have the physique of a sumo wrestler? Is it because of the fur? Is it really fur?!

I keep thinking about comments that may be rude to the Shaggy people—I hope they will take note. Thanks to this market structure, I always had to pay extra for repairs whenever I bought clothes—again, a big jump.

Cooung. The ground that served as a stepping stone crumbled, and my body floated up and climbed over a cliff several meters high. Rocks piled up in layers like oyster mushrooms on a tree suddenly came under my feet.


Next, keep moving forward until you reach the wall. I climbed over a few more bends and reached the highest ridge. A wall that looked more like a log fence than a castle blocked me.

Rather than trying to stop the devil, it was a device designed to make it easier to see when the devil passed through here – wouldn’t it leave a trace since it would have to break through the wall to pass through?


However, I was able to get over it without destroying it... Because I used the same route as when I came in—even if it wasn’t completely the same—I didn’t get caught. Perhaps because the area to cover was wide, there were very few guard posts—I didn’t get caught by the guards.

I returned to the human realm without any problems.

Now there was nothing to hesitate about anymore.