Episode 274: Tell Me (4)


The Archmage hastily drew a line to prevent prejudice, and the Meister must have been a little dissatisfied with the act itself.

Daniel carefully raised his hand.

“Does that magic also have a field? I thought it only dealt with the study of magic...”

The question that came out like that was about wizards. It was also a question that an ordinary person who has never come into contact with a wizard would be able to express.

“Huh, you’re just saying that one doctor treats both external and internal injuries?”

But of course, Meister did not understand Daniel’s ignorance. Knowledge that even people who know the world well don’t know seemed meaningless to him.

Daniel’s eyes rolled back at the meister’s pathetic gaze.

“...wasn’t it?”

“Are you a member of the temple?”

“...I’ve never been in charge of treatment.”

“Have you ever worked and received treatment?”


But the Deathbringer did not save Daniel. He was also someone who only learned that kind of knowledge after sharing it with his companions, but this was still different from that.

“Do you carry that head around as a decoration?”

...I feel a bit pitiful that I get left behind all the time, but that’s still a different story.

“Don’t be like that. “Aren’t these areas that you might not know much about unless you try them yourself?”


Only after the worse Archmage stepped forward did the Meister’s mouth close.

“I’m only going to say it once, so wash your ears and listen carefully. “If you ask me again next time, I will pierce your ears.”

No, he couldn’t tolerate other people’s stupidity, so he opened his mouth again to attack knowledge.

“There are fields in magic, too. For example, essence magic that explores the essence of materials, or natural magic that seeks to understand the flow of nature and imitate it...”

Fortunately or unfortunately, there was no intention of passing on advanced knowledge, but all explanations were at a conceptual level.

Daniel and Deathbringer, who suddenly listened to the lecture while eating, had strangely wrinkled expressions. The Inquisitor is still eating in silence.

“...Finally, there is life magic that analyzes and interferes with life itself.”


Then wait a moment. Deathbringer perked his ears at the subtly lowered tone of the Meister’s voice. Even the Inquisitor, who seemed not to be listening to the conversation, clenched his fists, but this was more important right now.

Do you hate life magic? Dark green eyes stared at the Meister’s face.

“Wait a minute... Are you saying you analyze and interfere with life? It’s like...”

“It feels like they’re trying to invade God’s territory? that’s right. “There are magicians like that.”

“That is blasphemous!”

Oh, it’s so noisy.

Deathbringer frowned reflexively at Daniel’s shout. He also felt uncomfortable about being involved in life, but life magic was too far away for him, and Daniel was very close. His lips twitched a little.

“Is the Magic Tower aware of this and still leaving it alone?”

“Hey, stubborn priest. “You seem to be mistaken about something—”

But now is not the time to worry about Daniel. Deathbringer closely observed the meister, half out of inertia and half occupational disease.

A quiet voice, slightly deeper eyes, and arms folded defensively.

“The analysis and observation we’re talking about here is something like regenerating a person’s severed limbs or understanding the body structure of demons to find their weaknesses, right? Activities such as creating new creatures were regulated by wizards before temples. “Do you think we are doing something wrong?”

Meanwhile, a hand is smoothing the back of his neck.

“And life magic is not a field originally created for creation. “It is a discipline that originated from healing magic, developed by a wizard who lost his family to overcome the limitations of medicine.”

No, is it really the neck that is being touched?

“...that’s just it. Just as there are corrupt people among priests, there are also those who cross the line among wizards. “That’s the story.”

Dark green eyes examined the fingertips of his gloved hands. The place where the end of the hand continued to sweep was not the neck. It is a ring-shaped tattoo engraved on the neck.

“...sorry. I think I overreacted. “I had no idea it would be such a meaningful study.”

“That’s Okay. “It’s just the starting point, but it’s also true that now it’s a field with the most crazy people.”

“There may still be people alive, but we can’t just leave them alone.”

“Saving the living must also be done while considering the situation! “It’s a situation where demons are rampant right now?!”

“it’s okay. “I am capable of maintaining my health.”

“No, that’s not what devils do...!”

Tisha patted her chest as if she couldn’t understand what was being said, and the village chief, who had stepped back for a moment, spoke with a calm face.

“...That is suicidal.”

I think he also wanted to stop me.

“Hmm. “Maybe so.”

Aside from that, what the village chief said is not wrong. The demons roaming around out there may not be able to kill my body, but if their identity were to be discovered, it would be an act of suicide of its own, so it is natural.

“But I would be dishonorable to myself if I didn’t come forward for that reason. “Even though I could do it, I turned away from it because I didn’t want to risk it myself.”

But isn’t that a problem that will ultimately just have to be uncovered? The problem is that I don’t have to show them a fight scene and just give them something reminiscent of a demon knight.

“On the other hand, who knows, what is just a gamble to me could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for these people?”

So I accepted the rationalization that was trying to convince me.

“So... I can’t help it.”

I will go out to be proud of myself.


Tisha and the village chief’s eyes darkened.

Even though he didn’t easily point out the direction, I understood his feelings. Anyway, in their eyes, I was a suicidal person attempting a hopeless task, and I was a person who asked for help in committing suicide.

No matter how good your intentions are, you don’t want to go out of your way to go along with something that is close to suicide. Hesitation is also inevitable.

I sympathized with their hesitation.

“If you don’t want to talk, I can find it myself. Is that okay?”

But it cannot take too long. I took out the gloves I had put in my pocket.

It didn’t go in with my wet hands, but when I tried to force it, it somehow managed to get in. The blood-stained sleeves were covered over it, and the cloak that had been removed covered part of the upper body, such as the back and shoulders.

“...This way.”

“thank you.”

“...But they won’t open the door. If we open the door and a demon comes in, we...”

“That’s okay. All you have to do is jump.”

“That young master. “Isn’t that too easy to say...?”

I just smiled at Tisha’s words.

“Instead, um. If I’m looking for someone, please just prepare the tools so I can get them inside without opening the gate. “Can I ask you to tidy it up?”

“It doesn’t really matter as long as you don’t ask them to open the door... but how do you let someone in without opening the door?”

“Oh well.”

Are there any mountain rescue stretchers here? After thinking for a moment, I took out the paper and fountain pen I kept in my inventory and quickly scribbled a picture.

People’s eyes widened at the sight of objects suddenly appearing out of thin air, but that was none of their business. Because I already deceived you into thinking you can use magic.

“You can make something that looks like this while I’m away. And when I come, please take this down from the top of the castle wall. “If you lay a person here and pull them up, you will be able to get them in without opening the door.”

“This is... I see.”

“I’ll leave the paper behind.”

If it weren’t for the fact that my drawing speed has increased a lot due to web work, I would have wasted a lot of time.

I handed over the entire piece of paper with the drawing to the village chief and followed the instructions towards the castle wall. If the gate I entered was located at 6 o’clock, this gate was located at around 10 o’clock.

“I’ll be back.”

“...No one will say anything even if you can’t save them, so make sure you come back alive, master!”


good. I don’t think the demons have gotten here yet.

I took a deep breath, disabling my camouflage skill. The debuff hasn’t completely gone away yet, but...

“See you later.”

This arrangement is absolutely fine. I jumped over the two-story castle wall.