Episode 283: Tell Me (13)

“In principle, access to the rooftop is prohibited.”

Günther’s shoulder was tapped with somewhat sarcastic, but not unpleasant, words in a soft bass tone.

“You’re not going to say you didn’t know, right, Tiya?”

“Damn it, I told you not to call me that.”

“Open your face. “You’ll get wrinkles.”

“You started first...!”

There was also a face with a puzzled look on his face, pretending that it wasn’t his fault.

Günther turned his head, looking at the green eyes hanging through the brown hair. Giggling. A lazy laugh came next to me.

“So did you hear anything else?”

“...You don’t know.”

“I guess it’s true that I saw the Lord of the castle. It was a long time ago.”


In the meantime, I was struck by a rumor. Günter slapped his forehead.

“I didn’t think the grades would be a problem... but the Lord of Seong is very strict.”

“...That person is always like that. “They don’t even treat people with less than three seats... Did I get hit again?”


struck again. Damn you bastard. His ability to act like he knows everything and his ability to extract information through it are truly the best in the world.

“But it’s not a lie. “How easy is it to take training as a driver while simultaneously working as the owner of Soseong?”

“...The Lord of the castle did that.”

“And you are not the lord of the castle. “Just as I am not the same person as my father.”

But still.

“Would the world be like this if you inherited talent just because you were related by blood? So don’t worry too much. It’s not that you are lacking, just because the Lord of the castle is outside the standard. Honestly, Tiya, your cousins are having a hard time because they can’t even do that.”

That guy was on his side. That made Günther happy.

“...You’re just as good as your father.”

“Me? when?”

Of course, there were times when it stimulated a bit of entitlement. He was inevitably a genius and accomplished as much as his father, proving that no dog is born under a tiger.

“I know I’m superior, but I’m not sure if I can catch up with my father.”

“You’re the senior.”

“Did you know that the person who got all 1,000 questions right and the person who got all 100 questions right have the same perfect score in terms of notation?”

“So even if I get all the hundred questions right, I can’t get all the thousand questions right?”

“I guess so.”

I don’t think so. I think you guessed it right.

Even though Günter gave such reasons, he did not go out of his way to refute them. It was only natural that praising him would only lead to an argument that the son could do as well as his father.

He didn’t want to accept the word ‘failure’ that his father said.

“Okay, let’s go home. “If I get stuck here, I’ll only feel worse and nothing will get better.”

“...I don’t want to go home.”

“Oh... I will definitely tell this to Pasha and Lina. “Tiya won’t come anymore.”

“Oh shit. I don’t want to go to the castle! To the castle! “Not your house!”

“When did the castle become your home?”

It’s been like that since I was born. Günther swallowed his words tightly.

“Let’s go home.”

I thought the consideration given in return was very sweet. Yes, his home was not that castle. His house is actually the place he considers home...

“Ah Tiya. By the way, tonight’s dinner

is—” “Tomato stew and roast rabbit.” And you both broke the school rules. “I will pass it on to the instructor.”

“That’s difficult. I said I only came in briefly to comfort a fellow student who was in trouble. “If you’re going to shave, you should only shave the tee.”

“I saw a lot of betrayal of classmates. “I will faithfully convey that statement.”


“Also, I remember Gunya senior publicly saying that you shouldn’t call me Tiya.”

“This is a joke between friends.”

“Considering that incidents of violence and harassment in the name of pranks occur at least once a year, that statement is highly questionable.”


In fact, these were his real homes. “Phew.” A smile came out from the corner of my eyes.

“T-ya...do you really enjoy getting embarrassed? “This is betrayal— ugh.”

“Sir, I apologize for the rude behavior of this idiot. Or should I hit you some more?”

“...huh! Just one more hit!”

“Wait a minute, Gunya. I must have been teasing you a bit, but really— Argh! Alya, I broke a bone! “I broke my bones!”

“Clench your teeth, idiot.”

“Still in school here— ow!!”

Günter, who had maintained a strict attitude considering the spatial specificity of the school and the relationship between seniors and juniors due to the difference in number of years, instantly turned back into a younger sister who was one year older than her.

“If this bastard teases you, please tell me anytime, senior. “I will teach you etiquette.”

“Hey Alya. “It’s my brother...”

“What should I do? “Either die.”

“It’s too much...”

I really liked that. He was caught in the middle of the bloody siblings, with his arms draped over both shoulders. I felt like I was melting into the confines of family.

“It’s enough now, Alya. “You can stop.”

“...There is no need to look.”

“are you okay. “You know that guy doesn’t cross the line.”

“Meanwhile, the curse of Eric Sikton is truly terrible.”

Even when you feel full, the thought of wanting to eat more fills your mind first. Negatively, it is a truly amazing curse.

With those thoughts in mind, Günther licked the crumbs from his hands one by one. Suddenly, it occurred to me that if I ate my hands, my stomach would fill up.

“...I think some people will think this is a bit strange.”


“We need to be careful that there are no people who try to eat their own bodies, or even other people’s bodies.”

Even he, who has become more patient after receiving training as a knight, is like this, so how much pain must the civilians be in? And how self-righteous are the people of the North who have overcome this for hundreds of years?

Günther furrowed his eyebrows and stepped onto the stairs leading up the castle wall.

Ding— Ding— Ding—

At the same time, a bell began to ring, signaling the devil’s suspicious movements. The startled legs of Günter and the chief engineer hurriedly climbed the stairs.

“Where is the Lord of the castle?”

And when I had just climbed the castle wall, the sky on the western side of the bay was colored light purple by the rising sun and filled most of my field of vision.

He found his father in Seongju.

“I knew it couldn’t be the foundation. “But I didn’t know that I would be treated as an outcast because of that.”

Sir Emerald stood next to him.

“It’s really unpleasant.”


The amber blade struck the castle lord’s neck.

* * *


“Are you awake?”

“...Ah yes.”

After the man who was a friend of Atya and who, according to the soldier, was the current minor lord of Münmund, left, I continued my reflections all night long.

“You woke up early.”

“I don’t tend to sleep...”

Of course, just because I was awake doesn’t mean I really opened my eyes and continued thinking. This is because it is impossible to know how staying awake for a long time will appear in the eyes of the guards.

Moreover, the guard with whom I had barely made friends left at midnight due to a shift change. I didn’t bother to take a gamble without knowing the new guard’s tendencies.

“Can I open the window?”

Instead, I pretended to wake up early and gave it a try. The dim light that came through the window illuminated the soldier’s silent face.

I think he may have a stricter personality than his predecessor.

“I’ll open it for you.”

Separately, opening the window was permitted. Because I was so wary of being a wizard, I suddenly ended up enjoying the luxury of having others do everything for me, but anyway, what I wanted came true.

Dawn air flowed in through the open window. Before dawn, the sky is dark blue, neither bright nor dark.

“It’s cool...”

The temperature of the air was just about that. It wasn’t cold, but it was enough to take away the remaining haziness. My head, which had been repeating dozing and thinking and dozing and thinking, became clear.

“What time would it have been?”

I asked quietly, without getting out of bed but fully standing up. The soldier who opened the window and returned to his place was silent for a moment.

“It will be dawn soon.”

That’s not what I was asking... I corrected my question by tidying up the bangs or side hair that might have spread to the side.

“When will breakfast be served...?”

I don’t have a strong appetite, but I’m hungry and thirsty because I stayed up all night.

In particular, in the former case, you could rely on inventory, but in the latter case, there wasn’t even a spare left in the inventory, so there was no solution other than rationing. Therefore, the time of breakfast was important.

“For soldiers, meals are provided after dawn. The wizard will also be able to receive it then.”

That’s a good thing. I wriggled out of the blanket, relieved to hear that I would receive it soon. It was something I did because it was sore to keep still and not do any major stretching.

The soldier who was on guard noticed my intention and relaxed his body again.


At that point, I decided to take another stab. The words spoken in a normal tone and with a peaceful face are quite important to me.

“Can I hear any news about Richa?”

That’s right, after talking with So Seong-ju yesterday, I decided that there was no more information to get from him.

Although what So Seong-ju knows is limited to the past before his disappearance, the hurdles for So Seong-ju as a character were too high.

“I heard that he was receiving treatment, but I didn’t hear about his progress afterwards...”

More precisely, it seemed like the person himself would reminisce if you asked, but the entire step of creating an environment where you could listen to the person’s story seemed too difficult. . It was natural that the situation was like this, with the title of Soseongju.

“...There are things I have to give back. That wouldn’t work either, right?”

“...yes. It seems difficult to deliver the goods. “We will provide you with news after your shift, when the situation arises.”

So, I thought about going to the next best option and targeting Mr. Richa, who Atya said was her nephew... but seeing that even though I was able to deliver news, I couldn’t deliver anything, it seems like it would be even more impossible to meet him. I was in trouble.

“I see... Thank you for your answer.”

But this embarrassment will not stand in my way. Inferring from the story I heard yesterday, the information I could get from Münmund was at a level where it was good to have it and it didn’t matter if I didn’t.

“...Is it okay to stand facing the window?”

“Please don’t go any closer.”


Anyway, what would I do by getting information about the real Demon Knight’s family? If they are truly dead, then there is nothing I would do with the real Demon Knight after all.

Even if the real devil knight revealed his happy past, there would be no clue as to what deal he made with the devil or how he summoned me.

So, if I had to pick something worth using here...

wouldn’t it be the fact that this place is under threat


I quietly looked at the ringing of the bells spreading throughout the city, the stiffening face of the guard beyond the window, the busy castle walls, and the heat inside my body starting to ignite again.

‘What should I do now?’

Can you remain silent in the face of crisis in your hometown?