Book 2: Chapter 15: With Just This…

Book 2: Chapter 15: With Just This...

After Chen Heng finished his nap, he found all the Servants, but Georgios, staring at him when he reached the base.

“I say, what are you all doing? I only just entered, and you are already staring at me.”

“He Who Knows Fate!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka charged over the moment Chen Heng entered, and firmly caught Chen Heng by the waist, not letting go. Mash could not stop her in time.

“Master! What are you doing? Quickly let go! Just say what you have to say.”

“I want a lavish lunch! I want a lunch more lavish than Fou’s! A lavish lunch that is more than just lavish!”

“...How about this. Wait for tonight. Master, as a Japanese, have you ever heard of the Manchu–Han Imperial Feast?

“The Manchu–Han Imperial Feast?? Is that the one with 108 dishes? Are we having a Manchu–Han Imperial Feast tonight?” Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at Chen Heng with teary eyes at the mention of the Manchu–Han Imperial Feast, afraid he would refute her.

“The full set is impossible. However, I can pick a few suitable dishes from the Manchu–Han Imperial Feast. Furthermore, my storage space has the necessary ingredients.”

“Don’t lie to me! You absolutely cannot lie to me!”

“Don’t worry. I’m absolutely not lying. Please let go. We still need to find the other two Servants.”

“Alright, alright!” Fujimaru Ritsuka let go of Chen Heng when she heard Chen Heng’s promise.

“We’ll head for Thiers now.” Fujimaru Ritsuka lived up to being the last human Master. In this situation, she had the air of a leader, assuming one overlooked the scene of her hugging Chen Heng and refusing to let go for the sake of a lavish lunch.

Next was Chen Heng using his ability to ferry the eight from Bordeaux to Thiers.

The group arrived at Thiers after traveling for some time.

“Fiery light came from the city earlier, right?” Mash looked at the nearby Thiers.

“I already said that the two female Servants are fighting. Furthermore, they are fighting with all their might and have never stopped.” Merlin looked like he was watching a good show, just short of a bucket of popcorn.

“This noise... How hateful! I hate it. I’ve never heard such an ominous sound heralding an unprecedented evil demon! This dreadful portent makes me shudder....” Amadeus, who became a Servant purely due to his identity as a musician, was extremely sensitive to sound. According to him, he could differentiate between the sounds caused by air movement. After Merlin and Chen Heng, he was the first to notice when Martha appeared the previous night.

“I’m angry too. Regret your words in the depths of hell! Elizabeth, prepare to fight!”

“I’ll show you the true horror of the dragon race!”

Excellent. Fujimaru Ritsuka’s mockery got the two to stop arguing and work together.

Since it was time to see the true horror of dragons, it was time for Chen Heng, a faux Dragonslayer, to make his appearance.

“I hear that you are going to show us the true horror of dragons?”

Chen Heng sauntered in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka to shield her. Then, he activated his A-ranked Dragonslayer personal skill.


“Furthermore, it seems that his Dragonslayer rank is very high.”

“It seems that the two of you have not yet experienced the brutal beating of society. Come, come, come. I’ll just stand here without moving. If you can hit me once, consider it my loss.” Chen Heng crossed his arms, showing no intention to attack.

“This...this is too much. Even if you are a Dragonslayer...”

“Exactly! Exactly!”

“Attack if you can. However, let me say this first. If you lose, you join our team. If you win, we will leave immediately.” Chen Heng laid a strong repulsion barrier half a meter around him, then took out a chair and sat down.

“Attack!” the two chorused.

The two dragons exchanged looks and nodded. Then, they charged Chen Heng. When the two dragons reached within one meter of him, he tossed out a tenfold gravity field in addition to the A-ranked Dragonslayer. The two dragons ended up sprawling on the ground.

Chen Heng discovered that using the Dragonslayer personal skill would significantly boost all damage on dragons, no matter what method he used. Take the gravity field, for example. It was merely a tenfold increase, yet it reduced the two dragon Servants to such a miserable state. It was even more powerful than a twentyfold gravity field. Furthermore, dragon Servants usually had high strength.

Kiyohime planned to breathe fire on Chen Heng despite being pressed to the ground. However, Chen Heng used his attraction barrier to block her mouth, causing Kiyohime’s complexion to flush a deep red.

Only after a while did Chen Heng release the gravity field’s suppression—when the two dragon Servants had given up resisting and lay prostrate on the ground like salted fish.

“With just this...”