Book 5: Chapter 12:1: Chen Heng’s Passive Practical Experience, Part 1

Book 5: Chapter 12:1: Chen Heng’s Passive Practical Experience, Part 1

Luo Li had arrived at Chen Heng’s house the very night he escaped to Arknights’s world. Since he had left instructions, Sirin quickly accepted this girl, who appeared to be of a similar age to herself.

This girl seemed extremely familiar with Chen Heng’s house. She picked a room by herself and tidied it up.

However, she had not said much to Sirin, Jeanne d’Arc, and Fafnir over the past two days, giving Sirin the impression of coldness. do I interact with this Luo Li? Sirin pondered as she fed Fafnir.

In the basement, Chen Heng immediately sent his Will Energy into the crystal.

Then he received a new version of the Chen Clan Sword Technique and that Will Energy cultivation technique his ancestor had mentioned.

The Chen Clan’s immortal cultivation technique was different from the cultivation world’s mainstream cultivation techniques. It turned all of one’s Spiritual Energy into the shape of a sword. While other cultivators birthed a miniature person upon reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, the Chen Clan cultivators would birth a sword.

The new version of the Chen Clan Cultivation Technique was even more extreme. It converted all of the body’s energies into swords.

The spiritual perception of ordinary cultivators possessed little offensive strength. On the other hand, the altered Chen Clan Cultivation Technique cultivated even the spiritual perception into a sword, giving it strong offensive power. However, the perception effects would be weaker than that of ordinary cultivators. There would be a balance of gains and losses, after all.

Simply put, it was a strengthened spiritual perception with all attribute points placed into offense.

However, this did not impact Chen Heng. As an ability user, his Will Energy was ridiculously strong in the first place. Furthermore, he had his attraction ability and electromagnetic control ability for scouting. Turning his Will Energy into a sword would not adversely affect his abilities; his Will Energy would even become denser.

It would not prevent Chen Heng from using his abilities. Furthermore, this would significantly raise the offensive power of his abilities.

Since there were no negative effects, Chen Heng prepared to convert to cultivation.Read latest chapters at Only

Chen Heng’s cultivation started progressing. The Energy Refinement Realm’s first layer...second layer...third layer...breaking into the Foundation Building realm...the Foundation Building’s first layer...second layer...this continued until Chen Heng reached the Nascent Soul Realm’s third layer. At that point, his cultivation stopped increasing.

As time passed, his Will Energy slowly took on the shape of a sharp sword. During this process, his Will Energy even strengthened slightly.

One hour later:

Chen Heng woke up from his stupor after the crystal finished forming his Will Energy into a sharp sword. After all, having his Will Energy hammered into shape felt extremely unbearable.

He discovered a purple sword flying around in his dantian. Furthermore, there was also a sharp sword in his mental space. However, this sharp sword looked like an illusion; it was almost transparent.

Before, Chen Heng’s mental space was a sea of golden Will Energy. That sea had disappeared, replaced by a pocket-sized Will Energy sword.

Chen Heng found the feeling of his empty mental space strange.

However, he knew this was a good thing. The mental space would remain this size. Once he filled the mental space, it meant he—an ability user—could not grow his Will Energy any further.

Or this would have been the situation before Chen Heng joined the Dimension Administrators Association. His mental space had enlarged after two ability awakenings.

With the current situation, his mental space could accommodate even a Will Energy increase of a few thousand folds—even tens of thousands. It was not that Chen Heng’s mental space had enlarged but that his Will Energy became denser.

Furthermore, Chen Heng’s cultivation had jumped straight to the Nascent Soul Realm. He previously had expected to reach only the Golden Core Realm.

According to the law of conservation, there would be some losses when transforming inner strength into Spiritual Energy. However, the higher the grade of the cultivation technique used, the lower the loss. The best result since Chen Xiu was directly reaching the middle stage of the Golden Core Realm.

However, Chen Heng’s situation was exceptional. After all, none of his ancestors had waited until age 18 to convert. Furthermore, they had not experienced the ability second awakening’s and ability third awakening’s strengthening and refining effects on inner strength.