Book 5: Chapter 30: Sirin Learns to Play Dirty

Book 5: Chapter 30: Sirin Learns to Play Dirty

The golden-haired man wore a clown mask with a tear at the corner of one eye.

“Sir, you have a keen perception.”

“So, are you interested in the earlier topic or not?” Chen Heng went straight to the point.

“We just met. Isn’t it too early to discuss this?”

“I’ll ask again: are you interested in the earlier topic or not?”

“...I’m interested,” Otto answered honestly after some silence.

“You are interested, right? But I will not tell you how to find another person’s soul, you damn bastard. No matter how many clones you create, they are useless without a soul. Feeling frustrated? Come and fight me if you can!” Chen Heng adopted an arrogant, brazen, and mocking expression, his sudden change in tone catching Otto and Welt off-guard.

&&^)(*! &*&! *&&^!

“I must say, that’s not very nice. I have no grievances with you....” Otto endured the anger in his heart, doing his best to remain calm and talk to Chen Heng. After all, from Welt’s behavior, perhaps Chen Heng could really see souls.

“No grievances? Who are you fooling? Sirin, come over. Stop petting your dragon and quickly come over.” Chen Heng waved at the distant Sirin in summons.

“Elder Brother, what’s up?” Upon seeing Chen Heng calling her, Sirin gave the Bella dragon one final pet before flying over.

“Do you see the clown below? Beat him up until he dies.”

“Erm...beating him up is fine, but why?” Sirin shot a few Subspace Lances at Otto as a probe.

“The one below is Otto’s...clone. Although the attacks will not reach that old bastard Otto, we can vent your anger on his clone. Furthermore, Otto’s consciousness is in this body.”

Sirin became serious.

Although Sirin restrained Otto by twisting the space around him, the extent of it was... It’s better left unsaid. Anyway, Otto was not one to be taken lightly; his Soulium body was not that fragile. Just as the Subspace Lances were about to strike Otto, he broke free of his restraints.

After breaking free, Otto faced the approaching Subspace Lances unflustered.

A Soulium body naturally possessed some special attributes, including improved dynamic vision; the various Subspace Lances moved at a manageable speed to Otto’s eyes.

Otto tilted his body to dodge the first Subspace Lance, then took half a step to the left, finding a gap between the one hundred-odd Subspace Lances to dodge.

Of course, this wave was not over yet. More Subspace Lances continued firing at Otto.

Otto tilted his head, narrowly dodging a Subspace Lance that flew by his ear. He continuously searched for gaps between the Subspace Lances for evasion.

Otto looked like he was playing a bullet hell game. He narrowly dodged all the Subspace Lances with little difficulty, but he was not entirely unharmed. At the very least, his clean, white tailcoat was now tattered.

Preventing his body from getting injured was already the limit; he had no leeway to protect his clothes.

“Herrscher of the Void, is this all you are capable of?” Otto started mocking Sirin when he believed his clone could leave this place safely.

“Oh? Is that so?” Sirin did not get angry. Instead, she looked at Otto playfully, as though laughing at him.

Suddenly, Otto sensed danger behind him. He wanted to dodge but found a few ghostly hands restraining his arms.

Bang! Besides the ghostly arms restraining Otto, an even larger ghostly arm wielded Club, smashing it on Otto’s head.

Otto’s Soulium clone immediately fainted. When Sirin’s ghostly hands released Otto, he fell forward stiffly, face-first into the snow.

Even if Sirin did not understand shaking the soul, how could she not understand a mental attack, given her fondness for games?