Book 6: Chapter 3:2: Magi 'Mari”-chan, Part 2

Book 6: Chapter 3:2: Magi “Mari”-chan, Part 2

“Doctor Roman, are you ready?” Yakumo Yukari asked. “I’m about to start the summoning.” Clearly, she was aware of Doctor Roman’s cunning plan for Merlin. He was truly ruthless.

“Hold on. Chen Heng, do you have any ice water? Have a basin ready. Once I douse Merlin with the Gender-Shifting Spring, you splash him with the ice water.”

“Ah! I do. Just give me a moment,” Chen Heng replied. He retrieved a water cup from his spatial storage but soon stowed it back. Instead, he produced a basin and several bags of ice water from the spatial storage. He ripped open the ice water bags with his attraction ability and emptied them into the basin.

“I have a question. When I was being summoned, the signs were very clear. A summoning circle appeared below, and the summoner had to finish the incantation before the summoned could arrive. Wouldn’t Merlin prepare himself then? What if he casts a barrier or something, rendering the Gender-Shifting Spring ineffective?”

Upon hearing this, the doctor turned his gaze to Yakumo Yukari.

“Don’t worry. The summoning ritual I spent a fortune on doesn’t give off any forewarning. There won’t be any signs on his side until I finish the incantation. Only then will he be summoned here instantaneously. You can douse him with the Gender-Shifting Spring while he’s still confused.” Yakumo Yukari was extremely confident in the summoning ritual she constructed using a vast amount of resources.

“ that Chen Heng said that, I feel a little less confident. After all, Merlin is not weak, and he should have fast reactions. How about this? Chen Heng, I’ll pass half of the Gender-Shifting Spring to you. If I succeed, you don’t have to do anything, but if I fail, you splash it on Merlin when he lets his guard down.” Doctor Roman noticed this problem after giving it some thought. To prevent failure, he decided to split the Gender-Shifting Spring with Chen Heng.

“Sure.” Chen Heng took out a cup from his spatial storage. The doctor then poured half of the Gender-Shifting Spring from his mineral water bottle into Chen Heng’s cup.

Both men were tense during the pouring process. If the Gender-Shifting Spring accidentally splashed them, the consequences would be unthinkable, even if...its effect lasted only seven days.

“All set?” Yukari asked again. “Are we ready to summon Merlin? If so, I’ll summon Merlin now.”

“Ready to go. Let’s start. I can’t wait.”

“I hereby declare, your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be your sword...” Yukari began the incantation to summon the Heroic Spirit while performing some strange hand movements. Oddly, the summoning circle remained unresponsive.

“Did I...turn into a woman? Where is manhood? Where did you get this strange stuff from? This is too much! You even took away what makes me a man! How can I comfort those lonely noblewomen now?” Merlin was stunned, but he didn’t panic. After all, he had experienced all sorts of situations before.

Ignoring Merlin’s questions, Yakumo Yukari directly opened a livestream. Chen Heng promptly pinged everyone in the group chat.

He Who Knows Fate: @Everyone The long-desired debut of female Merlin begins.

He Who Knows Fate: Ah! It should be the real-life livestream debut of Magi Mari-chan. You all can visit Yakumo Yukari’s livestream.

Efreet: Didn’t she just say she hadn’t found a suitable Singularity?

Blank Never Loses: That was to probe Merlin’s situation and let him drop his guard. Indeed, quite necessary.

Fallen Angel Gabriel: Boss is right. Boss, when can you carry me again?

Blank Never Loses: Sometime later. I’m quite busy right now. Being a king is no fun; it’s exhausting.

Lord of the White Night: If you look at Yakumo Yukari’s livestream location, you’ll know she actually went to a Type-Moon parallel world of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Queen of Ice and Snow: Interesting. This is what they call all is fair in war, right?

Blank Never Loses: Is this crossdressing Merlin, or should I say Magi Mari? How did you turn Merlin into a girl?

Umaru-chan: This isn’t just crossdressing anymore. You’ve physically transformed Merlin into a girl, haven’t you? This...