Book 6: Chapter 63:1: Chen Heng: Don’t Play So Aggressively! Part 1

Book 6: Chapter 63:1: Chen Heng: Don’t Play So Aggressively! Part 1

Chen Heng had changed his position but still hadnt abandoned his plan to block the bridge. Instead, he climbed onto the truss of the large bridge.

With his excellent physical abilities in this highly realistic world, scaling the bridge was a breeze. In no time, he was up there.

As Chen Heng settled in, he recalled his painful experiences of trying to climb bridges in the game.

Despite watching numerous tutorials, he couldnt make it up that bridge on either his phone or computer. Thats the thing about experience; it cant be beaten.

Shaking his head to clear those thoughts, Chen Heng lay quietly on the bridge, waiting for the unsuspecting prey to take the bait.

He waited for nearly ten minutes, right until the poison zone had fully contracted and the second poison zone was about to be revealed. He then descended from the bridge just in time to hear a vehicle approaching.

Homing in on the sound, Chen Heng used the 8x scope to peer at his prey. After spotting a Jeep with its top down, carrying three passengers, heading toward the bridge, he quickly took cover behind three crates stacked at the end of the bridgea good spot for an ambush.

Chen Heng didnt immediately open fire. He waited until the Jeep had reached the bridge, and there was no nearby cover before firing the first shot.

Bang! Headshot! Chen Hengs first shot successfully took down the driver on the opposite side. The driver tumbled from the drivers seat and knelt in place. Due to inertia, the Jeep continued toward the bridge.

However, in no time, another person took the drivers seat and began steering.

In that brief moment, Chen Heng had already loaded the next bullet.

Bang! Another headshot, but this time, the driver didnt go down like the previous one. Instead, he maintained control of the Jeep. He executed a quick drift, brought it to a stop with its side facing Chen Heng, and then hopped into the front passenger seat before leaping out of the vehicle.

[Author Note: Medkit: Directly restores a players health to maximum. First aid kits can only heal up to 70 percent of health; the rest must be restored with energy drinks.]

Upon seeing the elimination notification, Chen Heng crossed the bridge and started looting the crates.

This team had come from the military base, so all three players had good gear, and thanks to Chen Hengs headshots, their level 3 armor was still in good condition.

The best part was that one of them had an M24 sniper rifle, which prompted Chen Heng to ditch his M416 for the M24. Now, he had two sniper rifles in his inventory.

[TL Note: Here is more information on the M24: /wiki/M24. It is likely based on a real gun model:]

Not many players dared to carry two sniper rifles in PUBG, but Chen Heng was an exception. He had absolute confidence in his marksmanship. To make up for his lack of close-quarters equipment, Chen Heng also picked up a Skorpion pistol from a players crate.

[TL Note: Here is more information on the Skorpion: /wiki/Skorpion. It is likely based on a real gun model: ]

Although the Skorpion was categorized as a pistol, when fully equipped with attachments, its firepower wasnt much weaker than an Uzis.

What Chen Heng regretted a bit was that one of his victims had a level 3 helmet with only half of its durability remaining. That explained why the second driver survived a headshot without dying. Chen Heng gladly accepted this level 3 helmet; even with half durability, it was better than a level 2 helmet and could still withstand a sniper round.

Chen Heng discarded all his 5.56mm ammo and picked up some 9mm rounds, grenades, medical supplies, and energy drinks.

Currently, Chen Hengs loadout consisted of the Kar98k, the M24, and the Skorpion. He had 80 rounds of 7.62mm ammo and 180 rounds of 9mm ammo. In addition, he had four first aid kits, five energy drinks, five painkillers, and five bandages.

His M24 was fully equipped with attachments.

Chen Heng wanted to wish these three players from the military base, May you rest in peace.