A lot of people were gathering at the plaza at noon that day. People from the streets also gathered. It was because of an announcement that will be proclaimed before the opening of the festival.

A huge object of around 30 meters was place on the center of a platform. It was covered with cloth and what was inside couldn’t be seen, yet everyone was aware as to what that is. It was easy to conclude, because the Lord’s army is surrounding it.

「Everyone. Thank you for gathering today」

A man started his speech on a small platform set up in front of the covered object. It was the administrator of this city, Lord Carlos Dabble Cotoise. At the same time as the opening speech, the soldiers gathered on the edges of the cloth and grasped it.

「It was a Grand Scale event, Yes… and many sacrifices and mysterious events have overlapped, that’s why it was decided that a Grand Presentation will also be held. Everything is because of the request of subjugating a Red Dragon. Every adventurer probably would ask why, why was there no rank designation, why didn’t I judge it wrong. I know, I take full responsibility of that. All I can say is sorry… I was a fool who sent the future of this town, the younger generations into their annihilation」

The adventurers were puzzled. It is unexpected that nobility would apologize to his people. Certainly, they have thought they were foolish people being blinded by the rewards, and as they fought they hated the lord as to how impossible that battle was. However, it is supposed to be at the persons own self-accountability and self-responsibility.

「And as to why such a thing happened, At first it was supposed to be a request handled by all the towns surrounding area. But after some time I was ordered by a royal decree stating that Haval should be the only one to handle it. I didn’t really know why the king announce such a decree so I sent an ambassador to the royal capital to verify things for me if it was really the truth or not」

After that I came out. I have never shown myself in a big crowd like this since that concert on Fairy Town. What the difference would be is that the eyes of adventurers looking at me were criticizing looks. On the other hand the merchant and town citizens were murmuring 「Goddess of White Waters…」 that seems to have already been ingrained.

And right before I knew it I was already being introduced. It was Drew-san who gave a speech this time. Hey, I was telling you not to decide things without my confirmation. You should have told me in advance…

「The person here is Aidle who have been doing requests alone in this town when adventurers were absent and… … … … She is also the one who defeated this monster!!!」

At that announcement the soldiers removed all the cover at once, and the figure was exposed to the people. From the adventurer’s side, I could hear some people screaming. It is after all a monster that symbolized their imminent death.

「Red Dragon… … … …」

It was a word that was muttered by someone. And to those who cannot forget that figure.

「Yes, this was the reason of all the suffering. This person alone subjugated it! Let me say it again… The name of this person is Aidle. The only S Rank Adventurer and renowned Hero of this town」

「「「「… … …」」」」

Since everyone was silent, Dabble-san sends me an eye signal. Ra-ise-up-your-hand? Why in Morse code though? Or maybe it is a similar concept that exists in this world? Well, I got it. I rise up my hand to my upmost limit.


A great amount of cheers came from the audience. The voices of the merchants were exceptionally loud. Oh, I can also see Arena jumping at the back going 「Wooooah」. Sorry La Veil if you can’t keep her down…

「And in celebration for this event, it is decided that the whole of this Red Dragon is to be donated to the town!!」

More praise and applause came coming in.

「「「Aidle!! Aidle!! Aidle!!」」」

My name was being shouted by all but the adventurers. Don’t you know your name will become a legacy of this town? It’s fine, what about it?

「From now on the dismantling of the Red Dragon will begin!! Everyone, sing, party, drink, and enjoy it to the fullest!!」

「「「「Please wait just for a moment!!!!」」」」

Suddenly a group voiced out from the side which halted the cheers. Turning to that direction, adventurers came rushing in and they were the ones I’ve met before.

「Oi, Lord-sama. Is it really fine to decide things just like that?」

「You people are… the A rank party from the subjugation right?」

It was the party leader of the subjugation team. There were also many young adventurers that came along with him probably to voice out their complain. Everyone was having an angry expression.

「Is it really true that this frail looking woman defeated that Red Dragon Alone? The real thing is indeed here. There is no doubt that it was the Red Dragon we’ve fought, but how did she take down, and you didn’t secretly ask backup from the capital and have the people there subjugate it right? Don’t just take away our part in thiiis!? 」

All the adventurers started making fuzz from this argument. If that is really true, then the Lord will have to present this Red Dragon to the country using this city’s funds. And even if they got some profit from the Red Dragon, it won’t be provided to the town. Or more like, there will be no funds to supply the adventurers of this town,

I looked at Dabble-san’s face. It’s a face of worry as to how to turn this over.

… Ah, enough of this, isn’t it fine already? I activated synchronization with La Veil, since Arena is also near her then she can act quickly.

『La Veil, I will be releasing the limiters of my fairy’s instinct in a moment, move away from here as quickly as possible』

『Mu? Yes, I’ll proceed immediately. What are going to do, Master? 』

『It will be something that I also did back when I was on Fairy’s Town』

I created a wide stage as high as the platform where the dragon is placed. Adventurers were alerted due to my sudden action and took out their weapons. Dabble-san also tried approaching me but I hold him back signaling by hand.

「Wha, What do you plan on doing?」


Surely enough, fairies love festivals. It is in there instinct that no matter how high their INT is they won’t be able to suppress. When I asked Testania-san about that, I remembered that she said it was a fairy’s inevitable fate.

In the first place when fairies live in an environment where they don’t live as a group, they would normally activate fairy magic unconsciously.  It is a defense mechanism to prevent them from being detected by people or monsters. And the more individuals there are, the stronger the burden becomes.

And what will happen at that point, they will be attacked by extreme fever, and their thinking would be dulled. I tasted the effects of that a lot when I was fighting with the Red Dragon. And also, that fever helps in triggering a fairy’s instinct.

And in my case it is this.

Taking off my robe, I tossed it away and I am now dressed like an Idol.

「Every——————-one———–, Nice———— to meet———- you all!! ♪♪」


Smiling with rainbow colored eyes, hair with a gradation of red that is shoulder length. Clothes that doesn’t resemble that of an adventurer, but a beautiful dress filled with ribbons. This is my way of life.

Holding a microphone made from fairy magic in one hand, I will make this plaza into a concert venue. My instincts as a fairy are overflowing. By the way, I was only opposing the instinct and it was being held back, the reason would be because of that. When I was in Fairy Town, it was fine for me to ignore all the shame due to the instinct.

「I will introduce myself once more, I am Aidle, Nice to meet you all!!」

「「「… … …」」」

That is a normal response, but they sure are stiff. Well, they are not fairies. The response is as expected.

But they don’t realize yet.

A Fairy’s power erodes such reasons quite easily.

「Heeeyyaaaa—–!! I am really sad if there is no response—-!?  Please respond—–!! 」

「「「… …Ni, nice to meet you」」」

A response has been made by the people.

「So low! Again, with more energy!! What day is it today—!!!??」


The children, mainly those around Yae responded in a loud voice.

I create sparkles from my hands then manifested huge dragon made out of flames in the sky. The dragons were many times larger than La Veil was flying around. Adventurers looked up and were startled. The merchants were cheering more grandly than before.

「Ohhh, This is a festival that everyone have been waiting for!! I have been thinking that everyone in the will be smiling, so I did my best!! I’ve been doing my best to this time and even defeated the Red Dragon!!」

When I flick my hand, the flame dragon was instantly frozen and became an ice dragon flying in the sky while dropping sparkling ice particles. The cheers increased some more.

「That’s why I want everyone to enjoy today, I all of you laugh at the bottom your hearts, because everyone’s smile is the power of this town. As everyone’s support will be the support of this town—-!!! 」

When I flick my hand once more, the frozen dragon descended towards me. Activating fairy magic, I created a sparkling rainbow spear above me.


The children cry out while smiling. The giant dragon opened its mouth.


The merchant’s also raised their voices not losing to the children. The giant rainbow spear also grows steadily. At the same time the Ice Dragon is also increasing in size.


The voices of all the people overlapped with the children and the merchants. Closing in, the ice dragon was now in a size that could swallow the whole stage. The rainbow colored spear which became gigantic was also pointed at it’s mouth.


Everyone’s voices become one.


Unleashing the rainbow spear, it shatters the rainbow dragon and disappearing into the sky while creating a rainbow bridge as its trail.

The shattered dragon became sparkling silver particles which created fantastic scenery for everyone. Everyone then looked at each other and was thinking of the same response to earlier.

「Eryone———The Festival——–now———Begins————–!!!」


From the center, the start of a bright music festival began. I start dancing while holding Psyillium Light. The surrounding people were also holding them which I created using fairy magic. When everyone started following my movements, and that became the trigger to start of my solo live.

The Festival Begins Now.


「Ne~ La Veil, are you having fun??」

「We will enjoy it later, so please be patient for now until we finish shopping」


「Oh, aren’t those some sweet treats over there?」

「Want to eat!!」Smile~!

(…Simple child…)