TL: Yuki


「The amount of people today if compared it to yesterday was more than what I’ve expected.」

On the next day, the stadium was filled to the brim with people making yesterday’s emptiness felt like a lie. It seems like various people were talking about the events that happened yesterday to others who didn’t hear about it.

『It had become a topic. That 『Peach from the Town of Blooming Ice』, is it going to appear tomorrow? 』

「Because that was super embarrassing, can I go home now?」


Un… I got another weird name. I can understand if it’s about the Blooming Ice, but why did it changed to a town? Are they referring to my hair when they say peach? What did they mean by saying I came from Valhalla?

「From what I’ve heard, it seems that Master’s beauty was way beyond what a human would ever possess, also added to that is the way you’ve created those Ice Blossoms then they added that you might have come from a phantasmal lang or something」

「Kuah~ why did they seriously have to think about that」

Oh god, enough of this already. I’m already being called as the 『Goddess of White Waters』 in Haval. It’s not yet spread to this country but news will probably reach here soon. If it comes to that I will definitely escape as soon as possible from this country to go to other countries.

「Well, I wonder what surprises will they show to us today~」

「Please stay calm for the time being Master~」



When I went to the waiting, a participant immediately spoke to me. If I’m not mistaken, his name was supposed to be Genkaku or something. He looks like a samurai you could usually see in TV shows in my previous life, but seeing one in front of me now felt quite surreal. Not to mention about his sword, it was hung on his back.

「Well if it isn’t Genkaku, what business do you have with me?」

「For the things that you have done during the first round, I would like offer my thanks. Because of you Aidle-dono, more people came to watch today and the stadium became livelier and people are cheering for that participants more 」

「Oh… I see. Well I only did what I wanted to do at that time and seeing that there was no one else who tried doing something like that」

「I see, then may we see each other once more on stage」

After saying those words, he left and went to his designated area. I wanted a sword like that so it would probably be good to hear more about his country. I will try and call out to him once again when the tournament ends.

『Today is the second batch of matches for the second round of the tournament!! It seems that more people from the kingdom have visited us today in contrast how it was like two days ago!! All of the audience seats have been occupied and there are even people standing to watch!! As for the players, everyone is probably expecting of something amazing right? Well then, for our first match!! 』

Onore was a person who was covered from head to toe with green armor along with claws on both his hands probably as a main weapon. He seems to be quite excited and was displaying his horned helmet for all to see. In comparison, Genkaku appeared in a quite simple manner while holding his wakizashi.

『A few years ago from a certain forest, he came out with an outfit that looks like a demon… How far will his claw attacks which he relied on when protecting the forest take him!! It will against the participant Genkaku, who is holding a never before seen sword!! Who of the two will be able to climb up!! Now then, for the second batch of the second round’s first match!! Let the game Staaaarrtt!! 』

Genkaku stayed in place while in an Iai stance. Onore who didn’t know about that rushed towards Genkaku while roaring and pointing his claws towards his target. The distance between them was around 30 meters, but that distance was easily closed in taking only about 2 seconds. Genkaku moved when his target was within his reach.


The sound of something being pulled and slashed was heard.

But to the audience who was watching, it only looked like Genkaku was only in a stance and didn’t move. But that flash reflected by the blade was certainly noticed by the audience even if only for a bit. But they didn’t as to which direction was it delivered, but then they understood immediately what happened.

It was all sliced. The claws that Onore was using were all sliced from their roots.

「Impossible!!?? Nuuu!!!!」

Onore who lost his weapon tried attacking using his horn after recovering from being shocked but,

「That’s already useless」


Even though he tried to thrust his head, He noticed that his helmet felt weird and touched it. Then he found out that the Horn that was supposedly stuck on his head was now missing, and then he found the horn that already fell on the ground. Onore who lost any means to attack raised his hands to surrender.

『The victor has been decided!! Between the exchange of Genkaku and Onore, all of were not even aware of what exactly happened!! Still, with overwhelming strength, Genkaku has shown us proof the he is qualified for the quarterfinals!! The victory was overwhelming!! 』

Genkaku sure was strong. That’s something that status alone won’t be able to achieve, and is probably a characteristic of his skills. It seems that it gives boost to him when he is equipped with specific equipment.

『Skill than can only be used with specific sword equipment. The right stance, timing, and precise positioning will increase or decrease the power depending on the quality of the weapon used. Specific Skill: Iai-Kasumi』

Is that supposed to be a type of unique skill? It seems like it would be really difficult to master, not to mention imitating it would be impossible. I’mnot really using a sword of that type anyway… Let’s absolutely visit Wado in order to buy a sword like that.

『Let’s move to the next match. Participant Sylvester and Participant Jasper come on stage!! Hey, hey Jasper be sure to stay firm~~!!! Because everyone is watching~ Don’t show your nervousness~~!!!』

「Shut up, don’t bother me, Senial!!!」

Laughter was released from everyone on the venue when Jasper was mentioned. The young man that entered was yelling at the announcer intervening with her announcements. As Jasper went into the stage, his face was clearly flushed. There were also a lot of cheers from adult women, but when the announcer took notice of them she puffed up her cheeks in anger.

『Hmmph!! Then let’s ignore Jasper and introduce the next participant. The next participant is Sylvester who is a long sword user. How will you deal fighting against a long sword user!!』

The announcement somehow turned into one that was concerned about Jasper. Sylvester who climbed up the stage only gave off a wry smile. Jasper who bathed in sympathy and compassion ignored his surrounding and only focused on his opponent.

「Well… Hang in there…」


『Hai, hai, then Begin the Match!!!』

「Oi, you’re blushing」

『Shut uuup, Just hurry up and fiiiight!!!』

A voice filled with coldness and mockery came out of Jasper’s mouth. But the audience only laughed at him, and then the two participants prepared their weapons.

(A long sword you sat, isn’t that thing way longer than a short spear not to mention it’s weight is quite considerable… But won’t his movement be dulled by such a ridiculous weapon… He’s also holding with only one hand… I’ll probably probe his skills by hitting him for a moment.)

「Uuuuoohh!! Toooahh??!!」

The long sword he was holding was quickly swept close towards Jasper’s neck. Barely avoiding the attack with a momentary dodge, Sylvester delivered a kick towards his stomach. While rolling on the ground after dodging, he soon got up and rebuilt his posture.

「You are still within my range!!」

Pursuing Jasper with his long sword, another quick attack was delivered. Jasper who crouched once again barely avoided the attack and was trying to find the pattern from that attack.

(Attack from afar I will face the long sword, closing in I would face the kicks… But, there’s no other way for me but to close in on him somehow. If I can do that, that longsword would be useless.)

When approached, Sylvester tried delivering a kick. Jasper prepared his sword and responded to the kick, he then he delivers and attack straight towards Sylvester’s face.

「You see, I don’t like playing fair you know!!」


Although he got hit, Jasper managed to grab Sylvester’s feet then locked it in a grappling move. It is a typical move used by fist fighters to lock their target. Although Sylvester struggled to escape, he wasn’t able to because of Jasper’s higher skill level on Joint Lock Skills.



He broke his bones without hesitation. He then picked up his sword and points it to Sylvester who was still suffering from his broken injury. As long as his enemy didn’t give up he didn’t pull away his sword that was aimed at Sylvester’s head.

「Now this huh, I won’t be able to properly stand up or counter with this intense pain… I surrender」

「…Fuu… I will call a recovery magician immediately, sorry for breaking your leg」

「Don’t mind it, I just didn’t realize the pain of having your bones broken… Sorry, and thanks」

『Gyaaaaahh!! He actually wooooonnnn!!!』


『E, eetoo… Superb Battle Performance!! Being able to take down Sylvester who was a strong opponent!! It’s Jasper’s Victory!! He will be advancing to the quarter finals!! Uhehehe!!』

「Do your work properly, stupid announcer!!」

『I wonder if they were acquainted? Maybe they were from the same party? 』

「I’m thinking that they might probably be lovers though? Just look at that innocent smile. I might only be imagining thinks but I have witnessed people who were also like that」

「Ah, Mama?」

「『We(I) will be Arena’s Mama(-ja!)!』」

「But I want to be a Mama too~~♪♪」

TL: Yuki


「The amount of people today if compared it to yesterday was more than what I’ve expected.」

On the next day, the stadium was filled to the brim with people making yesterday’s emptiness felt like a lie. It seems like various people were talking about the events that happened yesterday to others who didn’t hear about it.

『It had become a topic. That 『Peach from the Town of Blooming Ice』, is it going to appear tomorrow? 』

「Because that was super embarrassing, can I go home now?」


Un… I got another weird name. I can understand if it’s about the Blooming Ice, but why did it changed to a town? Are they referring to my hair when they say peach? What did they mean by saying I came from Valhalla?

「From what I’ve heard, it seems that Master’s beauty was way beyond what a human would ever possess, also added to that is the way you’ve created those Ice Blossoms then they added that you might have come from a phantasmal lang or something」

「Kuah~ why did they seriously have to think about that」

Oh god, enough of this already. I’m already being called as the 『Goddess of White Waters』 in Haval. It’s not yet spread to this country but news will probably reach here soon. If it comes to that I will definitely escape as soon as possible from this country to go to other countries.

「Well, I wonder what surprises will they show to us today~」

「Please stay calm for the time being Master~」



When I went to the waiting, a participant immediately spoke to me. If I’m not mistaken, his name was supposed to be Genkaku or something. He looks like a samurai you could usually see in TV shows in my previous life, but seeing one in front of me now felt quite surreal. Not to mention about his sword, it was hung on his back.

「Well if it isn’t Genkaku, what business do you have with me?」

「For the things that you have done during the first round, I would like offer my thanks. Because of you Aidle-dono, more people came to watch today and the stadium became livelier and people are cheering for that participants more 」

「Oh… I see. Well I only did what I wanted to do at that time and seeing that there was no one else who tried doing something like that」

「I see, then may we see each other once more on stage」

After saying those words, he left and went to his designated area. I wanted a sword like that so it would probably be good to hear more about his country. I will try and call out to him once again when the tournament ends.

『Today is the second batch of matches for the second round of the tournament!! It seems that more people from the kingdom have visited us today in contrast how it was like two days ago!! All of the audience seats have been occupied and there are even people standing to watch!! As for the players, everyone is probably expecting of something amazing right? Well then, for our first match!! 』

Onore was a person who was covered from head to toe with green armor along with claws on both his hands probably as a main weapon. He seems to be quite excited and was displaying his horned helmet for all to see. In comparison, Genkaku appeared in a quite simple manner while holding his wakizashi.

『A few years ago from a certain forest, he came out with an outfit that looks like a demon… How far will his claw attacks which he relied on when protecting the forest take him!! It will against the participant Genkaku, who is holding a never before seen sword!! Who of the two will be able to climb up!! Now then, for the second batch of the second round’s first match!! Let the game Staaaarrtt!! 』

Genkaku stayed in place while in an Iai stance. Onore who didn’t know about that rushed towards Genkaku while roaring and pointing his claws towards his target. The distance between them was around 30 meters, but that distance was easily closed in taking only about 2 seconds. Genkaku moved when his target was within his reach.


The sound of something being pulled and slashed was heard.

But to the audience who was watching, it only looked like Genkaku was only in a stance and didn’t move. But that flash reflected by the blade was certainly noticed by the audience even if only for a bit. But they didn’t as to which direction was it delivered, but then they understood immediately what happened.

It was all sliced. The claws that Onore was using were all sliced from their roots.

「Impossible!!?? Nuuu!!!!」

Onore who lost his weapon tried attacking using his horn after recovering from being shocked but,

「That’s already useless」


Even though he tried to thrust his head, He noticed that his helmet felt weird and touched it. Then he found out that the Horn that was supposedly stuck on his head was now missing, and then he found the horn that already fell on the ground. Onore who lost any means to attack raised his hands to surrender.

『The victor has been decided!! Between the exchange of Genkaku and Onore, all of were not even aware of what exactly happened!! Still, with overwhelming strength, Genkaku has shown us proof the he is qualified for the quarterfinals!! The victory was overwhelming!! 』

Genkaku sure was strong. That’s something that status alone won’t be able to achieve, and is probably a characteristic of his skills. It seems that it gives boost to him when he is equipped with specific equipment.

『Skill than can only be used with specific sword equipment. The right stance, timing, and precise positioning will increase or decrease the power depending on the quality of the weapon used. Specific Skill: Iai-Kasumi』

Is that supposed to be a type of unique skill? It seems like it would be really difficult to master, not to mention imitating it would be impossible. I’mnot really using a sword of that type anyway… Let’s absolutely visit Wado in order to buy a sword like that.

『Let’s move to the next match. Participant Sylvester and Participant Jasper come on stage!! Hey, hey Jasper be sure to stay firm~~!!! Because everyone is watching~ Don’t show your nervousness~~!!!』

「Shut up, don’t bother me, Senial!!!」

Laughter was released from everyone on the venue when Jasper was mentioned. The young man that entered was yelling at the announcer intervening with her announcements. As Jasper went into the stage, his face was clearly flushed. There were also a lot of cheers from adult women, but when the announcer took notice of them she puffed up her cheeks in anger.

『Hmmph!! Then let’s ignore Jasper and introduce the next participant. The next participant is Sylvester who is a long sword user. How will you deal fighting against a long sword user!!』

The announcement somehow turned into one that was concerned about Jasper. Sylvester who climbed up the stage only gave off a wry smile. Jasper who bathed in sympathy and compassion ignored his surrounding and only focused on his opponent.

「Well… Hang in there…」


『Hai, hai, then Begin the Match!!!』

「Oi, you’re blushing」

『Shut uuup, Just hurry up and fiiiight!!!』

A voice filled with coldness and mockery came out of Jasper’s mouth. But the audience only laughed at him, and then the two participants prepared their weapons.

(A long sword you sat, isn’t that thing way longer than a short spear not to mention it’s weight is quite considerable… But won’t his movement be dulled by such a ridiculous weapon… He’s also holding with only one hand… I’ll probably probe his skills by hitting him for a moment.)

「Uuuuoohh!! Toooahh??!!」

The long sword he was holding was quickly swept close towards Jasper’s neck. Barely avoiding the attack with a momentary dodge, Sylvester delivered a kick towards his stomach. While rolling on the ground after dodging, he soon got up and rebuilt his posture.

「You are still within my range!!」

Pursuing Jasper with his long sword, another quick attack was delivered. Jasper who crouched once again barely avoided the attack and was trying to find the pattern from that attack.

(Attack from afar I will face the long sword, closing in I would face the kicks… But, there’s no other way for me but to close in on him somehow. If I can do that, that longsword would be useless.)

When approached, Sylvester tried delivering a kick. Jasper prepared his sword and responded to the kick, he then he delivers and attack straight towards Sylvester’s face.

「You see, I don’t like playing fair you know!!」


Although he got hit, Jasper managed to grab Sylvester’s feet then locked it in a grappling move. It is a typical move used by fist fighters to lock their target. Although Sylvester struggled to escape, he wasn’t able to because of Jasper’s higher skill level on Joint Lock Skills.



He broke his bones without hesitation. He then picked up his sword and points it to Sylvester who was still suffering from his broken injury. As long as his enemy didn’t give up he didn’t pull away his sword that was aimed at Sylvester’s head.

「Now this huh, I won’t be able to properly stand up or counter with this intense pain… I surrender」

「…Fuu… I will call a recovery magician immediately, sorry for breaking your leg」

「Don’t mind it, I just didn’t realize the pain of having your bones broken… Sorry, and thanks」

『Gyaaaaahh!! He actually wooooonnnn!!!』


『E, eetoo… Superb Battle Performance!! Being able to take down Sylvester who was a strong opponent!! It’s Jasper’s Victory!! He will be advancing to the quarter finals!! Uhehehe!!』

「Do your work properly, stupid announcer!!」

『I wonder if they were acquainted? Maybe they were from the same party? 』

「I’m thinking that they might probably be lovers though? Just look at that innocent smile. I might only be imagining thinks but I have witnessed people who were also like that」

「Ah, Mama?」

「『We(I) will be Arena’s Mama(-ja!)!』」

「But I want to be a Mama too~~♪♪」