TL: Yuki


Arena, have felt before that she would definitely be targeted right even before they arrived at the Kingdom. It was certain because she is always overshadowed by the actions of Aidle and La Veil. However, the chances of ordinary humans targeting them as enemies are very slim.

And because of that, they would definitely focus their attention to the one they thought they could easily handle which is Arena. Arena has a high level, but it’s only to the point which she exceeds normal humans. She has also fought many battles with the help of Aidle, but has never fought on her own.

Therefore, she would always simulate assumptions of her fighting alone and this was repeated over and over again through playing Shogi. What to do when caught, when stunned, when attacked alone, she assumes every possible situation.

「……Where is this?」

As her consciousness returned and got up, she was in a place where there isn’t anything she could see. Only a fixed space that she could grasp was surrounding her. The ground also felt weird which was spread out in that space. And there are also strange patterns that were constantly moving.


The time came sooner than she expected, and Arena was a bit anxious about it. But she understood her situation well, and she knew that she was stunned and kidnapped. Then there’s only one thing Arena could do.

「I can’t with Aidle…… La Veil, not lost」

She can still feel her connection with La Veil. However, realizing that she cannot exchange words, she understood that the space she was in was interfering and was being blocked. Next, she consider what Aidle would do in this case, she will definitely use space magic. She understood that she would change the body of La Veil and send her using space magic and La Veil would be the one to coordinate the position through Synchronization.

「After that… Timing」

The reason I was kidnapped is because Aidle and La Veil were too occupied in the battle tournament. What I’m worried about are the heroes that performed this actions other than Aidle, I understood that the opponent this time who kidnapped me was a Hero. Doing this, they would likely threaten Aidle to surrender the match and use me as hostage. It was probably what they are making sure of but it would still be unnatural, and the audience won’t be excited about it even if it ended in her defeat.

Then in order to execute that La Veil have to lose against the Hero in the semifinal match. For the time being, Arena is in that place, but she can bear with that. However, when she thought about what the Hero would do to La Veil, Arena would likely cry.

「……Uuu …It’s okay」

However, Arena held it in and stopped sobbing. Telling herself what she should do now and don’t just wait, Arena stood up.

(Image… Image…)

Arena was thinking of an existence that would protect herself, just like the secret to Aidle’s Fairy Magic. For the past few months all she did was understand it and imagine. She kept on imagining.

『Fairy Magic sure is really useful. If you don’t think about the burden, you can freely use it in whatever way you want.』

Some time ago, Arena was reminded of the things Aidle taught her during her training days.

「In order to protect myself… For me to become stronger!!!」

The next moment, Arena begins to emit heat along with sharp dizziness that assaulted her, but she was able to suppress it through sheer mental power. She would build what she would needs from that point on. She envisioned the 『Persona』 necessary for her. For Aidle, and the existence that would walk a path along her, her Ideal Self……

「Where… is this?」

The where La Veil got 『Teleported』 to by aidle when she was still in jewel state was a subspace with irregular shapes scattered around.

「Was this space created by the characteristic of that other Hero? I see, so this is where they brought Arena to, is what I understood. Then, 」

La Veil should be able to call out to Arena through synchronization now and she could probably reply this time.

『Arena, are you here? Reply if you are. Arena!!』

『……Hhn? La Veil』

『Ohh, you finally got connected!!』

La Veil ran towards the source of the message. But as soon as she reached the place La Veil was a little confused but was relieved, then she noticed the sense of incongruity.

「La Veil, you came at a time I have just predicted, were you not injured? Are you alright? 」

「Uhhh…. Mum… Ne, Arena… Did you grow a little taller than usual? 」

The height of Arena grew to almost the same height as La Veil. Her face also shows a more grown-up expression, the body was also a little more mature than normal. The way she talks was also not childish anymore.

「Since La Veil is here, the semi-finals have already ended right?」

「Well yes… but what in the world… that state, did master do something for you to turn into that?」

「This is different, It’s something I developed using the maximum use of my Fairy Magic. A skill called 『Limited Growth』」

After saying that, Arena continued to explain about the skill. 『Limited Growth』 became an inherent skill that she created with fairy magic and using it altered Arena’s into Arena in the future.

When invoked, Arena would be able to call herself who has grown 100 years and become that person for a day. In that state, she is able to use fairy magic with 0 burdens.

However, the skills cool down takes about two days. Therefore, you extremely need to consider the situation before using this skill which limits time you will be able use it.

「Now that Arena is in that state, how long have you used it until now?」

「It’s around 10 minutes before La Veil arrived. I expected that you would arrive at just around that amount of time」

Although her smile is still the same as the old Arena, it seems like La Veil misjudged her and a different impression to that young girl she imagined was shown.

「I’m glad… I thought that separating from Master, you would be helpless and crying waiting to be saved, but you have managed to do things on your own… Master also did his best to solve this quickly…」

La Veil loved Arena as if it was her own child. Although they have just been together for around a week, she was smitten by Arena who told her that even if she’s a Red Dragon and fought against her best friend, she still made friends with her and that touched her.

However, her impression of Arena was weak and thought that she needed to protect her, but she was moved to tears when she found out that Arena did her best and was growing more rapidly breaking through such situations.

「Mou, please don’t cry anymore, thank you for coming over to help. Come on, you have a way for us to get out of here right? 」

「U, umu. That’s right… That’s good right…」

While being stroked in the head, La Veil clenched her hand that was holding Arena, saying that she won’t ever let go,

「I don’t think that would be the case」


The space distorted, and a man came out from inside it. He has similar looks with the Hero, but the armor he wears is lighter, the Holy Sword was also different. One of his eyes was hidden under his hair, and his black pupils reflected the figure of the two. This was the other Hero, Hino.

「I came here noticing that somebody intruded, but why are you here and I heard that you should have been broken by Kousaka in that battle tournament. So will you tell me just why you are here? 」

「Is there any reason for me to tell you? Rotten brute」

「Well, I could won’t you, knowing the one you are facing is a Hero. This is my place you know. If you enter someone else’s house, don’t you think it’s rude if you just barged in without any reasons? 」

「that is something humans declared. It’s not something that I would know」

La Veil then began emitting flames all over her body. The anger that was shrouding her mind overflowed, as the opponent in front of her was the person who kidnapped Arena. But there is no heat transmitted on Arena’s hands.

「Idiot, didn’t I tell that I own this place, do—-」

「It’s not your place anymore」


As Arena held out her hand, the world changed into a fluffy world filled fancy colors in a single moment.

La Veil and Hino couldn’t believe their eyes and was stuck staring at the changes. La Veil who was shivering with anger just now couldn’t keep up with what was happening so she voiced out to Arena.

『Wa, what in the world did you do Arena!?』

『Because this world seems to be part of the characteristics of that Hero’s Holy Sword, I forcefully created a separate space using Fairy Magic. If he can’t get out of here then He won’t be able to gain control too』

She was spouting out outrageous things. This Arena right now were doing things more ridiculous than what Aidle would do is what was on La Veil’s mind, and all she could do is hold her head in confusion. 「Fairy Magic… Just how unrestrained is it」

「I was allowed to see the characteristics of that sword while I was rewriting, and it seems that in this space you should have been invincible, but now I have taken control of it, you can surrender without fighting us from here on you know」

She also knew that Hino was trying to activate his Holy Sword while glaring at Arena.

「…Damn, then I just have to stop it, Release!!」

The sun was then reflected on top of them. Confirming their location, they found themselves on a grassy plain far away from the capital. Then Arena remembered where that location was.

「Haval’s… Prairie?」

「I see, how did he moved to this place in a short amount of time, it must have something to do with that Holy Sword right?」

「Fuun, I was expecting to be thrown from a much further distance, but there were unexpected things that happened… and… well, it’s still fine I guess」

Hino also was in the Area and prepared his weapon. It is now confirmed that he needed to kill the two who knew of his identity now and return. He also decided that Aidle should also be eliminated because of being a part of their party.

「For you people who doesn’t that you can’t defeat a Hero, and still bared their fangs against one. I guess you really wanted to die that much, so I’ll kill all of you here and feed your corpses to the demons… You people are disturbing our work」

There are no other alternatives here than to fight because each side won’t let the other escape. Because both side thought about their victory, the act of escaping is already out in their list.

「Arena, can we do this?」

「Of course, this power was made in order to that」


「………It’s about to begin now, I think… La Veil, I’m counting on you… 」