
It was the night before arrival at our destination. The Usamimi Grandpa name Rubirith came into our tent carrying a bundle of papers. Even though he was also a beastman, his eyes look like that of a panda, and I could also see paint all over the place. G, grandpa, just how many days did you stay up to finish this……

I had Rubirith-san’s body supported and seated down because his feet started wobbling.

「Ooops, you don’t have to work to the point of breaking down, you are not a child anymore so I want you to take care of your body……」

「Sorry, sorry. It’s been a long since I’ve had that much enjoyment. Time passed by so quickly that I didn’t notice. But it’s also thanks to that…… Here」

「………Oooh, Amazing!」

This could even stand toe to toe with paintings that I saw from my previous life. Hou, this is really amazing. The landscape and detail of the surroundings is perfect in every picture, the color and composition is also as accurate as it could get almost like a photograph. It is such a splendid painting from my point of view.

「This is such a splendid art. Grandpa, this will definitely great. Oh, next time, can I ask you to draw a portrait of Forna. I will be decorating it at the entrance of the castle」

「Ooh, I’ll be sure to live long enough to be able to draw it at that time」

I gave the Grandpa 100 gold coins as reward for his efforts. Though he did try to refuse it at first saying it was too much, I was able to force him to receive it. With such a splendid art he created, this amount should be more than legit enough to be received. I won’t accept rejection for the reward.

Although reluctant, the Grandpa properly received his reward.

「You didn’t really have to force such a large amount of money for an old man like me…… It would have been more than enough to have me return to painting. I’ll probably be saving this as insurance for my grandchild to support their future」

「Eh, you have grandchildren? Next time introduce them 」

「That would be a great. It’s a really cute grandchild after all.」

After that, Rubirith-san went away. With this, everything is ready. It was really a surprise to be able to find someone this skillful, and that really helps a lot.

And finally, Aidle arrived on the site.

A prairie that would seem like it would last forever. At the horizon is a vast forest with trees high enough to be viewable on a faraway place.

This is their destination, a new starting point.

「Yup, there is really nothing here」

「That is only natural」

「Fluffy Sta~rt~♪」

Since all the dangerous demons in the surrounding have already been cleaned up by water dolls and Knight Maker in advance, there won’t be anything that could be considered as a threat for now.

Then I asked Forna to group up all the beastmen in a donut form surrounding us. The Idea is that they spread out as if they were surrounding the central plaza of Galania. 

「Eh, okay, but what are we going to do after that, Aidle? 」

「Is there something you want to talk about? 」


「What are planning to do Master」

It is going to be a surprise. When I stood at the center of circle, I lined up the sheets of paper drawn by Rubirith-san which depicts the view of all of Ladaria. 

The rest will be up to me.

「Arena,『S.A.T』 mode」

「Hai~…… yo. I’m ready, Aidle. What will I do? 」

「I want you to be my backup. I might overload as a result of what I do, so I want Arena to support me in decreasing the load. For now place your hand on my shoulders」

When Arena placed her hands on my shoulders, I activated 『Synchronization』 to give her an overview of what is to be done.

「………You are about to do something ridiculous again, Aidle. But I guess I also want to do this too」

「I like the Arena supporting me like this all year round, you know? 」

「I know~♪」

The two people were smiling at each other. There is no need to be nervous. It is already a surprise for Mika and Cielo to see Arena growing up like this, but the thing that I would far surpasses the surprise that they could even imagine probably to the point of them gawking with their jaw almost falling off. And then I expanded fairy magic to everyone and let them hear my voice.

「From this point onward, I want everyone to remember their life at Ldaria that everyone would know. Like a Park where children would play with their friends, a bar where people enjoy and have a happy time with friends. Anything and everything from the daily shops everyone visit and all the places everyone knows」

Aidle then activated Fairy Magic. The image is to combine the thoughts of all the beastmen along with the images from the pictures surrounding her.

And so, one after another, all of Ladaria’s sight flows into Aidle’s head. From the rustling of trees, the lively voices of the people and the smiles shown by everyone living their daily lives. As everything flows into Aidle’s mind, she couldn’t help but shed tears from the vision……

It was certainly a wonderful country, a really wonderful country.

The activated Fairy Magic picks up one picture after another, as thoughts that flow into Aidle combines with the image. Each time an image is selected the picture emits light and continues to increase its brilliance. When the last piece of painting glows, she lifted all of them up.

She carried it as if she was holding a child……

「Now, all these pictures are filled with thoughts and feelings of everyone. Every single memory of everyone is also combined within. I was able to see and feel it without any thought of exhaustion. I could definitely say, Ladaria is such a wonderful country」

Cheers arose from the crowd. They are all filled with feelings of honor knowing that their country was being praised.

「Because of that, I want to give shape to these feelings. I want to make Forna’s dreams a reality, along with everyone’s dreams together. I definitely want to make it happen. That’s why………」

Aidle became a fairy.

Those who are at close to the center were holding their breath as they witnessed the scene. Even though what was happening in front of them was something really absurd, everyone was too stunned to even make a sound.

Aidle carrying all the pictures soars and as she flew around, she drops pictures into the ground.

The Beastmen’s dream, their feelings, their memories…… her Fairy Magic―――― Manifests.

From the first piece of paper, what came out was a gate

「Hey, that’s……The great gate of Ladaria? 」

The second piece was dropped to the place where the center of the city would be found and disappeared. Then it became the shopping square.

「Uwah, hey, look, my house is over there……」

Pictures continued disappearing one after another. And everytime that happened, a senery of Ladaria is made. The beastmen were thinking that they were in a dream. That a fairy is showing them a dream based on their feelings.

However, Aidle had no intension of ending that dream.

(Conceptual Resistance, to think that it would even lessen the burden of my skills, but that is also something to be happy about…… and that really worked well. It seems like my existence has almost been completely removed from the reasoning of the world…)

What Aidle was more concerned about before was the burden of Fairy Magic above everything else. The more it is used, especially on a large scale such as this, the greated the fever and headache she would have to suffer to the point of losing consciousness. It was really a good thing that the burden of Fairy Magic was greatly reduce because because of acquiring Conceptual Resistance. With this Aidle was able to to use Fairy Magic with almost no burden and as if in the same state as the Transformed Arena.

Even so, the burden because of the result of the absurd use of Fairy Magic could not be completely removed. The pain received on her head is also starting to accelerate as she continued, but such things can be endured through sheer will and belief. That’s why Aidle continued dropping the paintings. 

The cityscapes didn’t go away no matter how long time passed. And more than that, it only continued to increase as time goes on.

And finally…… The last piece symbolizing Ladaria itself

「Castle…… my, my home………」

Forna covers her mouth as tears flooded her eyes. It was the place where she already gave up returning to. Other beastmen were aslo shedding tears. Because right now, the dream town where everyone dreamed of returning to for many years that passed is right before their eyes.

Completed, perfected

Aidle who finished creating everything then fell from the sky. She was already unconscious, and Arena caught her gently then wrapped her in her arms. Using Fairy Magic, she triggered her Humanization skill. Then she gently brushed her friends cheek that was sleeping in her embrace.

「Seriously Aidle…… I’m really proud and happy for my best friend」

From that thay, the country that has once disappeared have finally returned. At the same time, that event will forever be remembered in history. The new Kingdom of Ladaria was known that day as 『The Sleeping Utopia』 and 『The Miracle of Fairies』……

「Ah, Aidle was really far out of the norm」

「……Mika, I received a new revelation. They are asking for my help」

「……Eh? 」

「Come on, we must hurry. Time is running out」

「Eh, wait, Cielo~?」