

Good morning, it’s Forna desu. Starting today, Aidle’s 『Buーt Kampu? 』 will begin. I was told to come to the gate without carrying anything, but I don’t know why、

「Aidleー…… what is that?」

「Just following the mood」


For some reason, she was wearing patterned clothes with dark colors. It felt like it would be suitable when hiding in the forest. Arena was also saluting next to her. Is that some kind of uniform?

I’m wearing adventurer-style cloths and armor that is easy to move in which was prepared by Meru, but I wonder if I should also wear something like that?

「You don’t have to be worried. If something comes up, then we could easily return using fairy magic」

「Well then my friend, let’s move out~」

「Move outー♪」


La Veil was the only one dressed in a white robe and red dress as usual. I was thinking that she looks like she belongs in a separate group……

「Now then Forna. The work in the castle has been left to Meru for now, and we will be away for a whole month to train starting today, but are you prepared? 」

「Un!! I’ll do it no matter how hard it will be!!」

「Good, then let’s go. La Veil, transform」


With that said, La Veil transformed into a red dragon big enough for the 3 of us to ride. It would be troublesome if she transformed in her original form and be discovered by Cielo. We then moved to a nearby forest.

On the way, Forna suddenly pulled my clothes,

「Um, do we have a plan to follow in order for me to become strong?」

「Nn? It’s simple. Forna just have to level up killing immobilized monsters, then after defeating them, you will have a mock battle with us. I, La Veil and Arena have different fighting styles so you will be having mock battles with us. Of course it will be harsh and painful, but you have to endure it, okay? 」


After hearing the contents of the training, Forna was a bit upset. Un, sorry. I don’t want to be strict and hash to a little girl like her, but if I don’t something like this, it will be very difficult for her to defeat Ojas.

Forna(8) Lv.1

Race:Fox Beastman

HP 60/60

MP 8/8

ATK       15

DEF       10

MATK    17

MDEF    18

INT       760

SPD      22

【Inherent Skill】Fox Fire


Her current status other than INT is lower than a goblin…… Even though she’s a beastman, it couldn’t be helped because she’s still young. If it’s like this, she won’t be able to wing it by only using simple means. I have to be thorough doing this even if she sees me as a demon.

Speaking of which, her inherent skill『Fox Fire』 is something that is unique to her race.

・Fox Fire

『A Unique skill possessed by Fox Beastmen. A type of fire attribute magic where it’s effects depends on the average status of the individual. Because it is a magic that is manipulated using image, chanting is not required to activate the skill』

I was thinking that this would become a trump card, although it’s limited to fire attribute effects, it is quite similar to Fairy Magic. I’m thinking of training her with this skill as her main arsenal.

「Alright, we have arrived. Do your best, Forna」

「U, un…… where is this?」

After travelling for a while, they went down in the depths of a dark forest. Above us were nests made out of small trees and a collection of branches glued together by some unknown material. And then Aidle mentions to Forna about the place without a sense of danger.

「This should be a good place, under a Wyverns Nest」



Right then several high pitched screeches from wyverns flooded the area. Forna immediately pulled out her sword while trembling, while Aidle on the other hand was spinning a glowing halo in her finger. La Veil was cuddling with Arena, and Arena was rubbing her sleepy eyes.

「Wha, why isn’t there any tension to everyone!?」

「Well, we would feel so if they were at least stronger than a hero」

「That’s just……」

While they were talking to each other, the wyverns attacked all at once. Right then the Halo on Aidle’s finger shoot out and were split into many glowing rings that immediately captured all of the approaching wyverns. The wyverns that were suddenly immobilized crashed into the ground head first. There were unfortunate ones who broke their necks and died as is while others lost consciousness from the impact.

A wyvern that fell in front of Forna had its eyes rolled back fainted became her first target.

「Yosh, Forna, Attack」


She cried. For a little girl like her who have never experienced a direct confrontation, it wouldn’t have been a surprise if she fainted. However she was able to endure it, showing that Forna is more courageous than a normal child her age、

「Forna, with your current status you won’t be able to damage it’s scales, that why I suggest that you aim for the eyes, stabbing there until it dies」

Aidle was like a demon.

「Ufufu…… so this is how it feels like when stabbing it’s eyes……fufu. The sound of its screams every time I do so is still lingering…… guuu」

「Ahー……sorry? I know that doing this all of a sudden is terrible, but you need to do it in order to build up resistance early on the training」

「Forna, you did your best~」

「Uu…… Arena~」

Watching Forna cry as she struggles to cling to her sanity while hugging Arena also puts a pain to my chest, even though I feel guilty about it I still have to continue. I’ll let Arena handle the metal care for the time being, but I wonder if my value will also start to drop as we continue this. Well, maybe I could also let her ask for a reward when all of this ends or something……

「And so, how much did it rise this time?」

「Ummm…… it’s now 80. So, so high in just a small amount of time」

「Well the level of wyverns should be around 70-90 in this area. Well, that alone won’t be enough to match up Ojas who can probably win against those monsters」

That’s why, even if it’s the current Forna, it would still not be enough to beat Ojas on her own. Forna finally started to gain confidence after knowing that her level has increased, she then wipes her tears and stood up.

「I will do it. I don’t know how much I could improve, but I have decided on this. I also don’t want to just rely on Aidle in solving this」

「Good, that’s the spirit Forna. If it’s you right now then you will be able to defeat even a demon lord」


「Well then, should we go dragon hunting next」


Why are pale faced now, but we will still do it, you know?

The day ended after fighting one dragon. Forna’s spirit was not that down when she were faced with a dragon, but she finally reached her limit when she did her best finishing off the dragon by stabbing it’s eyes until it dies…… right now, she’s resting on Arena’s Lap Pillow.

「Wow, I can’t believe that I would level up from 1 to 100 in just a day should be a good result. Our schedule for tomorrow will be mock battles in order for me to get used to my improved status, right?  I will do my forge both my body and spirit」

「That’s right. I will be reporting to Meru today, so can I leave dinner preparations to everyone? 」

「Leave it to me. I want to learn a lot of things」

I then moved to the stone that was synchronized with my space magic. I arrived in an office. Meru immediately caught me and shook me as he asks about the results of the training.

「Aidle-sama! Is Forna-sama alright!?」

「It’s~all~right~she~is currently~fine~~」

Meru is strong as expected. The moment he caught me, I was shaken with tremendous momentum. After letting go, I briefly explained what happened during the day. While listening, it couldn’t be help for him to be concerned and he was also shocked as I continued. You really cared for her……

「I sincerely apologize for the trouble. I will do my best managing the kingdom in Forna-sama’s absence. Aidle-sama, I leave Forna-sama in your care」

「Un, leave it to me and you don’t have to worry about anything. Also, don’t do anything unreasonable」

After that, I returned and was greeted by a good smell emanating from a pot. It seems like La Veil finished dinner preparations just as I arrive. Tonight’s dinner will be Wyvern Hot Pot.

It’s kind of surreal seeing La Veil, a dragon cooking other dragons even if they are of a different classification……

「Ah, you came back Aidle. Was Meru worried about me?」

「He was indeed, however he also fully respected Forna’s decision. He’s a really good person」

In my previous life, there has never been a person who trusted me like that with all of their heart. Forna who understands this was a bit embarrassed, but was also proud about it.

「Now then, because it will be mock battles for a whole day tomorrow, and you will be moving a lot. That’s why eat your fill up and sleep well」


「Forna, it’s already night time so be quiet down for a bit」

「……Uuu, I’m sorry… fufufu」

The 4 people laughed as they enjoy a quiet meal.

Forna’s Current Status……

Forna(8) Lv.100

Race:Fox Beastman

HP 710/710

MP 707/707

ATK       431

DEF       299

MATK      721

MDEF      655

INT         760

SPD        578

【Inherent Skill】Fox Fire




「Now, fightー」


「Don’t overdo it, okayー」

「Fuwaaa~so good~♪」

「Uuuh, I can’t move. I have only been sitting a lot recently」



After the meal, they did a bit of muscle training and massage then fell asleep.