TL:         Yuki


「La Veil, transfor and protect everyone 『Synchronization』. I altered it with fairy magic to make it last as long as possible. I also scattered fire attribute elements in the air as finely as possible 10m in front of the children. Can I leave it you? 」

『Leave it to me』

Arena nodded and moved next to Cielo. Cielo was still in fear and despair, with her voice trembling with fear at the center of the children.


「A……a, Arena. I, I am……」

「It’s alright. I want Cielo to be the emotional support of the children. There is too much murderous intent spread around here. Aidle is still preventing it from penetrating the water barrier, but even a small amount of that would affect the children. For now, can you help me reassure them?」

「Y, Yes!」

Arena smiled at Cielo in order to encourage her, and slowly she watched as determination springs forth in her eyes.

「Everyone, it’s absolutely going to be alright. We already went through a place that could already be called hell once. Compared to that, they are just dark unpleasant monsters coming to attack. That why don’t be scared. I want everyone to support Aidle by praying for her victory」

The children turn towards Arena. A sense of relief finally surpasses the fear they have felt, and the cloudy words they listened to have become clearer. After all, the smile of Arena gives vitality to all living beings.

「We fairies love people’s smiles more than anything else. And if those people do their best in hoping succeed, we will also do our best. That’s why everyone, pray……?」

Soon enough, 1 by one, they put their hands together and started to pray. For those who helped them, for those who protected those, for those have guided them to reach this point. Cielo also joined. No one is scared anymore.

「Thank you……」

「Mika! Are you alright!?」

「Ugh, it’s grotesque and unpleasant and when I split them, they let out a strange unnerving odor, still I am alright!!」

Although her face is distorted, Mika continued extinguishing monsters with her Hold Sword with high tension. Her body was now moving more unconsciously fluid because she knew she had a lot of power up now, although she still seemed a little unstable that she doesn’t know when she would collapse.

「Alright, then here’s a gift for you」

At that moment, Arena used Fairy Magic on her. Soon after, Mika’s thoughts became clear compared to how messed up before and her face returned to sanity. Arena gifted her the skill 『Mental Tolerance』.

「Wait, just how versatile is that magic!?」

「It’s only temporary. But even with that, it should be more than enough to help you in clearing them out! I’ll follow up with support but only you could truly defeat them!!」

「I will the best I could, so leave it to me!!」

Mika, finally getting some momentum continued extinguishing the enemy with a single strike of her sword. Arena also helped with the support fire shooting enemies with burning blades, cutting arms and legs of the enemy while hindering their regeneration. And compared to the endless scorpions rush, they have more leeway to continue. If it’s only of that amount, then it won’t be long before they could clear them up.

She only had one concern though. That is, if THAT came to help

「I’ll give you a great big hug when you are done, so definitely do your best, Aidle」

La Veil beyond the corridor that La Veil was blocking was an exchange combat of two sword fighters. It was a battle between two beings that have transcended beyond the framework of what would be considered normal. Even with La Veil’s 『Synchronization』she could barely follow the fight between Aidle and the armor.

Nameless Lv.500

Race: Ancient Armor(Awakened+)

True Holy Armor (Curse), Insanity (Status ×1000)

HP 60,000,000/60,000,000

MP 0/0

ATK   50,800,000

DEF   60,000,000


MDEF  89,000,000

INT  7000

SPD   100,000,000

【Unique Skills】Insanity(Curse), Grant Undead, True Holy Armor(Curse)

Skills: Madness (S)Sword Arts(SS+)Shield Arts(SS+)

[TL Note: The effect of Insanity is not displayed on stats on the armor’s making the difference in stats look big]

Aidleー(3) Lv.1065

Unique Race: Dimension Fairy(Awakened+)

・Status Altered by Fairy Magic・

HP 10,550,350/10,550,350

MP 42,639,989/42,639,989

ATK   300,100,035,472(+300 Billion)

DEF   200,100,046,981(+200 Billion)

MATK  75,051,000,911(-300 Billion)

MDEF  167,078,665,400(-200 Billion)

INT  7100

SPD  99,700,291,000

【Inherent Skills】Fairy Magic, Fairy Eyes, Manifestation Dependency, Conceptual Resistance, Holy Sword (Stage 1)

Skills: Singing(S)Sword Arts(SS+)Humanization(S+)Four Attribute Magic(EX)Adjustment(S+)Concealment(S+)

Subordinate Contract(―)Parallel Thought(B-)

Titles: Dragon Killer, Master of Ancient Dragon, Rebel, Battle Master


「Oh, Oops, ei~~ッ!!? Tsk, why is it so fast, it’s annoying!!」

Our sword techniques are on equal terms, however my speed can’t catch up, not to mention that it was ridiculously skilled. It’s probably the difference between our combat experiences.

At first, I used Holy Attribute from 『Holy Sword』 to attack, but it didn’t really do anything because the enemy in question is a former Holy Armor, and the fact that this doesn’t affect it at all also makes me quite annoyed.

「However, there are many ways to tilt the engagement! Now, Fairy Magic!!」


It was not a direct attack using fairy magic. Fairy Magic will have little effect on opponents that on the same threat level as the user. That’s why,

(Turn the Floor into a quagmire!)

The next moment, the surrounding floor was transformed into a quagmire. Both our movements were restricted, but 『Teleport behind it』



I quickly transferred location using『Space Magic』 and『Fairy Magic』 then targeted the opponent’s leg with a powerful strike. But,




「Oops, guh!」

What ridiculous hardness, even with the huge difference in power, it barely dented the armor and didn’t even get blasted away. This, did it concentrate its power in that area. Uuuuw, my hands are slightly numb from the feedback.

The armor didn’t let that opportunity pass and sent a counter blow a thousand times faster than Genkaku’s Iai, however I was barely able to escape and transfer at the last minute. I returned to the position where I came from but the Armor did not move and was only looking at me from where it was. It didn’t even pursue me.

If it was dented, that was more than enough evidence that it worked, so I continued the assault making short jumps and transfers aiming at its blind spots,

「Does this thing possess a sixth sense even though it’s just a lump of armor!!?」

Despite my assault moving all over the place aiming at blind spots, I was always received by a strong counter attack as if I was being followed. What’s more ridiculous is that despite its bulky body, it was more than flexible enough to attack me even in the most ridiculous position.

It tried to overwhelm me with speed perceiving my every assault however I was still much faster taking advantage of short transfers which making its attacks unable to hit, though my attacks on the other hand barely damaged it. If any of its attack connects and hit me, I might seriously die from the sheer difference in power.

「Haaah………can’t be helped. I guess I can’t just wing this and win with at least gambling for a bit……」

I don’t mind risking my life in these situations. I want it to be decided in a single strike. However if this fails, it would definitely be instant death for me.

If it was me from my previous life, I probably wouldn’t mind either way since I have nothing to lose……but now.

「Right now, I have Arena and everyone so I won’t easily give up my life. And……right now, I’m not even a human anymore」

I don’t see myself as a normal human anymore. I will show you what a fight with Aidle the fairy is like in her original form.


For some reason the sword, I am using also shrunk along with my size. It transformed in the right size so I didn’t need to use 『Fairy Magic』 to transform it.

(The image will be godspeed, and sword of destruction, a sword for exorcism, and a wish to save everyone………?)

This time, it was the Ancient Armor rushing towards me. The Mud Floor was completely ignored. Even though it feels like everything is moving, in truth not even a second has yet ticked, but as I observed the situation,

I could hear it, their wish, their prayers.

On the other side of where La Veil was, I could hear their voices, cute voices small voices.

(………My exhaustion is disappearing)

I could feel the tiredness and headache disappearing from my body. Oooh, I remember this feeling. This sensation is similar to what happened at a concert I did in Haval, the same way at tournament of the royal capital. It was a time when everyone was smiling as they prayed.

The sword of the Ancient Armor approaches me, aiming for the kill. It was definitely its strongest strike and fastest sweep so far. However, even that speed became 『Slow』 on my current disposition.

I could have warded off the sword that was filled with evil energy if I want to. But this time I instead, I countered with a powerful slash instead.

Aidleー(3) Lv.1065

Unique Race: Dimension Fairy(Awakened+)

・Status Altered by Fairy Magic・

HP 10,550,350/10,550,350

MP 42,639,989 /42,639,989

ATK   100,100,035,472(+100 Billion)

DEF   100,046,981

MATK  75,051,000,911(-300 Billion)

MDEF  67,078,665,400(-300 Billion)

INT  7100

SPD  599,700,291,000(+500 Billion)

At this point I didn’t really need that much physical attack, so I decided to just put enough to damage it and the rest was dropped on speed. I realized I only need one proper hit. Whether it can be done depends on how I deliver it. I didn’t really know the reason why but I just feel like I need to do it. That’s why,


「There is no need for me to transfer anymore!!」

I ignored the approaching sword and strike with my sword enchanted with 『Penetrate』. My sword flashed through with strings of wind spiraling as it went straight to its target, and with all my concentration thinking 『Pierce through the Ancient Armor』 I delivered the blow.


A shining trail of light went through the armor in a flash. After the flash though, no visible damage was seen in the armor. What I actually aimed at was not the armor itself but 『Curse』 attached to it. The armor struggled to stop me the moment it probably felt my intent, but it was not able to stop me.

Soon after, the darkness covering the armor dispersed with intense momentum. However, it did try to struggle to attached itself back, but all it did was painted the armor it’s color.


After a loud roar, the armor was covered by intense light and all the dark energy wrapping it was completely dispelled……


It seems like I have successfully defeated it and the other side also finished their part so a notification of Level Up was heard. I was then assaulted by an intense headache, but I did my best to everyone……I also humanized along the way back. Because of the battle this time being far more intense than the fight with the scorpions, I’m literally dead tired……

A moment later, I also heard the sound of the armor collapsing. It was a white armor similar to what the Hero I have faced was wearing. Can it be equipped though? The corridor also returned to the beautiful mansion area.

『La Veil……It’s over』

『Umu. That dense murderous miasma also disappearedAre you alright, Master? 』

『As you can see, I al almost at the verge of dying from fatigue, but I’m fine. What about everyone?』

『The heck is with that reply……well anyway, Mika and Arena did their best and succeeded in annihilating their enemies. I’ll open up this side now, just a sec』

When La Veil returned to her Human Form opening a path, the kids immediately made a mad dash towards me. Arena was also flying following the kids from behind. Cielo and Mika were both hugging each other crying but with a relieved smile on their faces.

「「「Onee-chan, are you alright!?」」」

「Oooh…yeah, I’m alright, just a little tired. We have defeated the monsters so everything should be alright now」

Probably feeling relieved from my words, the children sat down again surrounding me.

Arena squeezes herself from the children and hugged me. Ahhh, finally my healing has arrived.

「Thank you for the hard work Aidleー……」

「Arena, you……did you guide the children to pray for me?」

「Un, I thought that it would definitely help Aidle even a little. Did you receive it? 」

「Of course……I properly received it」

If it wasn’t for that, there would have been a big chance that I would have lost my concentration. Anyway, I’m really sleepy.

「It’s alright if I take a little nap, right?」

「Un, I’ll take a little rest as well, so take a good rest, okay?」

「Then I’ll let myself be spoiled by your words………」

Arena PoV:

Aidle slowly slept in my arms, after hugging and carrying her like a little princess I called out Maurice. Probably because of continuing to absorb her magic power whenever we sleep, Maurice have grown bigger.

「Maurice. Can you spread out with enough to become a bed for everyone to sleep? 」

After quivering as confirmation, it stretched its body wide enough to reach the walls of the hallway. I then instructed everyone to us Maurice as a bed and sleep. Everyone should rest after all or at least have a little nap thinking about the battles that we’ve just faced.

Everyone started dozing off as they place themselves on Maurice. Only Aidle was sleeping in my arms and I spent my time watching over everyone while being alert enough to move if necessary. Well, what I really wanted was to watch the sleeping face of my cute best friend though all for myself……


