Chapter 18 Fierce Battle Part 1

Name:Is this really a Game?! Author:
Reign and Shadow were no strangers to group battles, during their days in the gang they frequently fought in huge fights, many times going at one person together, the situation right now is one they were incredibly familiar with.

They both run at the kobold, Reign goes a little faster as their plan was always the same, with his bigger physique he was always the one to start the fight while Shadow would attack from the side or behind the enemy.

Reign arrives, his sword already coated in a little bit of electricity, it was harder to pour as much as in the knives as it was bigger. The kobold blocks his attack.

"Good, Shadow will be able to end him now that he is shocked!" Thought Reign.


The kobold's long tail lashes at the nearby Shadow, making him step back. It wasn't shocked, its scales were able to nullify the small amount of electricity Reigns' sword had.

"Shit!" Curses Shadow as he looks at the kobold, it felt a sharp wind when the tail passed in front of him, had it landed he would have been injured quite badly.

The kobold moves his sword and brings Reigns to the side, with a swift slash he tries to hit Reigns neck.


With all of his, strength Reign manages to meet his attack with the sword, that was not the end, however. A flurry of slashes was suddenly thrown at Reign, a slash to his body, a stab to his heart, shoulder, all of these attacks made it impossible to attack and he was thrown on the defensive, giving it his best do block.

Shadow throws one of his knives at the kobold, hoping it would give his friend a chance of attacking again but it was blocked by the tail. The kobold had a calm face, like veteran schooling the trainees.

On the other side, Tank was doing a good job alone against his opponent. The kobold was a bit smaller than him but faster, giving it it's all it stabs with its spear but with no luck, Tank huge shield was big and sturdy enough to block all of them. Slowly Tank moves towards the kobold as it continues its attack in desperation, finally being in range he slams down with his mace but the kobold dodges before attacking his open side.


Lifting up his mace he manages to deflect the kobolds attack but in doing so he uncovers his other side. Using the momentum from Tank's attack the kobold spins and delivers a strong attack with his tail on Tank's side. Tank staggers a bit but recollects himself shortly. He was physically the strongest out of everyone here, and the kobold was the weakest of his group, the attack hurt, it hurt like hell and almost cracked a rib but that was it. He recollects himself and puts his shield in front of him. With a slow pace, he moves towards the kobold, this time being more patient and collected.

Lastly, Wolf was in a bad position.

Clang Clang Clang

The kobold was strong, incredibly strong. His skills with the spear were far above those of the other kobold. A flurry of stabs and whips were thrown at Wolf who had luckily made his sword lighter in advance. The huge sword was a tad bit shorter than the spear but it was enough, using his experience Wolf was able to calculate how and where the kobold would attack, unfortunately, his unfamiliarity with the greatsword didn't allow him to exert all of his skills.

"I guess it doesn't matter, if I was using dagger then the reach advantage he has would be huge, I'll just bide my time and hope Beast can annoy him a bit with his arrows."

Wolf had shallow cuts over some parts of his body, even though he could see the attacks in advance, he could not block all of them, his opponent was still fine though, and continued to attack relentlessly.

Clang Clang

Reign was fighting his opponent with everything he had, during the battle he even managed to attack a couple of times after finally getting used to his opponent. Both of them didn't let up and gave it their best with the sword, from time to time Shadow would jump out from nearby shadows and attack the kobold, most of the time it would fail, but a couple of times he managed to hit his opponent, the last hit managed to even wound its tail.

[Lighting movement]

Reign finally uses his skill, with the boost he gained he was finally able to respond faster to his opponent's attacks. The electricity on his sword was barely there, some sparks would show up from time to time but the amount was a lot smaller compared to before.

​ "I only have 1 chance of landing this, if I do it I'm certain that we can win, only need a bit more time."

During the fight Reign realized that they could not win like this, their opponent was much more experienced than them, every attack they tried was futile and for every wound, they managed to give it, they got 3. With all of that in mind, Reign tried doing something he practiced a bit in his room, it was dangerous and had a chance of not working, but it was the only way he saw of winning the fight.


Reign sees the attack coming, it was a stab coming straight to his left eye. Moving forward he ducks and moves his head to his right, the sword passes by, leaving a cut on his left cheek. Holding his sword with both hands Reign shouts and its tip suddenly discharges a huge amount of electricity. All this time he was focusing on that, by controlling his ability he moved it all there, making the stab incredibly strong. With a blue flash, his sword goes forward, the blue arcs dancing upon it and blinding everything around. With a loud buzzing sound it arrives at the kobold's chest and pierces through it.


Reigns face was struck with a fist, seeing it could not dodge the kobold decided to at least die with the opponent. It seizes Reign's neck right after hitting him and squeezes it with all his might.


Reign tries breathing but he couldn't. Strange sounds come out from his now bloody mouth, he frantically tries to pull out his sword but the kobold holds it firmly with his other hand that is now devoid of a sword. Blood flows through between its finger but it does not let go, it knew that this was the only chance it had to kill its opponent.


Shadow jumps out and lunges at the kobold who swipes his tail at him. He manages to throw a knife before getting hit, the knife hits the kobold in his left shoulder, making him flinch and let go of the sword for a second.


Reign was passing out when he suddenly heard the ring of the notification, without even thinking about it he just pulls with his right hand and manages to take his sword out of the kobold's chest.

The kobold tries to use his left arm to grab the sword again but suddenly freezes. Looking ahead he could no longer see his target, only boundless light, and eternal darkness. Without a scream, without a shout, the kobold only stares in wonder, the sight in front of him something it could not comprehend, where was his opponent, was he swallowed by the sight in front of him?

It looks around and finally sees it. Boundless light and eternal darkness? No, that wasn't it, looking at the sides they looked more like …


That was the last thought the kobold had before dying. With a fury Reign stabs its neck with its swords before drawing it back to the side, making the kobolds head dangle on the side by the little skin it had left.