Chapter 48 Ogre Hunting

Name:Is this really a Game?! Author:

The hunter gnoll lunges desperately with his spear, his body already covered in wounds and blood. Reign simply stands calmly while the spear approaches, just as it got near to his face he ducks to the side and swings his sword, cutting the gnoll stomach open and spilling his intestines.

[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

-Lvl 10 Gnoll killed, 180exp gained

-Lvl 10 Gnoll killed, 180exp gained

-Lvl 11 Gnoll Hunter killed, 240exp gained

-Lvl 11 Gnoll Warrior killed, 240exp gained

[The players have earner 840exp and 50S coins, distributing …]

[The player has earned 168exp and 10S coins.]

"Just this small group was able to get us so much exp, going deeper inside is definitely a good choice," Wolf says while looking at the battle notification in front of him.

"Seems like the exp gained from monsters greatly increases from lvl10, well that's a given, considering how much stronger they get." Reign simply scratches the back of his head while telling so.

"So, are we going to continue forward, if we do we'll get a ton of exp from the battles," Shadow happily says, sheathing his daggers at his waist.

"Well as long as we do everything in a controlled and smart fashion." Beast goes to move his glasses up, forgetting that he no longer wears them.

"Still not used to your eyes being fine ay Brainy?" Tank puts his hand on Beast's shoulder as he asks.

"I-it's a bit weird, not having my glasses on and seeing well, I think I'm going to get some with normal glass, just to have them on," Beasts sighs while saying, when they got a class their bodies underwent a kind of evolution, any kind of defect was immediately cured, bad eyesight included.

"Well, whatever floats your boat I guess, now let's go, we should aim to level up at least once today." Reign turns around and walks deeper inside the forest, everyone following after him.

Moving through the forest they encountered several groups of monsters, 2 of which they fought, the two groups were also on the smaller part, one having 5 hobgoblins, a new variant of the hobgoblins was there, a hobgoblin lieutenant, his strength was between that of a captain and normal hobgoblin.

The other group they fought was also a familiar one, kobolds. There were 6 kobolds in it and they managed to give them some trouble, compared to hobgoblins the kobolds were definitely stronger at the same level, the exp they gave was also a bit higher.

They also managed to come across a fight happening between two bigger groups, a group of 17 iron boars, lead by a level 18 elite was fighting against more than 20 orcs. The orcs were having a slight advantage with their superior numbers, Reign and the others thought of ambushing the winner of the fight, but after seeing the battle between the elite boar and the orc chief they quickly dispelled the notion, just fighting against one of them would prove to be incredibly difficult, not to mention them and a couple of other monsters.

Something horrifying happened afterward, while they were moving away from the battlefield they came across a small clearing. Everyone had the thought of just crossing over it before both Wolf and Beast stopped, Beasts felt a life force underneath the clearing while Wolf's instinct was flaring up, warning him that danger was in front of them.

Sensing a couple more life forces moving towards the clearing Beast quickly told them while hiding himself. Everyone followed his example and simply observed the clearing, waiting to see what exactly would happen when the approaching monsters came there.

There were 4 monsters in the approaching group, all 4 were kobolds and at a high level as well, the weakest amongst them was a level 15.

As they came to the clearing they inspected their surroundings and relaxed before sitting down to rest a bit. As they saw the sight in front of them everyone was a bit confused at what was happening, everyone except Wolf who was getting a worse feeling every passing second, he knew something was going to happen soon. And happen it would.

The earth suddenly exploded as a huge lizard came out, immediately attacking the kobolds the lizard managed to kill one immediately after coming out, crushing it with his claws. The 2.2-meter tall lizard then immediately turned around and used its tail to hit another kobold, smashing apart the arms which were held up to block the attack, the tail continued on, hitting the poor kobold's chest, launching him at a nearby tree.


The kobold hits the tree and falls down, no longer moving. The other two kobolds try to run away but quickly get chased by the lizard who makes quick work of them.

[Lvl 20 Field Boss, Earth Lizard ]


Everyone sharply inhales at the sight, the kobolds were not weak by any standards and it was a question if they could defeat them in a frontal fight, but against this boss, they were as vulnerable as toddlers, not even managing to wound him before getting killed.

"I think we should back away take a long detour around this place." Reign proposes while smiling nervously.

"Yup, let's go, let's go." Shadow quickly nods in agreement and starts moving back, the others slowly do the same, afraid that the boss might see hear them and give chase, that luckily does not happen and they managed to get away safely.

"That thing was terrifying, will we really be able to defeat something like that when we get to level 20?" Shadow breathes in and out rapidly as his heart was beating like crazy, seeing that monster made him remember the first time they ran across a field boss.

"Probably not, it's labeled as a field boss, we probably need more people at a similar level to defeat something like that, although it does depend on how much stronger we become in the meantime." Wolf answers to Shadow, he had no confidence in fighting something like that right now, he knew it would spell certain death.

"If that thing is so strong, then I wonder how strong the wolf that came to the castle a couple of days was, not to mention the vice-captain, he actually defeated something like that in one hit," Reign says while further consolidating his thoughts on having Jack teach him about swordsmanship, even though he had a trainer there was nothing that said he couldn't have more right?

Slowly walking they made sure to go around the clearing, going a bit deeper they heard sounds of fighting nearby, looking at each other they nod and make their way there.

The closer they got the louder the sounds were, getting to the scene of the fight they saw an ogre fighting a group of wolves, well fighting was an overstatement, the ogre was smashing the wolves apart with his giant wooden club that he was using, whenever a wolf would successfully jump on him to bite him he would simply grab it with his other hand before smashing it at the ground and the nearby trees.

[Lvl15 Ogre ]

Strength : 3?

Agility : 2?

Endurance : 32

Vitality : 2?

Willpower : ?

Spirit : ?

Looking at the stats Reign and the others talk to one another.

"Should we try, its stats are quite high," Beast looks worriedly at everyone, the ogre was strong, stronger than any monster they had faced before.

"He definitely is strong but he's busy with the wolves, if we wait until the end of the battle and then quickly attack him we should be able to do quite a bit of damage, our victory should be only a matter of time then." Wolf quickly analyzes the situation before telling everyone the battle plan, hearing him everybody became more certain that they could win.

"Alright, let's follow Wolf's plan then." Reign nods in agreement and goes to his place in the ambush, everyone does the same before crouching down and continuing to watch them fight in front of them.

The ogre didn't have any difficulties with the wolves, after a couple of minutes and dead wolves the survivor's whimper before fleeing the area, passing underneath Reign and the others who were high up on the trees.

Grabbing a carcass with his hand the ogre starts eating it raw while going to a nearby tree to lean against. Tank looks down at the ogre who was right below him, looking at the others and seeing them nod he squats down before jumping high in the air.

Tanks movement alerts the ogre who looks up to check but only sees the branches and leaves of the tree, no signs of any enemies. Before he could relax again and continue eating he hears a sharp piercing sound from his sides, an arrow, and two daggers were coming his way.

The arrow gave him a more dangerous feeling so he was ready to smash it with his club, as for the daggers he simply flexes his left hand gets prepared to deflect them with it.

As they get near he does exactly that, the arrow gets smashed down while the daggers get deflected, but as the arrow gets hit it explodes, catching the ogre by surprise while feeling pain at his left side, looking down he sees four black blades in him, the wound was only superficial though but it managed to enrage the ogre before it could find the perpetrators he looks up as a shadow was cast at him.

Tank was already close to him, his body shining like copper as he smashes down on the ogres head.


The ogre didn't have enough time to dodge or block so he takes the full brunt of the Wrecking Ball and bents down, his head almost touching the ground. Wolf and Reign appear at his sides and immediately slash at his legs, trying to immobilize him immediately at the start, lowering the danger he posed by a lot.


Both of their hit connect, Reigns sword cuts through the muscles and tendons with ease while Wolf's half cuts and half breaks the leg.

"Arghhh!" The ogre cries out in pain as his legs get cut open, falling down he tries to hold himself with his hand but fails as Tank immediately uses his axe to smash at it.

Arrows and daggers continuously arrive and stab inside the ogre's body while Reign and Wolf cut apart his legs to make sure he can't fight against them, Tank was the only one that was in slight danger as the ogre managed to swing his arms at him a couple of times, making him slide back every time.

"Let's end this!" Reign shouts as both he and Wolf jump at the ogre's head, lightning and flames burst out as the head of the ogre gets smashed apart under their might.